Hello, I'm Gen.
Voracious bibliophile. A seeker of the facts. Fascinated by anything paranormal. Nerdy Goth since my teens & I don't plan on changing. #eldergothI was a Mormon.

About me
49 Y.O. newly ExMo.
I've always been a pariah because of my individual aesthetic.
I have no home town, but if I had to choose my favorite place we were stationed, it would be Germany.
I love anything paranormal and horror-related
My 2 favorite holidays are Halloween & Christmas (gothmas)
I am obsessed with ramen and I love Japanese, Chinese, Filipino and Vietnamese food, but I'm also a foodie.
I was a makeup artist / trainer for M.A.C. Cosmetics for 20 years.
Married for 24 years, no kids (by choice)
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
Born in '73 & raised in TSCC by two strict Mormon parents, (my mother also was physically abusive towards myself and my 3 siblings for many years. Fortunately, she is a fully reformed abuser of 30 years give-or-take but the damage was done)
I was sexually abused multiple times at the age of 5 by a married man (also Mormon, and close friends of my parents) and father of 3 young boys.
Military brat. (Dad: Air Force & Mom: honorably discharged Marine) Born in Okinawa and lived in Europe for 4 years, stationed all over the U.S.
I recently left TSCC after not being able to stomach the homophobia, bigotry, bigamy, sexism, child abuse, personal trauma and outright damning lies.
I lost my only brother, my dearest friend (oldest sibling) from suicide, due to being diagnosed with AIDS a little over 3 years ago. I know that my parent's beliefs were one of the direct causes of his death. I've felt let down and repulsed by TSCC for many years and now I'm trying to move past the disenchantment and grief of said years and money lost to TSCC.
Having left, I've felt more hopeful, less anxious and freer in these past 4 months than I ever did in the past 49 years of my life. I just wish I had left sooner.
I plan on making whatever time left I have being my authentic self and finding happiness outside of TSCC.