Email to Sydney Australia Mortdale Stake: Pilot Program – Informed Consent

The members of the Sydney Australia Mortdale Stake received an email informing them the area had been selected for a Pilot Program named Informed Consent. The program announced two objectives: 1) to ensure that converts are fully informed before they commit to baptism, and 2) for all members to have a “short” lesson to make …

Escaping the Matrix: Breaking Free from the Illusions of the Mormon Church

Have you seen the 1999 film, The Matrix? The Matrix is an excellent movie for deconstruction. Anyone familiar with The Matrix trilogy knows it presents a complex philosophical and even religious worldview. Even ordinary people, who had no education in philosophy, metaphysics, or neuroscience, came away from viewing those fanciful stories, asking themselves, “What is …

New Scripture Translated From Sealed Portion – Jesus visits Macaroni and Condemns Viper Church Leaders of Last Days

A few years ago, Russell M. Nelson revealed how Joseph Smith would translate by using a rock in a hat a few years ago. Suppose, for a moment, that he could know this technique from experience. What if President Russell M. Nelson knew more about the translation process? What if he used the same technique …

What is Cognitive Dissonance?

Cognitive dissonance occurs when a person experiences discomfort due to holding conflicting beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors. To reduce this discomfort, individuals often try to reconcile these inconsistencies, either by changing their beliefs, justifying their actions, or avoiding information that exacerbates the conflict. Leon Festinger Social psychologist Leon Festinger coined the term “cognitive dissonance” in the 1950s in …

“if this court record is authentic it is the most damning evidence in existence against Joseph Smith... Now bear in mind that the is the key witness to the existence of the Bainbridge court record, and that that record is the most devastating blow to Smith ever delivered” - Hugh Nibley, LDS Historian The Myth Makers (1961) Page 142 |
“if this court record is authentic it is the most damning evidence in existence against Joseph Smith... Now bear in mind that the is the key witness to the existence of the Bainbridge court record, and that that record is the most devastating blow to Smith ever delivered” - Hugh Nibley, LDS Historian The Myth Makers (1961) Page 142

Truths From Mormon Satan – Or Someone Who Plays Lucifer in the Temple, Corbin Allred

Corbin Allred is an American actor best known for his roles in film and television, particularly within the Mormon community. Born into the church in Salt Lake City, Utah, Allred was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), and his faith played a significant role in some of his …

Book of Mormon Anachronisms – Slippery Treasures and Treasure Digging Concepts

Joseph Smith was brought up being praised for a “gift.” What gift is that? The gift his father practiced and saw in him. The practice was condemned by Benjamin Franklin 100 years earlier. The practice appears in church history, in the doctrine and covenants, and even the Book of Mormon. This practice is easily ridiculed …

Mormonism and The BITE Model

Determining whether The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly known as the Mormon Church) qualifies as a cult hinges on various criteria. According to the BITE model, we find evidence that it meets several characteristics associated with cults. Note that the term “cult” carries negative connotations and lacks a universally agreed-upon definition, and …

"You could have [the gold] plates, you could turn the pages, you could look at them, you could hold them, and you wouldn't know any more after that experience whether or not the book is true than you would have before... You will not get to know it by trying to prove it archaeologically, or by DNA, or by anything else, in my judgment... I don't believe that's how people will ever come to know whether or not the Book of Mormon is the word of God... Religious truth is always confirmed by what you feel." - Elder M. Russell Ballard, LDS Apostle addresses the question of whether there is scientific proof of The Book of Mormon |
"You could have [the gold] plates, you could turn the pages, you could look at them, you could hold them, and you wouldn't know any more after that experience whether or not the book is true than you would have before... You will not get to know it by trying to prove it archaeologically, or by DNA, or by anything else, in my judgment... I don't believe that's how people will ever come to know whether or not the Book of Mormon is the word of God... Religious truth is always confirmed by what you feel." - Elder M. Russell Ballard, LDS Apostle addresses the question of whether there is scientific proof of The Book of Mormon
"I don't believe that's how people will ever come to know whether or not the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I remember an experience that I had as a mission president some years ago when I presided over the affairs of the church in Eastern Canada. I had met with about 30 different ministers of different religions, and then I let them ask me questions. The very first question I was asked was by a fine minister who said, "Mr. Ballard, if you just give us the gold plates and let us see that they exist, then we would know that the Book of Mormon is true." I looked at him and said, "Father, you know better than that. You're a man of the cloth. You know that God has never revealed religious truth to the heart and soul of a man (or a woman) except by the power of the Spirit. Now, you could have those plates, you could turn the pages, you could look at them, you could hold them, and you wouldn't know any more after that experience whether or not the book is true than you would have before. My question to you is, have you ever read the Book of Mormon?" He said, "No, I haven't." That's how people will come to know whether or not the Book of Mormon is true. You will not get to know it by trying to prove it archaeologically, or by DNA, or by anything else, in my judgment. Just pick it up, read it, and pray about it, and you will come to know. Religious truth is always confirmed by what you feel. That's the way Heavenly Father answers prayers." M. Russell Ballard, LDS Apostle addresses the question of whether there is scientific proof of The Book of Mormon, 2007 |
"I don't believe that's how people will ever come to know whether or not the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I remember an experience that I had as a mission president some years ago when I presided over the affairs of the church in Eastern Canada. I had met with about 30 different ministers of different religions, and then I let them ask me questions. The very first question I was asked was by a fine minister who said, "Mr. Ballard, if you just give us the gold plates and let us see that they exist, then we would know that the Book of Mormon is true." I looked at him and said, "Father, you know better than that. You're a man of the cloth. You know that God has never revealed religious truth to the heart and soul of a man (or a woman) except by the power of the Spirit. Now, you could have those plates, you could turn the pages, you could look at them, you could hold them, and you wouldn't know any more after that experience whether or not the book is true than you would have before. My question to you is, have you ever read the Book of Mormon?" He said, "No, I haven't." That's how people will come to know whether or not the Book of Mormon is true. You will not get to know it by trying to prove it archaeologically, or by DNA, or by anything else, in my judgment. Just pick it up, read it, and pray about it, and you will come to know. Religious truth is always confirmed by what you feel. That's the way Heavenly Father answers prayers." M. Russell Ballard, LDS Apostle addresses the question of whether there is scientific proof of The Book of Mormon, 2007

