Your Logical Fallacy is: Begging the Question. You presented a circular argument in which the conclusion was included in the premise. This logically incoherent argument often arises in situations where people have an assumption that is very ingrained, and therefore taken in their minds as a given. Circular reasoning is bad mostly because it's not very good. The word of Zorbo the Great is flawless and perfect. We know this because it says so in The Great and Infallible Book of Zorbo's Best and Most Truest Things that are Definitely True and Should Not Ever Be Questioned.
The catch is—it's a trap! This is flawed logic. The trap of Moroni's Promise lies in its circular reasoning and built-in assumptions. It suggests that if we read the Book of Mormon and pray with a sincere heart and real intent, we will receive confirmation from the Holy Ghost that it is true. However, if we do not receive this confirmation, the promise implies we either lack sincerity, genuine intent, or sufficient faith. This creates a no-win situation: if we believe, it confirms the Church's truth claims; if we don’t, the fault lies with our efforts or intent, not with the promise or the church. This circular logic traps individuals in a cycle where any outcome reinforces the belief system, making it difficult to evaluate the truth of the Church’s teachings. It is dangerous to base a belief on something so subjective and manipulative.
"You beautiful girls, don't wander around looking like men. Put on a little lipstick now and then and look a little charming. It's that simple. I don't know why we make this whole process so hard." - LDS Apostle, M. Russell Ballard, YSA Devotional, 2015
"I was raised in the Church by convert parents and aspired to nothing less than a life of participation and activity in the Church. I served a mission, married in an LDS temple, even went to BYU. Growing up I was praised by the adults in my congregations and held up as a leader and a model. All expectations were that I would be up to my eyeballs in church callings and activities and raising kids to be good Mormons. I love books, history, art, and I am always learning. I was a Mormon." - Frank's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
"I thought that I could learn new things about the Church and about the gospel on the Internet. I started browsing the net looking for sites about Mormonism. I was exposed to those who ranted against the Church, and to apologists trying to defend it. I remember reading about the Book of Abraham, and the controversy surrounding the resurfacing of the original papyri. Translations of the original papyri proved them to be nothing more than commonplace Egyptian funerary texts, and what’s more, they were dated much later than Abraham–almost as late as Jesus’ time. This disturbed me." - Frank's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
"I sought out the apologist websites, looking for a reasoned explanation of this phenomenon. I was looking to be reassured in my faith. I didn’t want to question it. But the responses I found were so weak as to be laughable. They did not give me an adequate reason to not accept the facts that I had discovered. This was the beginning of the avalanche. After this I began allowing myself the possibility that all I had been raised with, that I treasured, and had given my life to until that time, was false." - Frank's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
"Mormonism really does a number on people. I discarded and re-examined most of my most fundamental beliefs. It is a big world out there. Mormonism is so small and insignificant. It is fascinating, all the ways that humanity has expressed its desire for meaning and for community." - Frank's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
"Do Mormons Believe in a Loving God? No, because the Mormon god is the LDS Church. Many exmormons feel anger, or bitterness. This is justified. We were lied to, exploited, and abused by an organization that claimed to represent God and goodness. Feel those feelings if you need to. But keep in mind that they did not represent God. Don't let their lies and abuses cut you off from the real goodness that is out there." - Frank's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
"The one thing I clung to after Mormonism was a belief in Something. I don't accept that existence is meaningless or a random chance. There has to be a reason that there is Something instead of Nothing. Otherwise, for me, life is just an absurdity hanging over an abyss. Truth, Beauty, and Goodness are real. So, I started a 10-year search. My search passed through Taoism, Buddhism, Judaism, Universalism, and a variety of Christian options." - Frank's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
"In my reading and exploring I felt that the fundamental question that a religion had to answer was the Problem of Suffering. Why is there evil and suffering in the world? I found only 2 satisfactory answers, in Buddhism (transcend suffering) or in Christianity (embrace suffering). Of those, I found the Christian answer to be more compelling." - Frank's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
"I also extensively studied Biblical scholarship. I learned to understand that the Bible is an anthology of writings, in various genres, and that it is not to be idolized. I also learned to think about it in new ways. And to see where and how it was supported by history. This led me to the crisis point: did I accept the resurrection of Jesus as a real event? This was a leap of faith, of course, but God's grace led me to belief, and eventually, to join the Body of Christ as configured in the Catholic Church." - Frank's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
"Find your own path. Take your time. There is a big world out there. I spent years exploring various faith traditions. I was not sure I would choose a new faith. For a long time, I figured on just doing my own thing, without an organization or a defined path. Eventually, I decided that spirituality requires community, and I found a tradition that made sense to me and that matched my needs. I don't think it is "the one true church" or that it gets to lay claim to me, my brain, my time, or my money. I have certain boundaries now, after Mormonism." - Frank's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
This is a spotlight on a profile shared at These are just the highlights, so please find the full story at There are stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by hundreds of users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at!
