Email to Sydney Australia Mortdale Stake: Pilot Program – Informed Consent

The members of the Sydney Australia Mortdale Stake received an email informing them the area had been selected for a Pilot Program named Informed Consent. The program announced two objectives: 1) to ensure that converts are fully informed before they commit to baptism, and 2) for all members to have a “short” lesson to make …

On Choosing to be Offended

When members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints leave the church, they are often met with oversimplified explanations from those who remain. The common refrain is that people leave for one of three reasons: they were offended, they wanted to sin, or they were simply lazy. This narrative is pervasive among both …

New Scripture Translated From Sealed Portion – Jesus visits Macaroni and Condemns Viper Church Leaders of Last Days

A few years ago, Russell M. Nelson revealed how Joseph Smith would translate by using a rock in a hat a few years ago. Suppose, for a moment, that he could know this technique from experience. What if President Russell M. Nelson knew more about the translation process? What if he used the same technique …

Truths From Mormon Satan – Or Someone Who Plays Lucifer in the Temple, Corbin Allred

Corbin Allred is an American actor best known for his roles in film and television, particularly within the Mormon community. Born into the church in Salt Lake City, Utah, Allred was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), and his faith played a significant role in some of his …

"We need the voting body to hear many voices of support with personal reasons why you want this temple here in our community. It doesn't have to be long. Brief is actually better. Be sincere and share from the heart. We don't want these scripted... A key message needs to be on the importance of the temple and how it allows you to worship as you choose, to practice your faith, and that the building itself is a symbol of your faith (including the steeple if you feel to be specific in that regard)... Please do not copy and paste these exact words and phrases in your messages. Please use your own as you prayerfully feel impressed to do so!" - Elder Jonathan Cannon, LDS Area Authority Seventy, North America Southwest Area, Letter urging Local Stakes to Voice Support for the Proposed McKinney, TX Temple |
"We need the voting body to hear many voices of support with personal reasons why you want this temple here in our community. It doesn't have to be long. Brief is actually better. Be sincere and share from the heart. We don't want these scripted... A key message needs to be on the importance of the temple and how it allows you to worship as you choose, to practice your faith, and that the building itself is a symbol of your faith (including the steeple if you feel to be specific in that regard)... Please do not copy and paste these exact words and phrases in your messages. Please use your own as you prayerfully feel impressed to do so!" - Elder Jonathan Cannon, LDS Area Authority Seventy, North America Southwest Area, Letter urging Local Stakes to Voice Support for the Proposed McKinney, TX Temple
"I hear people say, oh that's a small temple. There's no such thing as a small temple – they're just temples. There's no such thing as small covenants or small ordinances. That, to me, reflects this fixation on it's the building. Who cares what the size is, if you have access to the same covenants and ordinances!" - David A. Bednar, LDS Apostle: Church News - April 27, 2023 |
"I hear people say, oh that's a small temple. There's no such thing as a small temple – they're just temples. There's no such thing as small covenants or small ordinances. That, to me, reflects this fixation on it's the building. Who cares what the size is, if you have access to the same covenants and ordinances!" - David A. Bednar, LDS Apostle: Church News - April 27, 2023
"I think the word for this attitude is extreme arrogance. It's what we, in Fairview, will remember about the LDS Representatives. If the town of Fairview and its residents are somehow forced to accept this misplace gigantic building, thousands of folks from this area passing by that building every day, will only see and remember the legacy of the LDS arrogance. I suspect that is not the legacy that you want to leave with." - Fairview Mayor, Henry Lessner, Regarding the Proposed Mormon Temple, Aug 6, 2024 |
"I think the word for this attitude is extreme arrogance. It's what we, in Fairview, will remember about the LDS Representatives. If the town of Fairview and its residents are somehow forced to accept this misplace gigantic building, thousands of folks from this area passing by that building every day, will only see and remember the legacy of the LDS arrogance. I suspect that is not the legacy that you want to leave with." - Fairview Mayor, Henry Lessner, Regarding the Proposed Mormon Temple, Aug 6, 2024
