Tag Archives: book of mormon plagarism

Book of Mormon Invites Criticism
Hugh Nibley (1910–2005) was an American scholar and prominent figure in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He was known for his contributions to LDS scholarship, particularly in ancient history, languages, and religious studies. Nibley held a Ph.D. in ancient history and wrote about ancient civilizations, religious history, and Mormonism. Nibley’s influence extends …
Tom Donofrio Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Tom discovered that he does not need special qualifications to analyze the text of the Book of Mormon. He found plenty of simple evidence that shows it is “easily seen as a product of its time.” He feels that the lack of support from church leadership negates any claims from apologists and cites that the …
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Leave Over Under or Around The Book of Mormon
Church leaders proclaim that the Book of Mormon is sacred and untouchable. They will tell that it has not been disproven and lay a case that it is impossible for you or anyone to create such a book without divine guidance. They claim it is historically accurate and that it has never been altered. It …
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Garrett Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Garrett stumbled into the rabbit hole of doctrine inconsistencies while doing his best to teach the youth of the church. He studied deeply and what he was finding troubled him enough to stop. He felt the prompting to continue to “seek truth. [He] felt assured that if the church was true, if the restoration was …
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Anachronisms Found in the Book of Mormon
What is an anachronism? Anachronisms are impossibilities or inconsistencies that include things that do not belong together. Something like the Flintstones is anachronistic because it portrays humans and dinosaurs living together, but science tells us that dinosaurs were long extinct before humans evolved. Something like the image above, portraying Abraham Lincoln with a laptop computer …