Hi, I'm David
I was a mormon.

About me
To whom did I go? I bypassed the inequality of authority and chose to learn from the source. I now walk the way of a Friend. As a Friend, I am not required to believe that my way is “true” and other ways are “false”. Our way is a way of peace and equality, one where we are encouraged to respect human differences and still learn from the Light or God (whichever we prefer to say) and from one another in our own imperfect ways. I find fellow seekers among the LDS, among the ex-Mormons and among those who have never been a part of Mormonism. I find seekers among the Christian, the Muslim, the Hindu, and the humanist. I see men of science and philosophy, art and music, faith and secularism – all trying to walk in Love and all seeking in their own individual way. As a Friend, I am called to connect with other people in a way where I am not required to judge their journey, but rather to respect their journey and encourage them to seek. I want to have conversations with all people, that we might learn together and share our journeys and experiences.
Questions about Mormons My Answers to Questions about Mormonism
#Link to this answer of 'Where will you go?' by David Where will you go? See more answers about 'Where will you go?'
Following the light of peace and love.