I was a mormon.

About me
I was a convert to the LDS faith, joining at a vulnerable time for me. I was 15 and my parents had gone through two divorces. Because my mother was progressive she adamantly opposed the church, due to the priesthood ban for African Americans.
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
For the first 30 years it worked for me despite my concern for things like The Book of Abraham and polygamy still being practiced in the next life. Then one of my children came out as gay. Due to my progressive upbringing accepting this wasn’t a problem. But it became increasingly distressful to me to see how church leaders were not applying the golden rule to LGBT people. After about 6 years and a bout with depression, I decided to do some in depth studying about the truth claims of the LDS church. I saw all the fraud, lying and hypocracy that the early church leaders did. After a talk with my spouse he prayed and heard a voice telling him it wasn’t true and to leave. So we did. The change in my life had been amazing! For the first time in my life I have been able to stop biting my fingernails without even trying. That seems like a small thing I know but I tried consciously to stop numerous times and couldn’t because that’s how I handled stress. I feel so much love for others now too. Life is an adventure and not knowing what lies beyond has given me a new desire to live in the moment more fully.