This paystub provides a detailed breakdown of Henry B. Eyring’s compensation and deductions, contradicting the LDS Church’s claim that it has “no paid clergy.” Let’s analyze each section: Earnings Breakdown: Total earnings for the period: $8,461.22. The majority of which are reimbursements of some form. Deductions: The total deductions for this pay period are $597.10, …
Tag Archives: clergy
Church Mischaracterized Since 1830: Fact or Fiction
Reporter: In 2003 the church denounced the book Under the Banner of Heaven by John Krakauer, calling Krakauer a storyteller who cuts corners to make the story sound good. Now Krakauer’s book has been adapted for TV and is streaming on Hulu. What does the church think of the Hulu adaptation, and more generally how …
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Mormon Leadership Perfects Priestcrafts
The Book of Mormon explicitly condemns the practice of priestcraft, defining it as preaching or setting oneself up for personal gain and not genuinely seeking the welfare of the community, or “Zion.” According to these verses, those who engage in priestcraft labor for money or self-interest, rather than out of love and charity for others. …
How Much is a Modest Living Allowance for Mormon Apostles? How Much Do LDS Church Leaders Get Paid?
Are the top Mormon leaders paid for their callings as General Authorities? Yes! They receive what they call a “living allowance.” In a few instances, church leaders admit this, although they also make repeated statements claiming that there are no paid clergy. Gordon B. Hinckley in a moment of honesty admits that General Authorities are …
Are Mormon Church Leaders Paid?
The church makes misleading statements about how much the Apostles and Prophets of the LDS church are paid. They state regularly that there is no paid ministry, no professional clergy, and that no one is paid for their church service. This omits the fact that all senior leaders in the church are paid what they …
LDS Church On Same-Sex Marriages
The Mormon church is famously (or infamously) known for not allowing or supporting same-sex relationships or marriages. There is a trail of history showing the church to be opposed to honoring same-sex couples in society. They vehemently opposed Prop 8, and mobilized membership to work on continuing to outlaw same-sex marriages in the state of …
Do LDS Mission Presidents Get Paid?
General Authorities and top leaders of the church are compensated or paid for their work, though technically they claim they are not on salary. The church claims over and over that there is no paid clergy and that the church runs on volunteers. But we can see that they are choosing their words carefully at …
One Mission Is Not Enough – Church Urges Seniors for Two
The church held a special Broadcast for the Utah Area to drum up interest and enlist more senior missionaries in the service of the church. Elder Kevin Pearson, of the Seventy, who is also the Area President of the Utah Area worked to fire up the attendees with a call to serve. He urged all …
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How Much Are Mormon Church Leaders Compensated?
The church makes a big deal about having no paid clergy. They proclaim that the church is led by a lay ministry of volunteers and no one is compensated for their work or service in the church. Church Led by Volunteer Service The missionaries are taught this fact, and all the missionaries are required to …
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Hinckley’s “I Don’t Know That We Teach It” Interview
A famous saying within the Church states, “As man is now, God once was; as God is now, man may be.” This couplet, originating from Joseph Smith’s King Follet discourse, was popularized by the fifth Church President Lorenzo Snow. Time Magazine published an article about Mormons and asked President Gordon B Hinckley about this concept …
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60 Minutes: Gordon B. Hinckley Interview Transcript
The following is the transcript of the interview with Gordon B Hinckley, LDS Church President, Bill Marriott, Marriott Executive, Orrin Hatch, Utah Senator, Steve Young, Professional Football Player and an unnamed BYU Student. The original segment aired on April 7, 1996.
What does TSCC mean when referring to the Mormon church? TBM? PIMO? MFMC?
There are many many acronyms in the nomenclature of the Mormon church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has come up with many nicknames for parts of the organization or even doctrines, most of which are acronyms. Some of these are “official” acronyms while others have simply developed naturally over time. It should …
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