Spencer W. Kimball, LDS Church President from 1973–1985. He gave an address soon after becoming the church president at a Regional Representatives Seminar where he asked for indoctrination. While the term “indoctrination” may seem neutral in some contexts, its use here is a red flag, suggesting a deliberate effort to mold individuals into unwavering adherents …
Tag Archives: Dr Steven Hassan
On Evil Speaking of the Lord’s Anointed
Evil speaking of the Lord’s anointed is a phrase used in the Mormon Church to discourage criticism of church leaders. The term implies that speaking negatively about church leaders—considered “anointed” or chosen by God—is a form of disrespect or rebellion against divine authority. Members are taught that such criticism weakens faith, sows division, and leads …
The BITE Model to Cults from Dr Steven Hassan
Steven Hassan Dr. Steven Hassan is a prominent mental health professional, author, and advocate known for his expertise in cults and undue influence. Having experienced firsthand the effects of mind control and manipulation as a former member of the Unification Church (commonly known as the Moonies), Dr. Hassan has dedicated his life to helping individuals …
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