"I learned when studying and asking sincere questions that swift discipline and warnings came from leaders. They were not remotely interested in the true history and evolving and constantly changing position on "doctrines." Only that the membership would never learn the true history and absurd adjustments to doctrine." Ken Clark - Find Ken's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/kenclark/
"I learned when studying and asking sincere questions that swift discipline and warnings came from leaders. They were not remotely interested in the true history and evolving and constantly changing position on "doctrines." Only that the membership would never learn the true history and absurd adjustments to doctrine." Ken Clark - Find Ken's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/kenclark/
"I kept a journal and had large binders filled with life experiences and personal musings. I read them for inspiration from time to time (my personal Doctrine and Covenants), but all I could find on every page was guilt and feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness. It was a record of a man riddled with angst and shame. I was miserable. Rather than bore readers with a lengthy list of "what else happened to me," I'd rather list the principles that left me wondering how I could have ever agreed to convert." Ken Clark - Find Ken's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/kenclark/
"I kept a journal and had large binders filled with life experiences and personal musings. I read them for inspiration from time to time (my personal Doctrine and Covenants), but all I could find on every page was guilt and feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness. It was a record of a man riddled with angst and shame. I was miserable. Rather than bore readers with a lengthy list of "what else happened to me," I'd rather list the principles that left me wondering how I could have ever agreed to convert." Ken Clark - Find Ken's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/kenclark/
"I pressured, begged, pleaded, cajoled my new wife into joining the church in 1970. As a new convert I wanted to become a full time CES professional after graduation from college. I thought teaching full time for the church meant using a scholarly, studious approach to the church's origin story and its doctrine. I worked hard to become a noted defender of the church. I read everything, developed elaborate outlines and notes. I outlined chapters of the scriptures (all of them), with commentary." Ken Clark - Find Ken's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/kenclark/
"I pressured, begged, pleaded, cajoled my new wife into joining the church in 1970. As a new convert I wanted to become a full time CES professional after graduation from college. I thought teaching full time for the church meant using a scholarly, studious approach to the church's origin story and its doctrine. I worked hard to become a noted defender of the church. I read everything, developed elaborate outlines and notes. I outlined chapters of the scriptures (all of them), with commentary." Ken Clark - Find Ken's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/kenclark/
"Not many months later, the church published an essay confirming the facts that my non-believing friend had told me many times before, about Joseph Smith’s polygamist marriages to underage girls. So many "anti-Mormon lies" of yesterday, are confirmed truths today. My wife and I stepped away from the church. Our 4 children were out of the house and out of the church at that time as well. " - Find Brent's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/brent-hale/
"Not many months later, the church published an essay confirming the facts that my non-believing friend had told me many times before, about Joseph Smith’s polygamist marriages to underage girls. So many "anti-Mormon lies" of yesterday, are confirmed truths today. My wife and I stepped away from the church. Our 4 children were out of the house and out of the church at that time as well. " - Find Brent's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/brent-hale/
"Born in Salt Lake City, raised in a small, Southern Idaho Mormon community. Descendent of Mormon Pioneers. I served a mission, later married in the temple and served in many callings, from nursery to first counsellor in the bishopric. I was a Mormon." - Find Brent's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/brent-hale/
"Born in Salt Lake City, raised in a small, Southern Idaho Mormon community. Descendent of Mormon Pioneers. I served a mission, later married in the temple and served in many callings, from nursery to first counsellor in the bishopric. I was a Mormon." - Find Brent's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/brent-hale/
"When I was serving as the 1st counselor, the bishop at the time challenged everyone in the ward to read the Book of Mormon. I was on board and excited about the chance to strengthen my testimony about it and dove in head first to that challenge. I encouraged all my family members to participate as well. My attitude and heart were right, but as I read, my logical mind took over and I found myself doubting the validity of it. I had a few specific, but strong issues with it that I struggled with but I put them on a shelf in the back of my mind." - Find Brent's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/brent-hale/
"When I was serving as the 1st counselor, the bishop at the time challenged everyone in the ward to read the Book of Mormon. I was on board and excited about the chance to strengthen my testimony about it and dove in head first to that challenge. I encouraged all my family members to participate as well. My attitude and heart were right, but as I read, my logical mind took over and I found myself doubting the validity of it. I had a few specific, but strong issues with it that I struggled with but I put them on a shelf in the back of my mind." - Find Brent's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/brent-hale/
"For many years a close friend of mine has discussed with me a lot of topics that I considered anti-Mormon. This friend is one that I respect and admire, but I rejected everything he told me. I will never make a judgment about anything important like that unless I hear firsthand from unbiased witnesses without an agenda. The things he told me were unverifiable even though he believed them to be true and he was convinced that the LDS church was not true. I stood firm to my beliefs." - Find Brent's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/brent-hale/
