The report defines the stages of such a faith crisis from a true believing member, through a catalyst and traumatization, and then either through a traumatized disbeliever and ex-mormon or a nuanced believer and then secular participant.
Tag Archives: mormonism
(Page 7)Personal Mormon Faith Crisis Report – Research Summary
This report studies a faith crisis in detail along with an actual research survey of members who have left the church due to faith crisis and these respondents’ demographics such as age, gender, education level, household income, and church callings held as well as the primary reasons why the member left.
Personal Mormon Faith Crisis Report – Introduction and Overview
The Personal Faith Crisis Report was presented to Elder Uchtdorf in 2013 by Elder Jensen so leaders could better understand what is happening and take appropriate measures to address members leaving the church as a result of a faith crisis. The gospel topic essays were part of the response to this study by the church.
Evolution vs Mormon Truth Claims from Joseph Fielding Smith
Joseph Fielding Smith was the 10th president of the church, the son of Joseph F Smith, the 6th president of the church, and the grandson of Hyrum Smith. He returned from his mission to England in 1901, and began to work in the Churcvh History offices and was later called to the quorum of the …
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Jean Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Jean was impressed with the ‘true religion’ as taught by the missionaries and joined the church with her young family. After serving faithfully for a long time and even serving a senior mission to South Africa, she collected a few issues onto her shelf. She questioned why she and the other missionaries weren’t better protected …
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The Nauvoo Expositor And More Lies From Joseph Smith
What was the Nauvoo Expositor? The Nauvoo Expositor was a four-page newspaper that only printed one issue. It reportedly printed so many vicious lies and slander about Joseph Smith that the prophet of the restoration had the printing press destroyed in retaliation or as the church claims to avoid violence. Somewhat ironic that they destroyed …
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Dominant Narrative of Church is Not True
Prominent LDS historian Richard Bushman and famed author of Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling notes, “I think that for the Church to remain strong, it has to reconstruct its narrative. The dominant narrative is not true; it can’t be sustained. The Church has to absorb all this new information or it will be on very shaky grounds …
Aaron Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Aaron faithfully dug in deep to explain away the anti-mormon lies he was exposed to. The more he studied, the more problems he found until he realized the anti-mormons were the ones being honest and sharing the true history with evidence, not the church to which he’d dedicated his whole life to. This sent him …
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Rodney Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Rodney collected issues onto his shelf while serving in his calling. Eventually, when looking into the origins of the Book of Mormon he found some answers which helped him answer everything on his shelf. The issues were all red flags he’d come across that he couldn’t figure out, but once you see the reality, the …
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Richard Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Richard had doubts, but still felt the obligation to serve a mission. Once he was there he realized the doubts needed attention and he needed to reevaluate his testimony so he returned early from his mission. He discovered the doubts had merit and they were only the tip of the iceberg! All the puzzle pieces …
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Francis Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
The mormon church has hidden the truth and misrepresented church leaders like Joseph Smith while also pressuring members to promise allegiances to the church in the temple. Francis saw leaving the church as a repentant course correction towards a more authentic life! “Throughout the half century of my church membership, officers of the Corporation of …
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Abbreviated Mormons
What type of Mormon are youWhat do you call your brand If the name is too long-winded It will be written in shorthand Mos. stood for MormonsUntil we were notifiedThe name was a trick of SatanThat Rusty Nelson rectified Ortho-Mos. are orthodox Mormons They believe what the prophets have saidAnd when the prophets do conflict They abandon the ones …
The Mormon Church Now Discourages Mormonism
The church that is traditionally known as the mormon church, the same church that ran a global campaign about their website full of member profiles saying “I’m a Mormon” now discourages (by way of its leaders) the use of the very terms mormon or mormonism. This preference is now codified in the latest General …
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Canonized Lies About Charles Anthon
The Book of Mormon is purportedly “translated” from the gold plates which Joseph Smith discovered in the hill Cumorah. These writings of the gold plates were in “Reformed Egyptian”. At the time no Egyptian language was translatable, but Joseph could translate them with his seer stone in a hat. In order to prove that the …
Finding Personal Meaning and Purpose in a Faith Transition
In a faith transition many face feelings of groundlessness akin to crisis level vertigo. They may feel that their life is completely falling apart; that nothing is what it seemed and they struggle to cope with such a huge shift. They face reprocessing every principle, every value and potentially every reason for every thing in …
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Experiencing Groundlessness in a Faith Transition
Many people have as their main defense of Mormonism is that it gives them purpose and meaning. “The church is good or useful for me so I stay.” Those who find it useful may or may not be all in believers, they might or might not drink deeply of the kool-aid. We each have a …
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