Spencer W. Kimball, LDS Church President from 1973–1985. He gave an address soon after becoming the church president at a Regional Representatives Seminar where he asked for indoctrination. While the term “indoctrination” may seem neutral in some contexts, its use here is a red flag, suggesting a deliberate effort to mold individuals into unwavering adherents …
Tag Archives: mental health
Better Dead Clean, Than Alive Unclean
Bruce R. McConkie’s statement in Mormon Doctrine—”Loss of virtue is too great a price to pay even for the preservation of one’s life—better dead clean, than alive unclean”—is deeply problematic and reflects harmful ideologies surrounding purity culture. By equating virtue exclusively with chastity and suggesting that death is preferable to “uncleanness” (interpreted as loss of …
Landon Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Landon’s decision to leave the Mormon Church came after years of deeply ingrained expectations, personal struggles, and growing disillusionment. Raised in a devout Mormon family, he did everything the Church asked of him—from being baptized at eight to serving a mission in one of the most dangerous parts of the world. Yet, despite his efforts …
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The Church and Victim Blaming Victims of Abuse
Victim blaming occurs when the victim of a crime or harmful action is held partially or fully responsible for what happened to them. This mindset shifts the blame away from the perpetrator and can further harm the victim by suggesting they could have prevented the incident. Church leaders and materials are known to place blame …
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What is Cognitive Dissonance?
Cognitive dissonance occurs when a person experiences discomfort due to holding conflicting beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors. To reduce this discomfort, individuals often try to reconcile these inconsistencies, either by changing their beliefs, justifying their actions, or avoiding information that exacerbates the conflict. Leon Festinger Social psychologist Leon Festinger coined the term “cognitive dissonance” in the 1950s in …
BITE Mormonism – Censorship Example
A respectful note for whoever thinks Mormonism is not a cult, please consider the BITE model developed by Dr. Steven Hassan based on his own observations and experiences as a cult survivor. The BITE model describes the four areas of authoritarian control cults exert over their followers. The acronym refers to [B]ehavior Control, [I]nformation control, [T]hought control and …
Mormonism and The BITE Model
Determining whether The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly known as the Mormon Church) qualifies as a cult hinges on various criteria. According to the BITE model, we find evidence that it meets several characteristics associated with cults. Note that the term “cult” carries negative connotations and lacks a universally agreed-upon definition, and …
The BITE Model to Cults from Dr Steven Hassan
Steven Hassan Dr. Steven Hassan is a prominent mental health professional, author, and advocate known for his expertise in cults and undue influence. Having experienced firsthand the effects of mind control and manipulation as a former member of the Unification Church (commonly known as the Moonies), Dr. Hassan has dedicated his life to helping individuals …
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Jana Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Jana’s journey is a powerful testament to the courage it takes to question deeply ingrained beliefs and to prioritize personal well-being over rigid expectations. Raised in a devout Mormon family in Utah, Jana spent years trying to conform to the ideals of her faith, despite the inner turmoil it caused her. As she struggled with …
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Erica Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Meet Erica, a woman with deep spiritual roots and pioneer ancestors. Raised as a devout Mormon, Erica valued her spirituality and sees it as a vital part of her identity. However, her journey took an unexpected turn when a prayer about tithing led to a surprising answer that she did not need to pay money …
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Rosanna Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Growing up in Utah within a devout Mormon family, Rosana inherited her parents’ beliefs but soon found herself grappling with the suffocating pressures of conformity and cultural expectations. Despite her upbringing in a community steeped in faith, Rosana’s experience with church rituals and teachings left her feeling disconnected and disillusioned. The rigid standards imposed by …
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Dodie Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Meet Dodie, a nature enthusiast and math mentor who, in 1975, embraced the Mormon faith, captivated by the promise of belonging to God’s true church and guided by the teachings of a living prophet. Devoting over four decades to the Mormon community, she held numerous callings and sought to magnify her role within the church. …
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Grace Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Grace’s journey out of the Mormon church was marked by profound personal struggle and self-discovery. From a young age, she grappled with her identity as a gay individual in a religious environment that condemned her very existence. Raised in the Mormon faith, she internalized the belief that her sexuality was sinful and spent years attempting …
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Lindee Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Lindee converted to Mormonism as a young adult and served a mission. She followed advice of her Bishop and avoided therapy and saw her mental health suffer. After a long time as a single woman, she married, had children, and continued on the Mormon conveyor belt of life. She “spent a lot of time just …
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Church encourages Members to Assume the Good; Doubt the Bad
The church leaders know what they are doing. They are working feverishly to keep people in the church. They don’t want members to be bothered by the bad things the church has done and is doing. They embed lines in their talks and devotionals encouraging members to only think positively of the leaders, and ignore …
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November Policy of LGBT Exclusion, The Reversal, and Mormon Mental Gymnastics
In November 2015 a new church policy was leaked and upset many members of the church and those outside the church. It became known as the November Policy of Exclusion. It affected those who are LGBTQ+ allies and family and friends by prohibiting children of same-sex married couples from being baptized or blessed at church …
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Mike was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Story Spotlight
Mike was raised in a part-member family but never had missionary aspirations. Instead, he wanted to get an education and “fly jets.” He found immense pressure to serve a mission from ward members and was surprised when his Bishop presented him with mission papers. He declined and has been on a road to personal growth, …
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Putting Questions on the Shelf is Unhealthy and Doesn’t Work
In the Mormon community, the practice of putting questions on a shelf refers to the act of setting aside doubts or concerns about the faith in order to maintain belief and avoid conflict with church teachings. Mormons are encouraged to trust in the leadership and authority of the church and to believe that answers to …
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Explore the Origin Story of wasmormon.org – A Mormon Book Reviews Podcast Episode
A recent episode of the Mormon Book Reviews podcast features an interview with Evan, the creator of wasmormon.org, and his brother Garrett. Evan shares the story of how he came to create the website and why he chose to share his experience of leaving the Mormon church. The interview includes the personal stories of faith …
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Writing Your Traumatic Faith Crisis Experience is Healthy and Healing
Do you have exmormon trauma? Try writing your story. Write about your faith deconstruction or crisis. wasmormon.org gives you a place to do this important and healing writing. Consider contributing your story to the site so others can read it and find community and validation as well! Suppressing the trauma is bad for us and …
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Personal Mormon Faith Crisis Report – Summary & Potential Next Steps
The report concludes with suggestions the mormon church can take to mitigate the further loss of members due to a faith crisis. This report shows that the church leaders are well aware of the fact that members are leaving and why they are leaving and shows us insight into how the church thinks it can plug this membership leak.
Experiencing Groundlessness in a Faith Transition
Many people have as their main defense of Mormonism is that it gives them purpose and meaning. “The church is good or useful for me so I stay.” Those who find it useful may or may not be all in believers, they might or might not drink deeply of the kool-aid. We each have a …
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It gets better
A faith crisis may be hard, but it does get better – like wading past the crashing waves. We struggle with many difficulties navigating a mormon faith crisis. It is quite tumultuous, as the phrase ‘crisis’ implies. We often hear the advice that “it gets better” – which is helpful, but it does take time. …