anjaisagirlgraydametroyaddingtonevangelion90freidomGemerinkucera2luckyJessicaCelesteSteveKierstenAugustusJennPeteAnonymousColeDavidbradleybrittSeth LambcarlyKevin PomeroyJulia SmileskaylieChris JohnsoncominghomeNoelle HymanRebeccamicahZachHeathJenNancyDeserae DawnAlisonPhattyMeggan MolgardMike WoodsRonZach WetzelA Long Time Mormon FamilyRobert DyerHannah RobertsAnnettaBrandon PearceAudrey Fanning HawkerHayley
“I was a Mormon” Stories
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Mormon shelf issues:
- 116 Lost Pages
- abuse
- Adam-God
- age of the earth
- apologetics
- authority
- blacks and the priesthood
- blind faith
- blood atonement
- Book of Abraham Translation
- Book of Mormon anachronisms
- book of mormon origin and translation
- Brigham Young's polygamy
- caffeine
- CES Letter
- church culture
- church history
- church lawsuits
- church name
- City Creek Center
- coffee
- colonization
- corporation of the church
- DNA and the Book of Mormon
- doubt
- dress and grooming standards
- Ensign Peak Advisors
- eternal family
- evil speaking of the Lord's annointed
- evolution
- excommunication
- excommunication of Bill Reel
- excommunication of John Dehlin
- excommunication of Natasha Helfer
- excommunication of Sam Young
- Existence of God
- Fanny Alger
- fear-based teachings
- feelings over facts
- folk magic
- Gospel Topic Essays
- Heavenly Mother
- historicity of book of mormon
- historicity of the bible
- I know the church is true
- Infallibility Complex
- Joseph Smith's polygamy
- kinderhook plates
- Kirtland Safety Society
- leader worship
- Letter for My Wife
- LGBTQ issues
- marginalization of others
- Mark Hofmann forgeries
- masonic rituals
- Mormon nickname
- mountain meadows massacre
- November policy
- November policy reversal
- Ordain Women
- Patriarchy
- peep stones
- polyandry
- polygamy
- prayer
- priesthood
- prop 8
- purity culture
- racism
- revelation
- science
- September Six
- sexism
- shame culture
- succession crisis
- temple endowment
- temple garments
- temple sealing
- the church's gaslighting practices
- the first vision
- the word of wisdom
- tithing spending
- treasure digging
- unconditional love
- whitewashed church history
- worthiness interviews
Mormon Spectrum:
- Abolitionist
- Active
- Activist
- Agnostic
- Anti Mormon
- Anti-Racist
- Apologist
- Apostate
- Atheist
- Authentic
- Believer
- Big Tent
- Bishop
- Born in the Covenant
- Christian
- Church Historian
- Convert
- Disfellowshipped
- Divorcee
- Doubting
- Endowed
- Excommunicated
- Existential Crisis
- Exmormon
- Exploring
- Faith Crisis
- Feminist
- Humanist
- Inactive
- Intellectual
- Lax Disciple
- Lazy
- LGBTQ+ Ally
- Liberal
- Middle Way
- Mixed-Faith Home
- Non Believer
- Non Literal
- Nuanced
- Offended
- Orthodox
- Pioneer Stock
- Post Mormon
- Progressive
- Questioning
- Resigned
- Returned Missionary
- Seminary Graduate
- Skeptic
- Spiritual
- Temple Marriage
- Tithe Payer
- Transitioning
- Truth Seeker
- Unorthodox