“The living allowances given the General Authorities, which are very modest” LDS Church President Gordon B. Hinckley. What does the LDS Church pay its most senior clergy? 2024 Estimate: $178,746 - The Widow's Mite: Employee & GA Compensation, Page 1. American workers made a median wage in 2024 of $59,228 per year - US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2024 Study. 3x the average is not “very modest”.
“I wish to give the entire Church the assurance that tithing funds have not and will not be used to acquire this property. Nor will they be used in developing it for commercial purposes. Funds for this have come and will come from those commercial entities owned by the Church. These resources, together with the earnings of invested reserve funds, will accommodate this program.” - President Gordon B. Hinckley | General Conference April 2003
During my employment at Ensign Peak Advisors, senior leadership and other employees referred to and revered all funds as “tithing” money, regardless of whether they were referring to principal or earnings on that principal. Tithing donations from the Church’s members were commingled with earnings. Every penny was referred to as the “widow’s mite.” - David Nielsen, former Senior Portfolio Manager, Ensign Peak Advisors, Whistleblower
Ensign Peak and Portfolio Purposes - Exhibit A - David Nielsen's declaration in the James Huntsman lawsuit against the LDS Church
“When the priests left their labor to impart the word of God unto the people, the people also left their labors to hear the word of God. And when the priest had imparted unto them the word of God they all returned again diligently unto their labors; and the priest, not esteeming himself above his hearers, for the preacher was no better than the hearer, neither was the teacher any better than the learner; and thus they were all equal, and they did all labor, every man according to his strength.” - Alma 1 | The Book of Mormon
“[Nehor declared] unto the people that every priest and teacher ought to become popular; and they ought not to labor with their hands, but that they ought to be supported by the people... Alma said unto him: Behold, this is the first time that priestcraft has been introduced among this people... were priestcraft to be enforced among this people it would prove their entire destruction. Therefore thou art condemned to die.” - Alma 1 | The Book of Mormon
“He commandeth that there shall be no priestcrafts; for, behold, priestcrafts are that men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world; but they seek not the welfare of Zion. Behold, the Lord hath forbidden this thing; wherefore, the Lord God hath given a commandment that all men should have charity. But the laborer in Zion shall labor for Zion; for if they labor for money they shall perish.” - 2 Nephi 26 | The Book of Mormon
Do General Authorities get paid? "General Authorities are given a living allowance which enables them to focus all of their time on serving in the Church. The living allowance is uniform for all General Authorities. None of the funds for this living allowance come from the tithing of Church members, but instead from proceeds of the Church's financial investments." - LDS Church Website FAQ |
"In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints there is no paid ministry, no professional clergy, as is common in other churches." - Boyd K. Packer, Follow the Brethren, September 1979 Liahona
This is a spotlight on a profile shared at These are just the highlights, so please find the full story at There are stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by hundreds of users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at!
