Hi, I'm Sally.
I was a mormon for 43 years. Now I'm not. Now I live my values with integrity. Stoic philosophy reminds me to have balance and fortitude. The courage to admit when I'm wrong. And it's ok to not have all the answers.

About me
I grew up in the sleepy suburbs of Salt Lake City. My dad died when I was 7, and the church was there to keep us fed and in our home. Later, my mom worked for several 70's in the late 90's/early 00's. We were married by one of her bosses in the Bountiful temple. It wasn't until decades later that I learned the true cost of these "blessings".
Married for 25 years to Jesus 2.0, three adult children, and a dog with nuclear farts. We live in California's central valley where we are trying to be part of our community & know our neighbors as normal people, not potential converts.
On my shelf
On the Mormon Spectrum
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
I don't think I ever had a testimony of the church. I believed in Christianity, but never quite bought into Mormonism. Growing up in Utah, I just went along with it because everybody else was. One thing that's different about me though, is my parents were adult converts from southern California. We swore, drank Coke, and watched R movies all the time. My family has a theater background, so queer people were always a positive in my life. In other words, were weren't very good Mormons.
I couldn't really pinpoint when it all went awry for me. I remember being involved in CA Prop 22 (the precursor to Prop 8), and from there the church just kept getting less and less like Jesus in my eyes.
The short answer why I left? Integrity. The church became something I no longer recognized. Jesus had been replaced by Corporate Mormon Jesus. It is not loving or forgiving, but most importantly, they are unrepentant. So I had to leave. A church that could not abide by the same rules its members are subject to cannot be God's church. Not the God I believed in.
Questions about Mormons My Answers to Questions about Mormonism
#Link to this answer of 'Were you offended? Is that why you left?' by sallygirl75 Were you offended? Is that why you left? See more answers about 'Were you offended? Is that why you left?'
Yes. I was offended by the $150 BILLION hoard. Actually that came after I left, I was offended that my agency was taken from me. My ability to make informed decisions. That my family couldn't see me be married. That I could not be trusted with any kind of authority or have expertise because I don't have a penis.
#Link to this answer of 'Are you happy?' by sallygirl75 Are you happy? See more answers about 'Are you happy?'
So very much!! I don't have to feel guilty for following my conscience anymore. I am free to love & accept others as they are, not as Corporate Mormon Jesus thinks they should be. And the coffee!! *Chef's kiss*
#Link to this answer of 'Do you consider yourself a Christian?' by sallygirl75 Do you consider yourself a Christian? See more answers about 'Do you consider yourself a Christian?'
No. I thought I believed in non-denominational Christianity, kind of DIY? But once you've "seen the man behind the curtain", you see him everywhere. I believe humans invented gods to explain what science couldn't yet explain. Gods are used to control the masses.
#Link to this answer of 'Have you had any profound spiritual moments in your life?' by sallygirl75 Have you had any profound spiritual moments in your life? See more answers about 'Have you had any profound spiritual moments in your life?'
It's hard for me to say because I don't believe in spirits or souls, or anything supernatural. But I have had, and continue to have, many profound moments in my life. Moments where I feel connected to something bigger than myself. Moments where I am in awe of the enormosity of the universe. I am amazed at all humans have accomplished, and continue to accomplish in spite of great odds.
For lack of a better word, my soul is rich with these moments.
#Link to this answer of 'Does the Mormon church protect sexual predators?' by sallygirl75 Does the Mormon church protect sexual predators? See more answers about 'Does the Mormon church protect sexual predators?'
Yes. By not prioritizing the victim's safety. The predator's crimes are instead hidden under the guise of repentance and not wanting to ruin a family, while also keeping the church's image squeaky clean. When a minor tells their PH leader they are being abused, the first call should be to the police. Not some flunky at Kirton McConkie.
Every action the church takes after learning of abuse, is to protect the church. If it weren't, the hotline would work a lot differently.
#Link to this answer of 'How did you lose your faith in Mormonism (or Orthodox Mormonism)?' by sallygirl75 How did you lose your faith in Mormonism (or Orthodox Mormonism)? See more answers about 'How did you lose your faith in Mormonism (or Orthodox Mormonism)?'
They made it easy by teaching me that Jesus loves me. Back in the 80's God's love was not conditional, so I grew up believing strongly in the Golden Rule. I don't want people to treat me like crap, so I treat them like I want them to treat me if the roles are reversed. The church treats people like crap. Like chewed up gum on the bottom of your shoe. They did not act like the Jesus I believed in, and when I was no longer afraid of what leaving would do, I left. Not long after that, I resigned. Because although it's easier to walk away, I don't want my name associated with it. My name is all I have.
#Link to this answer of 'Is Jeffrey Holland an idiot or a dodo?' by sallygirl75 Is Jeffrey Holland an idiot or a dodo? See more answers about 'Is Jeffrey Holland an idiot or a dodo?'
Why choose? Two things can be true at the same time.