How Much is a Modest Living Allowance for Mormon Apostles? How Much Do LDS Church Leaders Get Paid?

Are the top Mormon leaders paid for their callings as General Authorities? Yes! They receive what they call a “living allowance.” In a few instances, church leaders admit this, although they also make repeated statements claiming that there are no paid clergy. Gordon B. Hinckley in a moment of honesty admits that General Authorities are …

“The living allowances given the General Authorities, which are very modest” LDS Church President Gordon B. Hinckley. What does the LDS Church pay its most senior clergy? 2024 Estimate: $178,746 - The Widow's Mite: Employee & GA Compensation, Page 1. American workers made a median wage in 2024 of $59,228 per year - US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2024 Study. 3x the average is not “very modest” |
“The living allowances given the General Authorities, which are very modest” LDS Church President Gordon B. Hinckley. What does the LDS Church pay its most senior clergy? 2024 Estimate: $178,746 - The Widow's Mite: Employee & GA Compensation, Page 1. American workers made a median wage in 2024 of $59,228 per year - US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2024 Study. 3x the average is not “very modest”.

Donated Tithing Funds vs Earnings on Invested Tithing

The church repeatedly states that no tithing money is used for its business purposes, like funding the City Creek Center or bailout money for church-owned insurance company, Beneficial Life. The church is surprisingly secretive about finances and has not publicly disclosed any financial statements in the United States since 1959, that’s 65 years and counting. The …

“When the priests left their labor to impart the word of God unto the people, the people also left their labors to hear the word of God. And when the priest had imparted unto them the word of God they all returned again diligently unto their labors; and the priest, not esteeming himself above his hearers, for the preacher was no better than the hearer, neither was the teacher any better than the learner; and thus they were all equal, and they did all labor, every man according to his strength.” - Alma 1 | The Book of Mormon |
“When the priests left their labor to impart the word of God unto the people, the people also left their labors to hear the word of God. And when the priest had imparted unto them the word of God they all returned again diligently unto their labors; and the priest, not esteeming himself above his hearers, for the preacher was no better than the hearer, neither was the teacher any better than the learner; and thus they were all equal, and they did all labor, every man according to his strength.” - Alma 1 | The Book of Mormon
“[Nehor declared] unto the people that every priest and teacher ought to become popular; and they ought not to labor with their hands, but that they ought to be supported by the people... Alma said unto him: Behold, this is the first time that priestcraft has been introduced among this people... were priestcraft to be enforced among this people it would prove their entire destruction. Therefore thou art condemned to die.” - Alma 1 | The Book of Mormon |
“[Nehor declared] unto the people that every priest and teacher ought to become popular; and they ought not to labor with their hands, but that they ought to be supported by the people... Alma said unto him: Behold, this is the first time that priestcraft has been introduced among this people... were priestcraft to be enforced among this people it would prove their entire destruction. Therefore thou art condemned to die.” - Alma 1 | The Book of Mormon
“He commandeth that there shall be no priestcrafts; for, behold, priestcrafts are that men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world; but they seek not the welfare of Zion. Behold, the Lord hath forbidden this thing; wherefore, the Lord God hath given a commandment that all men should have charity. But the laborer in Zion shall labor for Zion; for if they labor for money they shall perish.” - 2 Nephi 26 | The Book of Mormon |
“He commandeth that there shall be no priestcrafts; for, behold, priestcrafts are that men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world; but they seek not the welfare of Zion. Behold, the Lord hath forbidden this thing; wherefore, the Lord God hath given a commandment that all men should have charity. But the laborer in Zion shall labor for Zion; for if they labor for money they shall perish.” - 2 Nephi 26 | The Book of Mormon
Do General Authorities get paid? "General Authorities are given a living allowance which enables them to focus all of their time on serving in the Church. The living allowance is uniform for all General Authorities. None of the funds for this living allowance come from the tithing of Church members, but instead from proceeds of the Church's financial investments." - LDS Church Website FAQ | |
Do General Authorities get paid? "General Authorities are given a living allowance which enables them to focus all of their time on serving in the Church. The living allowance is uniform for all General Authorities. None of the funds for this living allowance come from the tithing of Church members, but instead from proceeds of the Church's financial investments." - LDS Church Website FAQ |
"In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints there is no paid ministry, no professional clergy, as is common in other churches." - Boyd K. Packer, Follow the Brethren, September 1979 Liahona
"In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints there is no paid ministry, no professional clergy, as is common in other churches." - Boyd K. Packer, Follow the Brethren, September 1979 Liahona