Tim Ballard has been a topic of discussion with his separation from O.U.R., the release of the Sound of Freedom movie, hint at running for US Senate for Utah, and then publicly denounced by the Mormon church leadership. The Davis County investigation into his dealings has produced some interesting allegations. If true these are incredible breaches of trust by not only Tim Ballard but also Elder M Russell Ballard of the LDS Church Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
Elder Ballard Provided Tim Ballard Church Tithing Records
Elder Ballard allegedly provided tithing records with OUR and Tim Ballard to help OUR target wealthy donors. The complaints also allege that Elder Ballard’s son-in-law manages OUR’s investments and the Ballard family stands to benefit from the investments. So, Elder Ballard is using confidential church financial information for the benefit of his own family.

The Davis County Investigation, according to OUR’s own internal documents, revealed that Elder M. Russell Ballard and other authorities from the Mormon Church, provided Mormon tithing records to OUR to help OUR target wealthy donors and wealthy Mormon Church Wards. Id. at p. 7, ¶ 58 (f).
Complaint in Tim Ballard Case
![Exhibit J: 58.g. [Davis County Attorney Troy] Rawlings alleged that LDS Apostle, Elder M Russell Ballard's son-in-law is involved in investing O.U.R.'s money and Elder Ballard and/or his family is benefiting from the investments. - Complaint in Tim Ballard Case, Davis County Investigation | wasmormon.org](https://i0.wp.com/wasmormon.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Tim-Ballard-Exhibit-J-Elder-Ballard-family-benefiting-from-OUR-investments.jpg?resize=640%2C640&ssl=1)
![Exhibit J: 58. k. [Davis County Attorney Troy] Rawlings alleged that he had evidence that Elder Ballard and/or other LDS Church Authorities had provided LDS Church tithing records to O.U.R. to help O.U.R. target large donors, or wealthy LDS Church Wards. - Complaint in Tim Ballard Case, Davis County Investigation | wasmormon.org](https://i0.wp.com/wasmormon.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Tim-Ballard-Exhibit-J-Elder-Ballard-provided-church-tithing-records-to-OUR-to-help-target-donors.jpg?resize=640%2C640&ssl=1)
Nothing Confidential or Sacred to Apostle
Whether sharing tithing information with a third party is legal may be debatable, but it’s certainly against the church handbook and countless statements that tithing information is private, confidential and even sacred.
Confidentiality of Tithing and Other Offerings
The amount of tithing and other offerings paid by a donor is confidential. Only the bishop and those who are authorized to handle or view these contributions should have access to this information. Stake presidencies, bishoprics, and clerks should never inappropriately discuss a member’s tithing status. Nor should they discuss the total amount of tithing or other offerings received.
This breach of trust should be troubling at all levels and to all members of the church. Top leadership in the church disregards confidently and honesty in order to make money and fund other organizations by openly sharing tithing donor information.
If we read very very carefully though, we can see that the handbook only instructs the stake presidencies, bishoprics, and clerks not to discuss rigging inappropriately…
Mormon Footnote
Also of note is this footnote in the same complaint list. They mention specifically that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints will be referenced by the counsel by it’s “more commonly known” name of Mormon church, in order to limit the use of Jesus’ sacred name. They don’t heed the branding guidelines issued by the church which state that the church prefers to be named in full or the pleas of the church president that using the Mormon nickname is a pejorative and a “major victory for Satan.”
Because the full name of the church includes the name of deity, Plaintiffs’ counsel will refer toThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints as it is more commonly known, the “Mormon”church, in order to limit the use of the sacred name of Jesus Christ. No disrespect is intended bythe apparent informality.
Amended Complaint in Tim Ballard Case
More reading:
- https://wasmormon.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Amended-Complaint-in-Tim-Ballard-Case-with-exhibits.pdf
- https://www.mormonstories.org/681863389-Amended-Complaint-in-Tim-Ballard-Case.pdf
- https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/s/eKSaQwOGmw
- Mormon Church vs Tim Ballard: Cancelling Ballard
- Elder M Russell Ballard’s Colorful History With the SEC
- Mormon Stories: Apostle Gives Tithing Donor Info to Tim Ballard? Sean Reyes Glenn Beck Allegations | Ep. 1833 : https://www.youtube.com/live/dVtkI5UBWJk?si=4PYqlXOs4swLiltQ