How To Leave the Mormon Church

There are many reasons someone might decide to quit the Mormon Church, often stemming from a deep desire for authenticity, integrity, and personal freedom. For some, the decision arises after discovering inconsistencies in the church’s foundational narratives, such as the lack of evidence for the Book of Mormon or the troubling aspects of Joseph Smith’s …

QuitMormon Offers Free Legal Assistance For Mormons Who Want To Resign

Mark Naugle, an immigration attorney from Orem, UT, is the creator of, a free service that helps members resign from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His involvement in this effort was not initially planned but was influenced by his own personal experience. When Naugle was 15, his family, after conducting their …

If Joseph Smith was a deceiver, who willfully attempted to mislead the people, then he should be exposed – but leave the church alone won’t you?

In response to those who wonder why mormons who leave the church and then speak out against it and echo the phrase: “You can leave the church, but you can’t leave it alone.” Glenn L. Pace, Follow the Prophet, General Conference, April 1989 As mormons, we have been taught to share truth. That desire and …