Fast Food Orders vs Quitting Church – McDonald’s, Messed-Up Orders, and the Commoditization of Religion

A popular meme has been making the rounds. These memes read: “McDonald’s can mess up your order 101 times and you still keep going back… One thing goes wrong at church and you quit.” This suggests that people are more forgiving of mistakes at fast-food restaurants like McDonald’s than they are of issues with a church. It …

Oaks’ Temporary Commandments and The Shifting Sands of “Permanent” Laws

Dallin H. Oaks introduced a new concept during the October 2024 General Conference. He states that while some commandments are permanent, others are temporary. He then provides a few examples of each before moving on in his talk and not returning to the subject to conclude that we must forgo contention, be peacemakers, and avoid …

Richard Bushman, Mormon Historian, Concedes to CES Letter Truths on CES Letters Podcast

Richard Bushman concedes to many points Jeremy Runnells brought up in the CES Letter in a discussion on the CES Letters podcast. CES Letters has no affiliation with the CES Letter, but is the latest attempt to debunk it. Richard Bushman is asked a series of questions stemming from the CES Letter, and responds to …

Moroni’s Promise – A Lesson in Confirmation Bias and Elevated Emotions

In the Book of Mormon, Moroni offers a promise often cited by members of the LDS Church to confirm its truthfulness. This promise is foundational for many Mormons, providing a personal spiritual confirmation of the church’s teachings. Moroni encourages readers to ask God with a sincere heart and real intent if the Book of Mormon …

“At Bonneville Communications, our ability to touch the hearts and minds of audiences makes us an essential resource for organizations with vital messages... Our creative professionals have designed messages for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” (Bonneville is a subsidiary of Deseret Management Corporation, a for-profit arm of The Church.) - HeartSell® on Bonneville International Website, 2014 |
“At Bonneville Communications, our ability to touch the hearts and minds of audiences makes us an essential resource for organizations with vital messages... Our creative professionals have designed messages for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” (Bonneville is a subsidiary of Deseret Management Corporation, a for-profit arm of The Church.) - HeartSell® on Bonneville International Website, 2014