We knew they had plenty of money, but we always assumed the money was just being used for good, charitable purposes. That's the messaging that you receive through the church anyway. It wasn't a gift, it was extorted out of us, and I want that acknowledged. I want it acknowledged that I did not give that money willingly. I gave it because I had to, and I don't believe the rubbish their peddling. I want my tithing money back. - Trevor and Sue Given, Australian Ex-Mormons, seeking refund of donations to Mormon church - The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022 | wasmormon.org
We knew they had plenty of money, but we always assumed the money was just being used for good, charitable purposes. That's the messaging that you receive through the church anyway. It wasn't a gift, it was extorted out of us, and I want that acknowledged. I want it acknowledged that I did not give that money willingly. I gave it because I had to, and I don't believe the rubbish their peddling. I want my tithing money back. - Trevor and Sue Given, Australian Ex-Mormons, seeking refund of donations to Mormon church - The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022