"Your representative's position with our residents from the very start has been if you don't like this, if you don't approve this building, as is, we will sue you. Your attorneys from Salt Lake City are very smooth. Calmly starting our conversation with the fact that they've dealt with municipalities many, many times, if y'all remember that conversation, and essentially, have forced these communities to take an unwanted large building. What a thing to be proud of." - Fairview Mayor, Henry Lessner, Regarding the Proposed Mormon Temple, Aug 6, 2024 |
"Your representative's position with our residents from the very start has been if you don't like this, if you don't approve this building, as is, we will sue you. Your attorneys from Salt Lake City are very smooth. Calmly starting our conversation with the fact that they've dealt with municipalities many, many times, if y'all remember that conversation, and essentially, have forced these communities to take an unwanted large building. What a thing to be proud of." - Fairview Mayor, Henry Lessner, Regarding the Proposed Mormon Temple, Aug 6, 2024
"This proposed gigantic building is to be located in the residential side of town. Where the maximum allowable height is 35ft. Every home over there, conforms with this. At this location, this proposed building would be so out of scale, so out of place that it would look like some alien civilization has dropped it onto that property. It is hard to imagine how, an architect or site planner or a simple casual observer could not see how out of place that building would be, given the zoning." - Fairview Mayor, Henry Lessner, Regarding the Proposed Mormon Temple, Aug 6, 2024 |
"This proposed gigantic building is to be located in the residential side of town. Where the maximum allowable height is 35ft. Every home over there, conforms with this. At this location, this proposed building would be so out of scale, so out of place that it would look like some alien civilization has dropped it onto that property. It is hard to imagine how, an architect or site planner or a simple casual observer could not see how out of place that building would be, given the zoning." - Fairview Mayor, Henry Lessner, Regarding the Proposed Mormon Temple, Aug 6, 2024
"The maximum home height in this area allowed is 35 feet. Zoning is tightly enforced. There is nothing new about the way our town is zoned. It was done this way intentionally. The building that your leaders from Salt Lake City are proposing is 65ft tall and about 45,000 square feet. Surrounded by gleaming white marble and topped by a 109ft spire. The proposed temple building itself is literally twice as large as our town hall. And then you stick to 109 foot spire on top. It takes it up to 174 feet, which is taller than our water towers." - Fairview Mayor, Henry Lessner, Regarding the Proposed Mormon Temple, Aug 6, 2024 |
"The maximum home height in this area allowed is 35 feet. Zoning is tightly enforced. There is nothing new about the way our town is zoned. It was done this way intentionally. The building that your leaders from Salt Lake City are proposing is 65ft tall and about 45,000 square feet. Surrounded by gleaming white marble and topped by a 109ft spire. The proposed temple building itself is literally twice as large as our town hall. And then you stick to 109 foot spire on top. It takes it up to 174 feet, which is taller than our water towers." - Fairview Mayor, Henry Lessner, Regarding the Proposed Mormon Temple, Aug 6, 2024
"The issue of revising our zoning ordinance for this proposed building is the biggest crisis that has ever impacted our town. Many of the folks supporting the LDS position are not from Fairview, matter of fact the vast majority are not! This is a zoning issue. Not an issue related to anything to do with the LDS Corporation." - Fairview Mayor, Henry Lessner, Regarding the Proposed Mormon Temple, Aug 6, 2024 |
"The issue of revising our zoning ordinance for this proposed building is the biggest crisis that has ever impacted our town. Many of the folks supporting the LDS position are not from Fairview, matter of fact the vast majority are not! This is a zoning issue. Not an issue related to anything to do with the LDS Corporation." - Fairview Mayor, Henry Lessner, Regarding the Proposed Mormon Temple, Aug 6, 2024
"According to relevant Chinese laws and regulations, foreigners are not allowed to establish religious organizations or set up places for religious activities in China. The American Mormon Church released information about building a so-called "temple" in Shanghai, but our city's religious and religious departments were completely unaware of it. This is wishful thinking on the part of the American Mormon Church and a fabrication out of nothing. - Shanghai Municipal Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau Office |
"According to relevant Chinese laws and regulations, foreigners are not allowed to establish religious organizations or set up places for religious activities in China. The American Mormon Church released information about building a so-called "temple" in Shanghai, but our city's religious and religious departments were completely unaware of it. This is wishful thinking on the part of the American Mormon Church and a fabrication out of nothing. - Shanghai Municipal Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau Office