The Mountain Meadows Massacre, one of the most disturbing events in Mormon history, occurred on September 11, 1857, in southern Utah. A group of approximately 120 emigrants traveling through Utah toward California was ambushed and slaughtered by members of the local Mormon militia, aided by Native American allies. The victims, predominantly families in the Baker-Fancher …
Tag Archives: Henry B. Eyring
Witnesses Saw Gold Plates With Spiritual Eyes
The Three Book of Mormon witnesses offer a fascinating and contradictory window into the authenticity of Joseph Smith’s claims about the gold plates. The accounts of the witnesses—both official and unofficial—regarding whether they saw the plates with their natural eyes or spiritual eyes are highly contentious and have been subject to much debate. The church …
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Worldwide Leadership for Worldwide Church?
The church claims to be a worldwide organization. They state they pay their top leaders a living allowance so they can choose leaders from all over the world rather than just limiting their choice to those who are financially independent. However, they also claim these callings come from God, so this rationalization for why church …
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Mormon Leadership Perfects Priestcrafts
The Book of Mormon explicitly condemns the practice of priestcraft, defining it as preaching or setting oneself up for personal gain and not genuinely seeking the welfare of the community, or “Zion.” According to these verses, those who engage in priestcraft labor for money or self-interest, rather than out of love and charity for others. …
Are Mormon Church Leaders Paid?
The church makes misleading statements about how much the Apostles and Prophets of the LDS church are paid. They state regularly that there is no paid ministry, no professional clergy, and that no one is paid for their church service. This omits the fact that all senior leaders in the church are paid what they …
Let’s Go Shopping – City Creek Center and Tithing
City Creek Center is a large, upscale shopping center in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah, that opened in 2012. It spans over 20 acres and features retail stores, restaurants, office spaces, and residential units. The development is notable for its retractable glass roof, pedestrian sky bridge, and an artificial creek running through the property, making …
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Special Witnesses – Have Mormon Apostles Seen Jesus?
One of the foundational pillars of the church is the First Vision, in which Joseph Smith claims to have seen the Lord (or both God the Father and God the Son, Jesus Christ – depending on which of his accounts you read) while praying in the woods. There is an assumption in the church that …
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Sustaining Leaders Takes Unshakable Faith
Henry B. Eyring had a moment of vulnerable honesty. He states that in sustaining the church leaders, church members promise God that you will sustain the leaders no matter what they do. He might know something of the future after all, because he says that keeping the promise will take unshakable faith that the Lord …
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Don’t Pray About A Mission! Dumb Question!
Elder Kevin W. Pearson gave an address as a “Rising Generation” fireside in Bountiful, Utah where he made a respectable of himself spouting nonsense. He shouted at the young men the advice “Do NOT pray about whether or not you should go on a mission!” calling this a “Dumb Question!” Is he worried about the …
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Church Claims Activism a Tactic of Satan and Gaslights Members
Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, the then First Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency, gave a talk to LDS Chaplains, on October 4, 2022, in which he teaches against activism directed towards the church. He doesn’t want members getting any ideas that they can influence or change things the church does by criticizing, complaining, or …
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How Much Are Mormon Church Leaders Compensated?
The church makes a big deal about having no paid clergy. They proclaim that the church is led by a lay ministry of volunteers and no one is compensated for their work or service in the church. Church Led by Volunteer Service The missionaries are taught this fact, and all the missionaries are required to …
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Reversing the November Policy
The 2015 November Policy of Exclusion The November Policy of Exclusion, or the LDS Church policy to ban LGBT, was a controversial policy change by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in November 2015. This policy update was initially leaked to the public and was later officially confirmed by the LDS Church. The …
First Presidency Urged for Segregation
Let’s examine the common Mormon apologist argument that leaders are simply “men of their times” through a story of racist thoughts and practices in the church. Priesthood Ban The church enjoys celebrating the lifting of the priesthood ban in 1978. But we can’t give them any credit for doing it either, since it was the …
Oaks’ ‘No Apologies’ – The Church Doesn’t Seek or Give Apologies
In 2015 while speaking with Elder D Todd Christofferson, Elder Dallin H Oaks made a defacto statement that is still reverberating for many Mormons: among believers and non-believers. Elder Christofferson was asked what the church leadership thinks of church members who support same-sex marriage and stated that members can believe what they wish, but warned …
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Church Leaders and Initials
When referring to church leaders, the church is sure to always use an initial to ensure the leader’s full name is used. For example, the church will never refer to Gordon Hinckley, but always Gordon B. Hinckley. They will never reference Russell Nelson, but Russell M. Nelson. This presumably is in order to give the …
Why the Mormon Church Hid Billions of Dollars of Investments?
The Mormon church was recently charged with fraud and reached a settlement with the SEC agreeing to pay five million dollars. Their chief infraction was failing to properly file and misstating in filings they did submit about the church investments with the church-owned investment company Ensign Peak Advisors. The fraud reached all the way to …
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Mixing Tithing Funds and Investments Maybe Legal But Doesn’t Mean Its Right
James Huntsman filed a lawsuit in 2021 against the church claiming that he was duped into believing that his tithing contributions were going to charitable work, while in fact, they are used to pad the coffers of the church investment accounts. He filed the fraud complaint against the church and states that “this is not …
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LDS Church’s Misstated Filings to SEC Approved by First Presidency
For the past week, the church has been all over the news. Not for something they will want to draw publicity. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission announced that the Church has been fined $5 Million for using shell companies to obscure the size of its investment portfolio. On February 21st, the SEC issued a …
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