Mary Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight

Mary Kathryn’s journey out of Mormonism is one of transformation, resilience, and self-discovery. A devoted believer, she followed the prescribed path—attending BYU, marrying young, and having eight children by age 35. She dedicated herself fully to the faith, shaping her identity around the church’s teachings on womanhood, family, and service. However, as life unfolded—with personal …

Fast Food Orders vs Quitting Church – McDonald’s, Messed-Up Orders, and the Commoditization of Religion

A popular meme has been making the rounds. These memes read: “McDonald’s can mess up your order 101 times and you still keep going back… One thing goes wrong at church and you quit.” This suggests that people are more forgiving of mistakes at fast-food restaurants like McDonald’s than they are of issues with a church. It …

Life Beyond Mormonism: 10 Books and Resources That Might Help

Stepping away from a faith tradition—especially one that touches every aspect of life like Mormonism—can be both liberating and disorienting. If you’re navigating this path, you’re not alone. Many individuals have documented their experiences, researched the history, and formed supportive communities. Below are books and resources that countless people have found helpful in understanding Mormonism’s …

Brigham Young’s Blood Atonement Distorts Love – He Had “no wife whom I love so well that I would not put a javelin through her heart”

Brigham Young advocated for violent retribution as a form of atonement. Let’s look at one of the most extreme examples of his teachings on blood atonement, a controversial and “unofficial” doctrine which teaches that some sins require the shedding of the sinner’s own blood for redemption and that they are beyond the scope of Christ’s …

Oaks’ Temporary Commandments and The Shifting Sands of “Permanent” Laws

Dallin H. Oaks introduced a new concept during the October 2024 General Conference. He states that while some commandments are permanent, others are temporary. He then provides a few examples of each before moving on in his talk and not returning to the subject to conclude that we must forgo contention, be peacemakers, and avoid …

Jeffrey R. Holland, Logical Fallacies, Manipulation, Guilt, and Fake Testimonies

In his MTC address, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s statement is filled with logical fallacies that manipulate emotions rather than provide actual evidence for the LDS Church’s truth claims. The “Borrowed Testimony” Fallacy “If there is anyone in the room who’s struggling with a testimony, you have one — mine!” This is similar to advice from …

Better Dead Clean, Than Alive Unclean

Bruce R. McConkie’s statement in Mormon Doctrine—”Loss of virtue is too great a price to pay even for the preservation of one’s life—better dead clean, than alive unclean”—is deeply problematic and reflects harmful ideologies surrounding purity culture. By equating virtue exclusively with chastity and suggesting that death is preferable to “uncleanness” (interpreted as loss of …

Spencer Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight

Spencer grew up immersed in the Mormon faith, surrounded by the teachings and traditions that defined his childhood. Born into an intensely religious family in Michigan, he was the quintessential believer—faithful, devoted, and utterly convinced of the church’s truth. For him, the church was perfect, unchangeable, and divinely guided. He couldn’t imagine leaving. But life …