Brigham Young on Apostates

Brigham Young was the second leader of the Mormon church. He wanted no dissension among the ranks and taught that members who openly disagree with church leaders are cursed. He said that any who reject Mormon doctrine or the absolute authority of the church leaders are apostates. He shared what he thinks of an apostate.

"If there is a despicable character on the face of the earth, it is an apostate from this Church. He is a traitor who has deceived his best friends, betrayed his trust, and forfeited every principle of honor that God placed within him. They may think they are respected, but they are not. They are disgraced in their own eyes. There is not much honesty within them; they have forfeited their heaven, sold their birth right, and betrayed their friends." - President Brigham Young, Journal of Discources 12:20 |
“If there is a despicable character on the face of the earth, it is an apostate from this Church. He is a traitor who has deceived his best friends, betrayed his trust, and forfeited every principle of honor that God placed within him. They may think they are respected, but they are not. They are disgraced in their own eyes. There is not much honesty within them; they have forfeited their heaven, sold their birth right, and betrayed their friends.” – President Brigham Young, Journal of Discources 12:20

If there is a despicable character on the face of the earth, it is an apostate from this Church. He is a traitor who has deceived his best friends, betrayed his trust, and forfeited every principle of honor that God placed within him. They may think they are respected, but they are not. They are disgraced in their own eyes. There is not much honesty within them; they have forfeited their heaven, sold their birth right, and betrayed their friends.

What will the devil do with such characters? Will he have them in his kingdom? Yes, he will be obliged to, because he is an apostate himself. He apostatized from the Celestial Kingdom, and was thrust down to hell. Yet, when apostates get to his kingdom, he will say—”I do not like you, for you are just as mean as I am. I was a traitor and a liar, and I am yet. I despise myself and every character that betrays his trust.” That is all I wish to say on that point. Let apostates go.

President Brigham Young, Journal of Discources 12:20

The teachings of Brigham Young church manual shares some insight into why he may think so harshly about apostates.

In Kirtland, Missouri, Nauvoo, and Utah, President Young witnessed the devastation that visits the personal lives of those who succumb to apostasy. Many of the apostates had been among his closest associates. He recognized that often “trifling affairs” were the commencement of their separation from the truth, and he emphatically warned each member to guard carefully against any degree of wrongdoing.

Chapter Heading
Teachings of Brigham Young, Chapter 12, Preventing Personal Apostasy
"Those who leave the Church are like a feather blown to and fro in the air. They know not whither they are going; they do not understand anything about their own existence; their faith, judgment, and the operation of their minds are as unstable as the movements of the feather" - Brigham Young |
“Those who leave the Church are like a feather blown to and fro in the air. They know not whither they are going; they do not understand anything about their own existence; their faith, judgment, and the operation of their minds are as unstable as the movements of the feather” – Brigham Young

He also shared what he thinks about those who leave the church, which would also be apostates in his reckoning. These statements all have the air of Big Brother instilling fear in the members so they never leave rather than an honest look at some compelling reasons many have for leaving. If you choose to leave, you needn’t answer this dead racist man of his time.

Have you left the church? Does the church consider you apostate? Share your story and explain that you have not forfeited every principle of honor, have not disgraced anything, and that the only deception and betrayal involved was by the church upon the members. Share your story at

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