Micah was all in and fully believed in the church. He lived every bit of it. To be more prepared for the second coming, he studied church doctrine deeply. But as he studied church history, he learned that what he’s always been taught wasn’t exactly an honest representation of history. In fact, he found that the watered-down version he’d been taught his whole live resembled fiction more than history. This led him to see that the church did this on purpose and with a goal in mind. The church prioritizes faith over truth, so they are happy to twist history into a faith-promoting narrative. This gave him the startling thought that “if the full version of history and events is such that faith would likely not be established when taught plainly, then perhaps it is not a foundation one would want to have faith in to begin with.” He now understands that the church teaches a ficticious narrative “spun to the benefit of the organization at the expense of the individual”. He’s focused on helping others find a safe haven as they navigate their way out of the church too.

I fully believed and lived every bit of Mormonism to the best of my ability and had a strong testimony which I bore often. I followed what I believed to be the promptings of the Holy Ghost, now recognized as intuition and cognitive thinking skills, on a search for deeper secrets of the gospel and to purify myself in preparation for the 2nd coming. But as is often the case, opening your mind can lead one to the underlying truth. I formally resigned from Mormonism to keep my integrity and remove any implied support in the LDS deception. I was a mormon.
When it comes to evaluating or scrutinizing the LDS church, most LDS members will tell you that the doctrine or church is perfect, but run by imperfect people. While this may sound good in theory to LDS members, it should be a blaring red flag. This is actually a “stop think” method utilized to keep members from thinking critically about the organization and blaming themselves for its shortcomings.
While I was on my way out of the church, I met twice with my Stake President. In trying to understand my reasons for leaving, he asked me several questions. “Have you been offended?” No. “Do you have any unresolved transgressions or sins?” No. “What is your main concern regarding the church?” My response to this question was the lying and deception to cover up and withhold the full history of Mormon origins from unsuspecting members.
What evidences are there that the LDS “upper management” is knowingly deceiving their members? Apostles themselves have admitted and admonished to not teach the full version of church history. Their reasoning is the whole “milk before meat” mentality. However, the diet of church history is never transitioned to “meat” and members are forever left to subside on “milk”.
So while the “upper management” of the church preaches “honesty”, they themselves are failing to be honest under their own definition of the term. Essentially what is taught in seminary, institute, primary, and Sunday school doctrine classes around the globe is a severely biased, watered down, and even modified version of the real events.
While it is somewhat understandable why the LDS church is concerned with building faith instead of “destroying” it, the question remains that if the full version of history and events is such that faith would likely not be established when taught plainly, then perhaps it is not a foundation one would want to have faith in to begin with.
When history is modified such that it only paints a positive light for any organization, it is easier for people to get warm fuzzies about it, such that they falsely think they are joining a good cause and fail to recognize or accept all of the skeletons in the closet from both the past and present. They only see and accept what the organization want them to.
Unfortunately, when combining this control of information with other subtle means and tactics, the free agency and authentic identity of individuals is literally robbed from them, and their faith misplaced in a fictionalized version of the facts. Teaching a biased, watered down version of history is, in a very real sense, teaching fiction, spun to the benefit of the organization at the expense of the individual.
Micah McAllister
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