I have a good idea of who I was, I'm beginning to better understand who I am, and I have a clear vision of who I want to be. I want to take the lessons I've learned from these crazy life experiences, and use them to help others. I want to support those who are going through transitions of any kind, especially leaving high-demand religions like Mormonism. And so, as I embark on this new chapter of life, I do so with gratitute to have landed with a community that is supportive and relatable and does a hell of a good job at "mourning with those who mourn and comforting those who stand in need of comfort." - Kate's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I decided to do the same for my belief system. Decluttering my home while decluttering my faith was both inspiring and symbolic. I spread out all of my beliefs before me to determine which ones sparked joy. The beliefs, or values I kept were those that were not unique to the Mormon church. I held tight to beliefs that virtues like kindness, compassion, service, love, laughter, hard work, gratitude, and honesty would make for a better life. However, the beliefs that were unique to the Mormon church,like Joseph Smith's divine role as prophet, polygamy, The Book of Mormon, celestial marriage, the priesthood, temple work, etc. etc. etc. could all go into the "give away" pile. No, not the "give away" pile. The "burn to ashes" pile, because these beliefs are going to do anyone any good. - Kate's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
When I left the church, everyone was just as surprised as I was. I'd had some experiences that weighed heavily on my proverbial shelf, until everything finally came crashing down. As I was redeemed from the Cult of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I was planning on breaking the news to EVERYONE! I started a TikTok page during this time under the handle Midlife Exmo Momma. One of my first videos was of me burning my marriage license from the temple and the copy of The Family: A Proclamation to the World that accompanied it. As I knew I'd be consolidating my life into a storage unit, I felt free to get rid of more than just papers. I burned my temple clothes, my missionary journals and handbooks. I tossed my scriptures and every journal from my youth with pages filled with self-loathing. I didn't hesitate to toss these reminders of the lies I wanted to leave behind me. - Kate's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I stumbled upon a podcast called Latter-Day Struggles. The objective of the hosts, it seemed, was to support Mormons in their faith struggles and help them to become more loving and nuanced members. That's what I wanted for myself, so I binged. I couldn't get enough. I felt seen and heard. I understood that I wasn't crazy or wicked for having questions and concerns about the church's policies and doctrines. My doubts were valid. I couldn't focus on anything other than my faith unraveling before my eyes. The podcast gave me both the curiosity and the courage to read the forbidden anti-Mormon documents I'd heard about from some of my exmormon friends. I then spent three days doing little else but reading the Church's Gospel Topics Essays, A Letter to My Wife, and The CES Letter. I felt "the scales had fallen from my eyes." I could see clearly. It all made sense. Everything I had been taught about the church was utter bullshit, and I was finally free to wash the stench from me. - Kate's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I realized that I'd been abused my entire life by my mother. Her explosive rage and inability to ever apologize caught me off guard one day when I called her to say hello. As she yelled at me for having the audacity to call her when she was in a bad mood, I realized that I was never the problem as I'd been led to believe. I'd spent my entire life feeling as though I was responsible for her anger, and it dawned on me for the first time that it had never been my fault. I tried setting boundaries with her, letting her know that if she treated me that way, I'd have no choice but to leave. She yelled at me for calling her out on her behavior. I searched everything I could find about what the prophets had taught about anger and abuse: "If you're an abuser, you're in the wrong and you need to repent." Then I looked at what they say to victims of abuse: "If you've been abused, you need to forgive your abuser. Forgive 70 x 7. Forgive your abusers or God's not going to forgive you." Some leaders went so far as to tell the victims to take responsibility for the abuse they received. It was appalling. - Kate's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I heard a talk from a very nuanced member of the gospel speak about the covenant to "mourn with those who mourn and comfort those who stand in need of comfort." However, when people leave the church, members aren't so compassionate. Instead of treating these who have lost their faith, with love and compassion, we often ostracize them and don't seek to understand their pain. This message really resonated with me. I had a bunch of family and friends who had left the church, and I realized I had never made an effort to understand why they had left. So I started asking them, out of genuine curiosity and concern, what caused them to leave. Every time I asked, I heard stories of pain and sorrow, and oftentimes they were surprised that I had asked at all. Mormons typically didn't do that sort of thing. The way the church teaches its members to judge former members as "lazy learners" and "sinners" added additional weight to my shelf. - Kate's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