"For many years a close friend of mine has discussed with me a lot of topics that I considered anti-Mormon. This friend is one that I respect and admire, but I rejected everything he told me. I will never make a judgment about anything important like that unless I hear firsthand from unbiased witnesses without an agenda. The things he told me were unverifiable even though he believed them to be true and he was convinced that the LDS church was not true. I stood firm to my beliefs." - Find Brent's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/brent-hale/
"Soon thereafter, I decided to revisit those issues I had with the Book of Mormon. I determined that I was going to figure it out on my own with church-approved material and taking in to account the experiences that I have witnessed in my own lifetime. Long story short, I came to the conclusion that what I believed in my heart about the nature of God was contradicted by many things I read in the BOM." - Find Brent's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/brent-hale/
"Soon thereafter, I decided to revisit those issues I had with the Book of Mormon. I determined that I was going to figure it out on my own with church-approved material and taking in to account the experiences that I have witnessed in my own lifetime. Long story short, I came to the conclusion that what I believed in my heart about the nature of God was contradicted by many things I read in the BOM." - Find Brent's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/brent-hale/
"A few years later, in a High Priest Group meeting the lesson was about the translation of the Book of Mormon. After that lesson I was convinced that my doubts were unwarranted and that Joseph Smith truly did receive inspiration from God to translate. I was having a testimony roller coaster ride." - Find Brent's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/brent-hale/
"A few years later, in a High Priest Group meeting the lesson was about the translation of the Book of Mormon. After that lesson I was convinced that my doubts were unwarranted and that Joseph Smith truly did receive inspiration from God to translate. I was having a testimony roller coaster ride." - Find Brent's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/brent-hale/
"On a flight I sat next a Baptist Minister. I decided, contrary to my normal behavior on an airplane, to have a real conversation with a stranger. He told me about the Baptists' "Young Earth" beliefs and when I asked him about dinosaurs, he told me that carbon dating didn't work. I still remember my thought when he said that; "boy those Baptists sure expect their members to believe some silly stuff. Wait, so does my church". " - Find Brent's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/brent-hale/
"On a flight I sat next a Baptist Minister. I decided, contrary to my normal behavior on an airplane, to have a real conversation with a stranger. He told me about the Baptists' "Young Earth" beliefs and when I asked him about dinosaurs, he told me that carbon dating didn't work. I still remember my thought when he said that; "boy those Baptists sure expect their members to believe some silly stuff. Wait, so does my church". " - Find Brent's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/brent-hale/
"Then one day I got some very terrible news about a member of my family. My life has not been short on adversity and this was one of the most adverse things that had ever happened. I was really angry at God, feeling picked on, ready to throw in the towel. Honestly, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. It was a hard thing for me, but I decided that I could no longer count myself a believer of the LDS church. Not even a believer in God." - Find Brent's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/brent-hale/
"Then one day I got some very terrible news about a member of my family. My life has not been short on adversity and this was one of the most adverse things that had ever happened. I was really angry at God, feeling picked on, ready to throw in the towel. Honestly, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. It was a hard thing for me, but I decided that I could no longer count myself a believer of the LDS church. Not even a believer in God." - Find Brent's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/brent-hale/
"In my lifetime I had personally witnessed many major changes in the church. I honestly do believe that all those changes make it better, however, I had been taught that the fullness of the gospel was restored by Joseph Smith so why did it need to be changed? I still shelved my issues. I wasn’t quite sure what to do at that point in time." - Find Brent's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/brent-hale/
"In my lifetime I had personally witnessed many major changes in the church. I honestly do believe that all those changes make it better, however, I had been taught that the fullness of the gospel was restored by Joseph Smith so why did it need to be changed? I still shelved my issues. I wasn’t quite sure what to do at that point in time." - Find Brent's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/brent-hale/
This is not an ad, it's a spotlight on a profile shared at wasmormon.org. These are just the highlights, so please find Brent's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/brent-hale/. There are over a hundred more stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at wasmormon.org!
This is not an ad, it's a spotlight on a profile shared at wasmormon.org. These are just the highlights, so please find Brent's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/brent-hale/. There are over a hundred more stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at wasmormon.org!
This is not an ad, it's a spotlight on a profile shared at wasmormon.org. These are just the highlights, so please find Evert's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/evert/. There are over a hundred more stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by people like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at wasmormon.org!
This is not an ad, it's a spotlight on a profile shared at wasmormon.org. These are just the highlights, so please find Evert's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/evert/. There are over a hundred more stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by people like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at wasmormon.org!
