This paystub provides a detailed breakdown of Henry B. Eyring’s compensation and deductions, contradicting the LDS Church’s claim that it has “no paid clergy.” Let’s analyze each section: Earnings Breakdown: Total earnings for the period: $8,461.22. The majority of which are reimbursements of some form. Deductions: The total deductions for this pay period are $597.10, …
Tag Archives: monetize
Tithing—a Commandment Even for the Destitute
Lynn G. Robbins, LDS Seventy and Elder, spoke at General Conference in April 2005. He emphasizes that even the poorest members of the Mormon Church should pay tithing, regardless of their financial hardship. While Robbins likely intended to encourage strong faith and commitment, his approach creates a predatory framework that pressures the financially vulnerable into …
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The Prosperity Gospel and Tithing
What is the Mormon Prosperity Gospel? The prosperity gospel of Mormonism reflects a mindset that righteous living leads to temporal prosperity or the idea that links material wealth and success directly with divine favor. Though not an official doctrine of the church, elements of this mindset are found in Mormon culture and teachings. It is …
Elder Ballard Gave Mormon Tithing Records to Tim Ballard as Potential OUR Donors
Tim Ballard has been a topic of discussion with his separation from O.U.R., the release of the Sound of Freedom movie, hint at running for US Senate for Utah, and then publicly denounced by the Mormon church leadership. The Davis County investigation into his dealings has produced some interesting allegations. If true these are incredible …
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President Nelson Embellishing Stories to Promote Faith – Armed Robbery and Faulty Gun to His Head
Russel M. Nelson and his second wife, Wendy, were involved in an altercation in Mozambique, Africa while visiting the mission home in 2009. The mission home is alarmingly robbed by assailants. When first reported there is nothing involving criminals targeting church leaders. The only injuries mentioned in the reports were the Mission President’s wife having …
Mormon Excuses for Zero Financial Transparency
The Mormon church is famously secretive (or confidential) with it’s financial disclosures. They say as little as possible about it and are even known to hide money from the IRS and SEC in filing the required tax forms illegally. They’ve been busted by a whistleblower recently and the SEC came looking – they were able …
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Monetizing Ponderize – Do Church Leaders Cash In?
The term “ponderize” was coined by a Mormon Church leader, Devin G. Durrant, during a General Conference talk in October 2015. It is a portmanteau of “ponder” and “memorize” intended to convey a specific approach to studying and applying the teachings of the Church. I invite you to “ponderize” one verse of scripture each week. The word ponderize is not …
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The Tithing … Ellipsis
Punctuation Lesson An ellipsis (…) is used to omit unnecessary detail from a quote. It usually indicates an intentional omission of a word, sentence, or whole section from a text without altering its original meaning. (It also functions to indicate that the speaker has trailed off and left a sentence or thought unfinished. Like here… …