My then 13-year-old Morgan came out to me as non-binary and pansexual. I was shocked and had no idea how to respond to this. I'd considered myself an LGBTQ+ ally before that, but I told Morgan I wasn't ready to use her preferred pronouns. I did all I could to learn about LGBTQ+ youth through a gospel lens. I listened to podcasts, I joined a support group, and spoke with LDS parents with children who identified as LGBTQ+. I still wasn't ready. Finally, Morgan was in a play where the cast and crew used their preferred pronouns. I saw the difference it made in Morgan to be referred to by these pronouns of choice. Morgan was more confident and radiated happiness. I decided then and there that if I had to choose between supporting the church's doctrine and loving my child, I'd choose to love my child. The church's treatment of LGBTQ+ individuals weighed heavily on my shelf, but even then, it wasn't quite ready to break. - Kate's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
In my second year of teaching, I met a man and fell in love. Six months after meeting, we were sealed in the temple. Eleven months after that, we had a baby, Morgan, and postpartum depression hit me like a ton of bricks. Our marriage went south, mostly because he just couldn't relate to my mental illness. After six years of marriage, we divorced. Soon after the divorce was finalized, I met another man on an LDS dating app. With encouragement from both of our bishops, I married far earlier than was healthy (again, only six months). We had four kids between us, and our daughters were the best of friends. Unfortunately, my new husband and I were not. Our marriage was never a particularly happy one, but it wasn't supposed to be, was it? Obedience. Sacrifice. Endurance to the End. That doctrine had been pounded into us since birth and there was no way we were going to waver from the straight and narrow. At least we were working toward happiness in the next life. - Kate's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I'm a mom, dog mom, divorcee, former teacher, barbershopper, future author, and public speaker. Born in the covenant, this past summer I turned 45 years old, and for my birthday I got a sweet midlife crisis. In a matter of months, I ended my 18-year teaching career to support my husband in his new career out of state, I quit grad school halfway through, my shelf came crashing down, I left the LDS church for good, my second husband and I divorced, I severed ties with my parents and others who refused to show empathy or respect my boundaries, we sold our home, I packed the place up single-handedly, and wound up homeless and unemployed. And all parts of this midlife transition were tied to my decision to first stay in, then ultimately leave the church. I was a Mormon. - Kate's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
“the Lord heard my cry in the wilderness and while in the attitude of calling upon the Lord in the 16th year of my age a piller of fire light above the brightness of the sun at noon day come down from above and rested upon me and I was filled with the spirit of god and the Lord opened the heavens upon me and I saw the Lord and he spake unto me saying 'Joseph my son thy sins are forgiven thee'” - First Recorded Account of the First Vision Joseph Smith Jr Journal, 1832
“by searching the scriptures I found that mankind did not come unto the Lord but that they had apostatised from the true and living faith and there was no society or denomination that built upon the gospel of Jesus Christ as recorded in the New Testament” - First Recorded Account of the First Vision Joseph Smith Jr Journal, 1832
“To me the gospel is not a great mass of theological jargon. It is a simple and beautiful and logical thing, with one quiet truth following another in orderly sequence. I do not fret over the mysteries... I am not worried that the Prophet Joseph Smith gave a number of versions of the first vision” - President Gordon B. Hinckley, as Second Counselor in the First Presidency, November 1983 | First Presidency Message, October 1984 Ensign
“Let's Go Shopping!” “We’re so pleased to join in inviting the world to come to downtown Salt Lake City... Everything that we see around us is evidence of the long-standing commitment of The Church to Salt Lake City. Downtown, thanks to so many, is indeed rising.” - President Eyring spoke on behalf of the church during the ribbon-cutting ceremony officially opening City Creek Center. Church President Thomas S. Monson, second counselor President Dieter F. Uchtdorf and the Presiding Bishopric were also in attendance.
“Not one penny of tithing goes to the Church’s for-profit endeavors. No tithing went toward City Creek Center.” - Keith B. McMullin, Head of Deseret Management Corporation, Previously the Second Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric
“So there is no misunderstanding, I emphasize that none of that money comes from the tithing of faithful members. That is not how we use tithing funds.” - Presiding Bishop H. David Burton | October 8, 2003 Press Conference Announcing Church strategy to revitalize downtown Salt Lake City
“I wish to give the entire Church the assurance that tithing funds have not and will not be used to acquire this property. Nor will they be used in developing it for commercial purposes.” - President Gordon B. Hinckley | General Conference April 2003
Jesus City Creek Center SLC - Lets Go Shopping
Facts of feelings: In life, there is a big difference between allowing facts to influence our feelings and allowing feelings to influence our facts. It's important to recognize that difference." - Corbin Allred, Ex-Mormon Actor via Instagram