Hi, I’m Sarah. I consider myself inactive and wandering.
I am a transitioning Mormon.

About me
I was raised in the church by converts. We were non-Utah Mormons. I was active in Young Woman's and held many callings and never really had a lot of doubt. I went to BYU-Idaho and am endowed and married in the Temple.
On my shelf
On the Mormon Spectrum
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
Shortly before I got married I started questioning the Church on ordaining women and on the place of women in heaven. This was very hard for me. The temple wording did not help and sincerely broke me. No answers helped, and
No blessing made it better. Nothing took my pain and heartache away except in the year I decided to stop attending. It’s been 12 years since I started questioning and been two full years since I decided to not be active in the Church. Due to my sincere belief in Christ I am taking steps to find a different Church and one that does practice female ordination.
Questions about Mormons My Answers to Questions about Mormonism
#Link to this answer of 'Are Mormons Christian?' by inactivewanderer Are Mormons Christian? See more answers about 'Are Mormons Christian?'
Yes, I think Mormons are Christian. They sincerely believe in Christ. They are baptized in Christs name. I just pray one day they can themselves come to find truth without these temples ordinances and open the temples to being just additional places of worship and gathering. Oh and ordain women too.
#Link to this answer of 'How do you now explain the spiritual experiences that you had as an Orthodox Mormon?' by inactivewanderer How do you now explain the spiritual experiences that you had as an Orthodox Mormon? See more answers about 'How do you now explain the spiritual experiences that you had as an Orthodox Mormon?'
I explain them by believing they aren’t predicated on whether I am a church member but whether I faithfully believe in Christ.
#Link to this answer of 'Do you consider yourself a Christian?' by inactivewanderer Do you consider yourself a Christian? See more answers about 'Do you consider yourself a Christian?'
I am an and have been a Christian my whole life because I was baptized and believe in Christ. I don’t think anything else is necessary to be a Christian.
#Link to this answer of 'Any suggestions about how to deal with my still-Mormon family?' by inactivewanderer Any suggestions about how to deal with my still-Mormon family? See more answers about 'Any suggestions about how to deal with my still-Mormon family?'
Deal with them in kindness. They my or may not understand. You can explain or not but tell them you’ll always love them and care about your relationship with them.