A stake in Utah offers a course in ‘How to avoid a Faith Crisis’. It looks like this is a series of lessons and though the handout formatting is so horrible some are hard to read, it looks like the topics each include a scripture reference and are as follows: Faith Crisis Avoidance Course Examination …
Tag Archives: arch
Is the Book of Mormon Historical? True? Does it Matter?
The question of whether the Book of Mormon is historical—and whether it has to be historical in order to be “true”—is one that has sparked significant debate both within and outside the LDS Church. Is the Book of Mormon Historical? The Book of Mormon presents itself as a historical account of ancient peoples who traveled …
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On Evil Speaking of the Lord’s Anointed
Evil speaking of the Lord’s anointed is a phrase used in the Mormon Church to discourage criticism of church leaders. The term implies that speaking negatively about church leaders—considered “anointed” or chosen by God—is a form of disrespect or rebellion against divine authority. Members are taught that such criticism weakens faith, sows division, and leads …
The Church Wants Your Unfaithful Children’s Inheritance
The LDS Philanthropies video addresses how some faithful Latter-day Saint parents can approach passing on family wealth in alignment with their values. The video highlights one couple’s reflections on instilling values in their children, emphasizing that material inheritance if given to children who do not follow LDS teachings, could risk leading them away from the …
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Does Tithing Break the Poverty Cycle?
The cycle of poverty is a vicious trap where a parent’s poverty affects the lives of their children. Families in poverty often have limited resources, which makes it difficult to escape. Some examples of self-reinforcing disadvantages that can trap families in poverty include: Lack of financial capital, Lack of education, Lack of connections, Poor health, and Low working …
Mormonism and The BITE Model
Determining whether The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly known as the Mormon Church) qualifies as a cult hinges on various criteria. According to the BITE model, we find evidence that it meets several characteristics associated with cults. Note that the term “cult” carries negative connotations and lacks a universally agreed-upon definition, and …
Mormons Call the Church President the Prophet But Haven’t Always
There has been a significant cultural change within the Mormon Church, shifting from church leaders predominantly being referred to as “President,” to being esteemed as “Prophet.” This change evolved gradually over several decades. Initially, references to the church leader as “Prophet” were reserved exclusively for Joseph Smith, the church’s founder, and prophets from biblical and …
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Joseph Smith’s Failed Attempt At Raising the Dead
The Mormons had a revival in Ohio on June 4, 1831. Joseph Smith led the meetings and there were quite a few spectacles in the meetings. The conference received a lot of hype in the area because many were converting to the church. There were rumors that there would be miracles performed at the conference. …
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Native American Museum Returns Church’s $2 Million Donation Due to Strings Attached
The church leadership announced a $2 million donation to the First Americans Museum in Oklahoma City. Church President Russell M. Nelson stated that “the gift from the church will strengthen Native American and other families by creating within the museum a FamilySearch center.” The church praises itself on this contribution in a newsroom article and …
Jim Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Jim’s upbringing in a remote Idaho town was deeply tied to the Mormon faith, where he committed himself to its principles from a young age. However, after decades of unwavering dedication and significant leadership roles within the Church, Jim found himself at a crossroads. A mid-life crisis prompted a profound reassessment of his beliefs, fueled …
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Hannah Maria Goddard, Lorenzo Snow’s Nearly Forgotten Wife
Lorenzo Snow, the 5th president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was a dutiful Mormon polygamist. He jumped right into the practice and went (according to some accounts) from single to husband of four wives in just 2 days! The official lists of his marriages show he was married to 9 (at …
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The Wives of Lorenzo Snow
Lorenzo Snow Lorenzo Snow was born April 3, 1814, in Ohio. He joined the church in June of 1836 at 22 years of age. In 1837, he was called on a mission, and while serving he missed the failure of the Kirtland Safety Society. He moved to Far West in the summer of 1838, and …
The Mormon-Canadian-BYU Billion Dollar Tithing Funnel
Investigation reveals more than $1 billion raised by the Mormon church in Canada has been funneled to the U.S. rather than going to charitable works in this country. We hear from former members in Canada and elsewhere who say concerns about how money is spent have led them to leave the church. – The Fifth …
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Dianne Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Dianne’s path reflects a profound shift from unwavering faith to skeptical inquiry. Raised in the Mormon tradition and deeply devoted to its tenets and beliefs, her journey toward disbelief began with a clash between science and religious doctrine. As she grappled with the stark disparities between empirical evidence and faith-based teachings, Dianne embarked on an …
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Lorenzo Snow Taught Women Have Less Light and Knowledge Than Men
In 1857, Lorenzo Snow, then Apostle in the church gave a talk at the Tabernacle. Earlier that year he had married his seventh wife (and continued to marry two more after this). Lorenzo Snow became president of the church in 1898, and was president for 3 years. What did this man think of women? Would …
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Gift of Crisis
The tumult of a faith deconstruction, especially in the Mormon faith, has been termed as a crisis, it’s often referred to as a faith crisis. There are podcasts focused on this, even books written about it. BYU did a study on the social media impact on a faith crisis which defines how the church views …
McConkie Got It Wrong – Redacted Mormon Doctrine
Prior to 1978, LDS church leaders wrestled to understand the priesthood ban. They listened to explanations from Brigham Young and other church presidents who taught about the subject. They continued teaching the same things, and in some cases came up with new explanations. That changed in 1978, when the church flipped a 180 and granted …
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Utah Heathens Contribute More than the LDS Church Worldwide
The state of Utah regulates the sale of alcoholic beverages via the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, or recently renamed to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Services or DABS. The state taxes liquor sales and from these proceeds distribute the funds to different government programs. The sale of liquor in Utah produces $43 million annually …
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President Oaks Fibbing For The Lord Again – Prompt and Public Disavowal of Racism?
