Is there a Purpose?

Must there be a purpose to have a meaningful life? Some of us find purpose and meaning in a faith transition after navigating groundlessness of a faith crisis and stages of grief. Others still debate whether this purpose is objective or subjective to each of us. Can we have different purposes? Is there one universally …

Some things that are true are not very useful to the Mormon church

There is a temptation for the writer or the teacher of Church history to want to tell everything, whether it is worthy or faith promoting or not. Some things that are true are not very useful. Elder Boyd K Packer Not everything that’s true is useful. Elder Dallin H Oaks There have been many statements …

If Joseph Smith was a deceiver, who willfully attempted to mislead the people, then he should be exposed – but leave the church alone won’t you?

In response to those who wonder why mormons who leave the church and then speak out against it and echo the phrase: “You can leave the church, but you can’t leave it alone.” Glenn L. Pace, Follow the Prophet, General Conference, April 1989 As mormons, we have been taught to share truth. That desire and …

It gets better

A faith crisis may be hard, but it does get better – like wading past the crashing waves. We struggle with many difficulties navigating a mormon faith crisis. It is quite tumultuous, as the phrase ‘crisis’ implies. We often hear the advice that “it gets better” – which is helpful, but it does take time. …

When an honest man discovers he is mistaken, he will either cease to be mistaken or cease to be honest

When an honestly mistaken man sees the truth, one of two things happens: (1) he will either cease to be mistaken, or (2) he will cease to be honest. For he will either accept the truth or he will reject it. If he accepts it, he is no longer mistaken; if he rejects it, he …

Hinckley ‘That’s where we fall’

Our whole strength rests on the validity of that vision. It either occurred or it did not occur. If it did not, then this work is a fraud. Gordon B. Hinckley Interesting to read these quotes from President Hinckley. He’s either not aware of the various first vision accounts, or doesn’t expect anyone else …