Prominent LDS historian Richard Bushman and famed author of Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling notes, “I think that for the Church to remain strong, it has to reconstruct its narrative. The dominant narrative is not true; it can’t be sustained. The Church has to absorb all this new information or it will be on very shaky grounds …
Tag Archives: ces letter
(Page 2)The CES Letter is a set of honest questions seeking official answers from the LDS Church on its troubling origins, history, and practices.
Yesterday’s Anti-Mormon “Lies” Are Today’s Church Essays
What are the Church Essays? The church has quietly published some essays discussing some hard-to-reconcile issues. There are multiple topics in these essays, such as Multiple First Vision Accounts, Rock in a Hat Translation & Mormon Institutionalized Racism, a collection of essays about Polygamy referred to as Plural Marriage & even Heavenly Mother. Haven’t heard …
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Lindsay Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Mormon church leaders council that research is not the answer, but that stance only works for so long. Once the floodgates of true information open, there’s no turning back. Lindsay found that once she had the information, the only conclusion that makes any sense. She has this poignant epiphany that the church simply isn’t true. …
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Zac Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
In his quest to find himself, Zac realized he was done living for everyone else’s comfort. He really began to find himself and face his own sexuality. Finding the CES letter helped him open his eyes and see that he’d been conditioned his whole life and never allowed himself to think his own thoughts! “I …
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Plonx Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
The CES Letter reaches far and wide and everywhere it unwinds the lies the church tells. Plonx from the Philippines deconstructed his faith and found more happiness after leaving the mormon church. “I started searching about the mormon church. I learned about the CES Letter, the salamander letter, the case of Mark Hoffman, the Book …
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Denise Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
The CES Letter exposes many of the church’s coverups and helps readers see through the correlated bologna. Denise accidentally found the CES letter but didn’t accidentally leave the church. “I stumbled on the Post Mormon facebook pages, learned about the CES letter, and all of the lies of the church. I resigned my membership in …
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Barton Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Barton found the discrepancies in the church’s version of things and in reality after reading the CES letter and all things church history. The church is more interested in protecting its own interests than in teaching truth or being truthful. “I stumbled upon the CES letter and “letter for my wife” by accident. Once I …
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Sydney Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Sydney found the CES letter both devastating and relieving. She followed up with her most sincere prayer ever but received no answer. There’s only one conclusion at that point. “I did my research, from sources inside the church and out. The breaking point, as I’m sure it was for many, was the CES letter. I …
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Shelby Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Shelby knows that if she wasn’t born into the church, there’s no way she would believe it. Tradition keeps many people in the church. Luckily, her husband stumbled on the CES letter and she didn’t take much convincing after reading it. “I’d always said ‘If I wasn’t born into it, I wouldn’t believe it.’ I …
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Becca Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Becca admits that her shelf was loaded with questions and her church leaders were not comfortable with them. Presumably, because they couldn’t answer them, and even permitting space to ask them was too risky for them. The CES letter was bold enough to answer these questions. “I always had more questions than my leaders were …
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