A stake in Utah offers a course in ‘How to avoid a Faith Crisis’. It looks like this is a series of lessons and though the handout formatting is so horrible some are hard to read, it looks like the topics each include a scripture reference and are as follows: Faith Crisis Avoidance Course Examination …
Tag Archives: homophobia
Frey Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Despite being raised in the church, Frey couldn’t shake the sense that something wasn’t right. As they grappled with their faith, Frey went inactive multiple times, searching for answers to questions that remained unanswered or dismissed. As Frey embraced their identity as a queer individual, they confronted the stark reality of the church’s teachings on …
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Mark E Petersen, LGBT Are Worthy of Death
Over time, the LDS Church’s perspective on homosexuality evolved from a stance of subdued disapproval to one of pronounced institutional homophobia. In the 1950s, church leaders increasingly characterized homosexuality as both a crime and a treatable mental disorder. In 1968, they further intensified their stance by including “homosexual acts” as grounds for excommunication, effectively aiming …
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Grace Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Grace’s journey out of the Mormon church was marked by profound personal struggle and self-discovery. From a young age, she grappled with her identity as a gay individual in a religious environment that condemned her very existence. Raised in the Mormon faith, she internalized the belief that her sexuality was sinful and spent years attempting …
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The Mormon-Canadian-BYU Billion Dollar Tithing Funnel
Investigation reveals more than $1 billion raised by the Mormon church in Canada has been funneled to the U.S. rather than going to charitable works in this country. We hear from former members in Canada and elsewhere who say concerns about how money is spent have led them to leave the church. – The Fifth …
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November Policy of LGBT Exclusion, The Reversal, and Mormon Mental Gymnastics
In November 2015 a new church policy was leaked and upset many members of the church and those outside the church. It became known as the November Policy of Exclusion. It affected those who are LGBTQ+ allies and family and friends by prohibiting children of same-sex married couples from being baptized or blessed at church …
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Tim Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
In Germany, Tim was raised in an atheist family but was intrigued by the church. He met with missionaries and wanted to get baptized at 16 years old. At this age, he needed parental permission, which they did not give but he continued to investigate the church for two more years. He was baptized right …
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Gen Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Gen grew up as a military brat with strict Mormon parents and experienced various forms of abuse during her childhood. She also suffered the devastating loss of her brother, who was her best friend, and sees Mormon beliefs as a contributing factor. After leaving the church, she is now focusing on healing and discovering her …
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Heidi Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Heidi was a faithful member who enjoyed studying church history. Recently, the “new” church history became disturbing and sounded more like a cult. Through her spouse leaving the church she struggled with the fear-based messages of church leaders and digging in to understand when they are speaking as prophets vs as men, realizing that they …
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Laycie Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Laycie had a rude wake-up call when she was put into a situation to choose between her church and her child. Thankfully, she listened to her love and realized that she was in a cult. So happy to know that she got out and supported her child! ❤️ I’m here. I’m queer. I love the …
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Jessie Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Jessie was troubled by her shelf items: issues with church history, sexism, racism, and homophobia in the Mormon church. It became too much to reconcile, and she’s lucky to have left the church as a whole family. Born and raised in Germany and live now in Texas. I was a mormon. We left the church …
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