The history of tithing shows that it has grown over time to require more of church members. It has grown to be required for a temple recommend, and reinterpreted to mean ten percent of your income. It has been expanded to include everyone, not just those who have means. It has been tied to the …
Tag Archives: mother
Sandra Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Sandra’s story is a powerful account of resilience amid a culture that, for her, enabled abuse. Growing up in the Mormon Church, Sandra’s experience was shaped by religious structures that were more protective of image than of truth or individual well-being. From a young age, she endured severe physical and emotional abuse from her mother, …
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Max Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Max’s journey out of the Mormon Church is marked by profound personal discovery and transformation. Growing up in Utah, he did all the typical Mormon things, from becoming an Eagle Scout to receiving a patriarchal blessing and serving a mission. However, in 2017, at the age of 40, his world was turned upside down when …
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Kate Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Meet Kate, a woman who has faced incredible challenges as she navigated a profound faith transition. Kate was “born in the covenant” and spent her life in the Church. But at 45, her “proverbial Mormon shelf” came crashing down, triggered by a series of life changes that left her feeling lost, uprooted, and homeless—all tied …
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Brian Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Meet Brian, an engineer and pianist with a realist’s perspective on life. Despite his early involvement in the church, Brian always felt like he didn’t belong. Brian’s faith wavered when he discovered inconsistencies and historical issues within Mormonism. His belief in Occam’s Razor led him to question the origins of the Book of Mormon, ultimately …
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Chelsea Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Though Chelsea wasn’t a perfect example of a Mormon, she did hold herself to impossibly high standards, which eventually led her to therapy. Her journey away from the church began with unsettling experiences and growing doubts about church leadership and teachings. Despite her efforts to conform and push aside her feelings, Chelsea faced numerous instances …
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Rosanna Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Growing up in Utah within a devout Mormon family, Rosana inherited her parents’ beliefs but soon found herself grappling with the suffocating pressures of conformity and cultural expectations. Despite her upbringing in a community steeped in faith, Rosana’s experience with church rituals and teachings left her feeling disconnected and disillusioned. The rigid standards imposed by …
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Relief Society President on Working Mothers and Living Prophets
Camille Johnson, Relief Society General President, made waves with a talk at the BYU Women’s Conference where she also talked about career, motherhood and following the living prophet. Her address is featured on the official Church instagram. She was born in 1962, earned her bachelor’s degree in 1985, married in 1987, and her law degree …
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Hannah Maria Goddard, Lorenzo Snow’s Nearly Forgotten Wife
Lorenzo Snow, the 5th president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was a dutiful Mormon polygamist. He jumped right into the practice and went (according to some accounts) from single to husband of four wives in just 2 days! The official lists of his marriages show he was married to 9 (at …
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The Wives of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow Lorenzo Snow was born April 3, 1814, in Ohio. He joined the church in June of 1836 at 22 years of age. In 1837, he was called on a mission, and while serving he missed the failure of the Kirtland Safety Society. He moved to Far West in the summer of 1838, and …
Brad Wilcox On Asking the Wrong Questions
Brad Wilcox, the Second Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency gave a Fireside address in Alpine, Utah on February 6, 2022. He made quite a fool of himself and his rhetoric about members asking the wrong questions. He ridiculed a normal and valid question and then posed a racist question instead. He also accuses …
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Bri Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Bri’s journey in the LDS church was marked by courageous questioning. Raised in the LDS church by her grandmother, Bri’s upbringing was steeped in Mormon tradition. Yet, from an early age, she found herself wrestling with profound questions that remained unanswered. Her exploration of topics like gender inequality and the church’s stance on LGBTQ+ issues …
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Joseph Smith’s Story Parallels his Mother
Joseph Smith has some interesting points in his history that stand out. Upon reading his mother’s own biography, a few of the same points stand out. Could it be that Joseph’s own story borrows from those of his mother? Could he borrow from both of his parents? We can see that he already integrated his …
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Lilik Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Growing up in Indonesia within a Muslim community, Lilik navigated poverty and familial expectations from a young age, leaving school at 14 and working as a nanny away from home, in Singapore, and later in Hong Kong. Amidst the challenges of her early years, Lilik’s encounter with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints …
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Veronika Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Veronika’s faith journey from a Mormon to an agnostic secular humanist shows personal evolution and intellectual transformation. Growing up in Utah, she was the first in her immediate family to step away from the LDS Church. Initially embracing the conviction that living the gospel would lead to a happy life, Veronika grappled with the church’s …
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Mormons and Interracial Marriage
President Spencer W Kimball, as president of the church gave a speech at BYU about Marriage and Divorce in 1976. This talk is currently referenced frequently, nearly 50 years later, in church lesson manuals and by church leaders. In this talk, he spoke against interracial marriages. He advised against marriages between those from differing economic …
What is ‘Letter For My Wife’
Letter For My Wife is a document aggregating questions and doubts about the Mormon church written by a questioning Mormon to his wife. The letter is meant to discuss the questions and concerns with the church’s truth claims or truth crisis and this man’s testimony. The letter was started as a document in 2009, when …
One Mission Is Not Enough – Church Urges Seniors for Two
The church held a special Broadcast for the Utah Area to drum up interest and enlist more senior missionaries in the service of the church. Elder Kevin Pearson, of the Seventy, who is also the Area President of the Utah Area worked to fire up the attendees with a call to serve. He urged all …
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JR Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
JR’s faithful journey out of Mormonism unfolds as a testament to his commitment to truth. Raised in a Mormon household, his transformation began with the unexpected discovery of a book that prompted a profound reevaluation of his beliefs and his interpretation of the Bible. Embracing Christianity, JR actively participated in various ministries, demonstrating a genuine …
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Boyd Packer’s Unwritten Order of Things
Boyd K. Packer gave a BYU devotional on 15th of October 1996 called The Unwritten Order of Things in which he discusses the unwritten rules and cultural standards of Mormonism. He states “The things that I shall tell you are not explained in the scriptures.” “The things I am going to tell you are not …
How Much Are Mormon Church Leaders Compensated?
The church makes a big deal about having no paid clergy. They proclaim that the church is led by a lay ministry of volunteers and no one is compensated for their work or service in the church. Church Led by Volunteer Service The missionaries are taught this fact, and all the missionaries are required to …
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Bednar’s Faith To NOT Be Healed
David A. Bednar, Mormon Apostle, visited the University of Texas and spoke at a devotional for young adults. He shared a story in which a friend he calls “John and Heather” faced a serious health challenge, prompting a discussion about faith and healing. Bednar surprisingly asked when about to give John a blessing, if John …
Another “Moment in the Barn is One She’ll Never Forget”
The church published a Gospel Living article on its website with a title referring to a memorable “moment in the barn” as one that “she” would never forget. The title is full of intrigue and leads a reader to wonder who this she is, and what this unforgettable moment was. Mary Whitmer in the Barn …
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