Born into the Mormon Church, Searjasub followed the expected path: baptized at eight, active in seminary, ordained to both levels of the priesthood, and even served a mission in Peru. He and his wife were sealed in the temple and held various leadership positions within the Church. For years, he faithfully adhered to the teachings of the LDS Church, believing it to be the path to salvation.
Everything changed in 2021 when Searjasub and his wife resolved to draw closer to Christ and they delved into scripture and church history. What began as a quest to deepen their relationship with Jesus led them to a startling realization: the LDS Church’s teachings on grace contradicted the Bible. This fundamental contradiction set off a cascade of questions about the church’s doctrines and history that had long been suppressed. Their exploration took them to a non-denominational Christian church, where they found a supportive community and sound biblical teaching. There, they began to rebuild their faith on the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
If you have found your way out of the Mormon Church, your story matters. Share your journey at to inspire and connect with others who are seeking truth.

Hi, I’m Searjasub Lopez. I’m a Software Developer, love computer science and anything tech related. I’m a proud husband and father of 4. I was born into the church. I did everything that was expected of a brainwashed kid that didn’t know anything else but what the church fed me almost daily. Baptized at 8, did 4 years of seminary, got both “priesthoods”, served a mission in Peru Huancayo, and sealed in the temple with my wife, and held a variety of positions within the Church. I was a Mormon.
My wife and I made a 2021 new year’s resolution to get closer to Christ. Covid was around, so we were not able to attend to church, thus leaving us at home reading and learning more about Christ and eventually church history. As we started to learn more about Christ, we noticed we were going in a different direction than the church had taught us.
The breaking point was GRACE. Reading in the Book of Mormon that Grace only comes AFTER all you can do (2 Nephi 25:23), made no sense when the Bible is teaching that Grace is a gift (Ephesians 2:8-9) and not a result of our works. The Bible also teaches that we don’t deserve it but Christ gave it to us and it doesn’t matter what we do, we will still have God’s grace. Paul says in the Bible that our salvation comes COMPLETELY from the grace of God, and is not dependent on works. To illustrate it in simple terms. Mormons believe in: Faith + Works = Salvation. Christians believe in: Faith = Salvation + Works.
It was hidden right in front of our eyes. A contradiction between the Book of Mormon and the Bible. After learning this, it started to trickle all the questions we had about the church that were “put up on the shelf”. After covid was a little bit more calm. We started going to a non-denominational church that was also a key in the reason why we left.
A Community Church helped us a lot in deconstructing our faith and build it back again on the true gospel of Jesus Christ. We took a few classes about the Bible and we learned so much more about our Savior and true nature of God. We learned that there’s only one God, eternally existing in three persons. Contradictory to Mormon beliefs that there are three Gods with one purpose. Mormonism is not Christian because it denies the basic and essential doctrines of the Christian faith.
After almost a year of rewiring our brains from the brainwash caused by the mormon church we took one of the most important steps in becoming a true disciple of Christ. We got baptized!! This time we got baptized into Christ and not any church. Which is contrary to mormon teachings since you have to be baptized to be a member. We used the facilities of another non-denominational church to perform our baptism. Being baptized and being member of a church are two separate things, also contradicting the LDS view of baptism.
The church is dishonest by not being upfront with everyone, members and non members about their past. They always change the church principles to adjust to the current world situation. It’s pretty much up to the current president of the Mormon church to dictate what’s the new standard. There’s plenty of examples of this going on throughout church history.
When missionaries teach other people about Mormonism, they always leave crucial details out. “Preach my Gospel” does not tell missionaries to share about the 30+ wives Joseph Smith had, and as young as 14 years old, nor the 50+ wives Brigham Young had. They don’t teach you about the actual reason why Joseph Smith was killed – that he burned down a press. They don’t teach that Joseph Smith was a known treasure digger. All these details are just the tip of the iceberg and will show red flags to anyone trying to join this cult. All the characteristics of a cult are present in the Mormon church.
There’s so many things I’ve learned about the church that I had no idea. I was in the wrong for so long. The few issues mentioned are only the tip of the iceberg. Finally, my wife and I decided after all the facts, the Mormon church is not true at all and we started our journey as faithful and true Christians.
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