My name is Dario and I had been a member all my life. I was a mormon.

About me
My name is Dario and I have been a member all my life. My family immigrated to the US when we met some LDS missionaries serving in Mendoza, Argentina and they invited us to live with them in the US. I met my wife at 15, and we were married at 18 after high school. She was baptized 2 weeks before our wedding, and we were sealed a year later, and we have been very active ever since, serving in all callings that were given us.
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
My faith crisis started while serving as their High Priest Group Leader for my ward in January of 2016. Though we lost many good friends and damaged relationships with family and other friends, we have ended up on the back side of our transition with a feeling of love for our friends and family that are still believing, and a much better respect and understanding for those outside our faith, and those that are often marginalized in it. As a believing member, I loved service. I loved to home teach and felt a great responsibility toward developing a love and relationship with those I home taught. Even though it has been over 6 months since my family left, I still reach out to families to check in with them. Not because of a priesthood duty, but because of an honest friendship and love for them and interest in their continued progress to be better families and people.
Questions about Mormons My Answers to Questions about Mormonism
#Link to this answer of 'Where will you go?' by Dario Where will you go? See more answers about 'Where will you go?'
I still volunteer with my ward and want to serve when there are opportunities to serve. Leaving the church doesn’t mean that you leave everything behind. I still Love, I still Serve, and I’ll go where others can use me.