The church celebrates its own decision to stop the racially discriminatory practice of banning the priesthood from anyone of African descent in 1978. To show that they are not racist, they wanted to point out that it has now been 40 years since they stopped being racist. There was a big self-congratulatory spectacle planned for …
Church Leaders on Power and Authority Broadly Given To Women
During the Worldwide Relief Society Devotional and Testimony Meeting on March 17, 2024, President Russell M. Nelson and the Relief Society General Presidency spoke to the members of the Relief Society and Young Women. The event was a 40-minute video production. The remarkable part is the claim J. Anette Dennis, First Counselor in the Relief Society …
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LDS Giving Machines: Charitable Fascade GasLighting The World
The Giving Machines are a charitable initiative by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Giving Machines are vending machines that allow people to “purchase” items such as food, clothing, and hygiene products, which are donated directly to those in need through other charities. People can select specific items from the machine, pay for …
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The Scary Dangers of Mormon Doubt
A member of the LDS Quorum of the Seventy, Hugo Montoya, shared a message in the Ensign, the church magazine, in June 2017. He is among the top leadership of the religion. He adds to the Mormon paranoia of doubt. The church demonizes doubt and uses fear to scare members from questioning their authority or …
Mormon Church Ripping off Millions of Dollars from Australia
The Mormon church wants everyone to read the Book of Mormon, but it will do nearly anything to keep anyone from reading their financial books. 60 Minutes Australia did some investigative reporting and alleges that the Mormon church is ripping off hundreds of millions of dollars from the Australian government in tax evasion. In many …
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Veronika Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Veronika’s faith journey from a Mormon to an agnostic secular humanist shows personal evolution and intellectual transformation. Growing up in Utah, she was the first in her immediate family to step away from the LDS Church. Initially embracing the conviction that living the gospel would lead to a happy life, Veronika grappled with the church’s …
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Church Claims Activism a Tactic of Satan and Gaslights Members
Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, the then First Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency, gave a talk to LDS Chaplains, on October 4, 2022, in which he teaches against activism directed towards the church. He doesn’t want members getting any ideas that they can influence or change things the church does by criticizing, complaining, or …
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Mormons and Interracial Marriage
President Spencer W Kimball, as president of the church gave a speech at BYU about Marriage and Divorce in 1976. This talk is currently referenced frequently, nearly 50 years later, in church lesson manuals and by church leaders. In this talk, he spoke against interracial marriages. He advised against marriages between those from differing economic …
Kevin Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Kevin’s journey is a touching story about resilience, identity, and being a gay man in the context of Mormonism. With deep ties to handcart pioneers and a family history linked to Joseph Smith, Kevin experienced the challenges of being a gay Mormon in a community struggling to understand. His turning point, voting for gay marriage …
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What is ‘Letter For My Wife’
Letter For My Wife is a document aggregating questions and doubts about the Mormon church written by a questioning Mormon to his wife. The letter is meant to discuss the questions and concerns with the church’s truth claims or truth crisis and this man’s testimony. The letter was started as a document in 2009, when …
Do LDS Mission Presidents Get Paid?
General Authorities and top leaders of the church are compensated or paid for their work, though technically they claim they are not on salary. The church claims over and over that there is no paid clergy and that the church runs on volunteers. But we can see that they are choosing their words carefully at …
Doubt is Not the Opposite of Faith; Certainty Is
Doubt is frequently cast as the opposite of faith. Doubt is frequently shunned, and sometimes, outright condemned. Mormon leaders today demonize doubt and admonish members to doubt their doubts, to stop rehearsing their doubts with others, researching doubts is not going to provide answers and even that research itself is not the solution to doubt. …
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