Even if it turns out that the church isn’t true, so what? What’s the harm in believing?

This question about the relevance of the church being true gets asked all the time by Mormons when confronted with evidence that the church’s claims aren’t true. Some members of the church will even candidly admit that the church’s doctrines and history seem sketchy to them, but they don’t worry about it. They say the …

A stack of issues on a scale vs a single issue about a warm feeling: • Zero archeological or DNA evidence to support the Book of Mormon's claims • Joseph's "translation" of the Book of Abraham scrolls bears no relation at all to what the scrolls actually say. • Joseph's 14 year old "wives", and his 15 year old ones, and his 16 year old ones, and his "wives" who were still married to other men • Dark skin is how God marks sinners. When they repent they become "white and delightsome". • To prove that a man has the initiative and intelligence needed to become a god, he must accept without question everything "the brethren" say. • Oh, and the best a woman can ever hope for is to be one of a man-god's multiple wives, pumping out spiritual babies. • Drastically differing versions of the First Vision story • Temple ceremony, garments, and secret handshakes copied from Free Masonry • Kinderhook plates • Book of Mormon contradicts later Mormon teachings (about nature of the Trinity, Plan of Salvation, and many others). • Place names in the Book of Mormon strikingly similar to place names near where Joseph grew up • Events in the Book of Mormon strikingly similar to those described in "View of the Hebrews" • For years church leaders denied negative claims about Joseph Smith, and even excommunicated members who talked about them, yet they now admit those claims are true. • And many many more vs • I prayed about it and got a warm feeling in my heart.
A stack of issues on a scale vs a single issue about a warm feeling: • Zero archeological or DNA evidence to support the Book of Mormon's claims • Joseph's "translation" of the Book of Abraham scrolls bears no relation at all to what the scrolls actually say. • Joseph's 14 year old "wives", and his 15 year old ones, and his 16 year old ones, and his "wives" who were still married to other men • Dark skin is how God marks sinners. When they repent they become "white and delightsome". • To prove that a man has the initiative and intelligence needed to become a god, he must accept without question everything "the brethren" say. • Oh, and the best a woman can ever hope for is to be one of a man-god's multiple wives, pumping out spiritual babies. • Drastically differing versions of the First Vision story • Temple ceremony, garments, and secret handshakes copied from Free Masonry • Kinderhook plates • Book of Mormon contradicts later Mormon teachings (about nature of the Trinity, Plan of Salvation, and many others). • Place names in the Book of Mormon strikingly similar to place names near where Joseph grew up • Events in the Book of Mormon strikingly similar to those described in "View of the Hebrews" • For years church leaders denied negative claims about Joseph Smith, and even excommunicated members who talked about them, yet they now admit those claims are true. • And many many more vs • I prayed about it and got a warm feeling in my heart.
Nobody would confess that he couldn't see anything, for that would prove him either unfit for his position, or a fool. - The Emperor's New Clothes, Hans Christian Andersen |
Nobody would confess that he couldn't see anything, for that would prove him either unfit for his position, or a fool. - The Emperor's New Clothes, Hans Christian Andersen
"What's this?" thought the Emperor. "I can't see anything. This is terrible! Am I a fool? Am I unfit to be the Emperor? What a thing to happen to me of all people!" "Oh! It's very pretty," he said. "It has my highest approval." And he nodded approbation at the empty loom. Nothing could make him say that he couldn't see anything. - The Emperor's New Clothes, Hans Christian Andersen |
"What's this?" thought the Emperor. "I can't see anything. This is terrible! Am I a fool? Am I unfit to be the Emperor? What a thing to happen to me of all people!" – "Oh! It's very pretty," he said. "It has my highest approval." And he nodded approbation at the empty loom. Nothing could make him say that he couldn't see anything. - The Emperor's New Clothes, Hans Christian Andersen

The Emperor’s New Clothes

“The Emperor’s New Clothes” is a classic fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. Hans Christian Andersen was a Danish author. Although a prolific writer of plays, travelogues, novels, and poems, he is best remembered for his literary fairy tales. It tells the story of an emperor who two cunning weavers deceive. They promise him a …

Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias refers to the cognitive tendency of individuals to interpret or seek out information in a way that confirms their preexisting beliefs or hypotheses. When someone experiences confirmation bias, they are more likely to notice, remember, and give greater weight to information that supports their existing beliefs, while disregarding or downplaying evidence that contradicts …