"I submitted my resignation the next day. So now I am Mormon with no church. A soon to be ex-wife who broke her Covenants she agreed to at the Alter of God when we were sealed for Time and All Eternity. 4 Kids, 28 1/2 years married, 32+ years together. She still believes, so I am the bad guy for not folding like a cheap sheet of paper. All my dreams gone." - Evert | "I was a Mormon" https://wasmormon.org/profile/evert/
"I submitted my resignation the next day. So now I am Mormon with no church. A soon to be ex-wife who broke her Covenants she agreed to at the Alter of God when we were sealed for Time and All Eternity. 4 Kids, 28 1/2 years married, 32+ years together. She still believes, so I am the bad guy for not folding like a cheap sheet of paper. All my dreams gone." - Evert | "I was a Mormon" https://wasmormon.org/profile/evert/
"It all turned to crap when my wife told me that she was leaving because the church is true. I did not ask her to choose she decided that all on her own, or maybe someone at church did it for her." - Evert | "I was a Mormon" https://wasmormon.org/profile/evert/
"It all turned to crap when my wife told me that she was leaving because the church is true. I did not ask her to choose she decided that all on her own, or maybe someone at church did it for her." - Evert | "I was a Mormon" https://wasmormon.org/profile/evert/
"I do not believe the Scriptures are the literal Word of God or even a historical record. Their purpose is to provide a basic knowledge of God and to help us feel the Spirit. There are many Scriptures including the Bible, Book of Mormon, Qur'an, Tripitaka, Gita, Torah, Guru Granth Sahib and others. They teach the basics, Love God and Love your Neighbour." - Evert | "I was a Mormon" https://wasmormon.org/profile/evert/
"I do not believe the Scriptures are the literal Word of God or even a historical record. Their purpose is to provide a basic knowledge of God and to help us feel the Spirit. There are many Scriptures including the Bible, Book of Mormon, Qur'an, Tripitaka, Gita, Torah, Guru Granth Sahib and others. They teach the basics, Love God and Love your Neighbour." - Evert | "I was a Mormon" https://wasmormon.org/profile/evert/
"I stopped attending Elder's Quorum and Sunday School because I didn't want to challenge the new leadership (I tend to answer questions a lot in class) and Sunday School was just the same, same each time: read your scriptures, pray, keep the commandments... No substance." - Evert | "I was a Mormon" https://wasmormon.org/profile/evert/
"I stopped attending Elder's Quorum and Sunday School because I didn't want to challenge the new leadership (I tend to answer questions a lot in class) and Sunday School was just the same, same each time: read your scriptures, pray, keep the commandments... No substance." - Evert | "I was a Mormon" https://wasmormon.org/profile/evert/
"I was given a calling in the Bishopric that I was not prepared for and no support was given. On meeting with the Bishop I shared that the 'call' was a mistake, I did not get confirmation when I prayed and fasted over the 'call.' This kicked off a diatribe where I was told that the Bishop does not make mistakes. I was released promptly and was not given a calling for 6 months." - Evert | "I was a Mormon" https://wasmormon.org/profile/evert/
"I was given a calling in the Bishopric that I was not prepared for and no support was given. On meeting with the Bishop I shared that the 'call' was a mistake, I did not get confirmation when I prayed and fasted over the 'call.' This kicked off a diatribe where I was told that the Bishop does not make mistakes. I was released promptly and was not given a calling for 6 months." - Evert | "I was a Mormon" https://wasmormon.org/profile/evert/
"I attended Church regularly, met a girl, fell in love, went on a mission, she went on a mission, we got home and married in the temple. My non-Mormon family was not allowed to come and that created some conflict with my parents but, you know, "The Church is True", so the sacrifice was supposedly worth it." - Evert | "I was a Mormon" https://wasmormon.org/profile/evert/
"I attended Church regularly, met a girl, fell in love, went on a mission, she went on a mission, we got home and married in the temple. My non-Mormon family was not allowed to come and that created some conflict with my parents but, you know, "The Church is True", so the sacrifice was supposedly worth it." - Evert | "I was a Mormon" https://wasmormon.org/profile/evert/
"I joined the church at 20 when I felt a call from God, I was an atheist before then. After I accepted God into my life, the missionaries found me and I was baptized. I was a Mormon, then it was forbidden, I am still a Mormon just not a member of the church anymore." - Evert | "I was a Mormon" https://wasmormon.org/profile/evert/
"I joined the church at 20 when I felt a call from God, I was an atheist before then. After I accepted God into my life, the missionaries found me and I was baptized. I was a Mormon, then it was forbidden, I am still a Mormon just not a member of the church anymore." - Evert | "I was a Mormon" https://wasmormon.org/profile/evert/
"Since I left I've been running an ex-mormon women's support group with my best friend. Life is definitely better without the church. I can recognize abusive relationships now, and think about my needs. It's a decision I've never regretted." - Emma | wasmormon.org
"Since I left I've been running an ex-mormon women's support group with my best friend. Life is definitely better without the church. I can recognize abusive relationships now, and think about my needs. It's a decision I've never regretted." - Emma | wasmormon.org
"I started feeling more, my personality could finally start to grow. It was kind of amazing. Of course there is the faith crisis and realizing you've been brainwashed your whole life, and I do still struggle with how much the church took from me." - Emma | wasmormon.org
"I started feeling more, my personality could finally start to grow. It was kind of amazing. Of course there is the faith crisis and realizing you've been brainwashed your whole life, and I do still struggle with how much the church took from me." - Emma | wasmormon.org