Do you consider yourself a Christian?
I will never associate myself with Christians or any other Christian organization. It also doesn’t help that I became a pagan witch about two years after I left.

Well, yes, but not "still." I converted to Christianity after much de-programming and de-learning of LDS "teachings."

No. I consider myself agnostic. I am not opposed to the idea of possibly becoming non-denominational somewhere on down the road, but it would take a LOT of convincing to get me to join.

Once I applied critical thinking to Mormonism I found that none of the claims stood up. Then I applied it to Christianity and eventually all religion. I consider myself an agnostic/atheist. I live my life as if there is no god but I don’t claim to know for sure.

No. I’m an agnostic atheist, secular humanist, and entirely convinced the Abrahamic God cannot exist.

Nope. Atheist. Religions are leftovers from humanity's infancy. Myths, nothing more.

I do consider myself Christian. I honestly don’t think that Mormons should consider themselves Christians. They should consider themselves Joseph Smithians. There’s far much more Worship of Joseph Smith than there ever is Jesus. And there’s far much more reference to the book of Mormon than there is the Bible.

No. I spent way too many years worshiping Christ. I believe he existed, was a teacher, but his divinity? I don't know, and honestly now don't care. His followers also sealed the deal for me; I'm no longer christian. Honestly, I see more "christian" behavior within the neopagan community. Most of them have Judeo-Christian backgrounds, and are also shunned by many "good christians" as following Satan. They kind of don't know that Satan is a christian construct and has no place in pagan traditions!

I consider myself Christian, but I’m relearning what that means. I am going to a community church with my children and I’m meeting regularly with a religion professor who has given me books to read. I love learning and I’m grateful that God has provided so many resources to continue to grow towards him!

Yes. There is still a lot unknown to me, but at a minimum I believe there is a higher power. For me, I think that higher power is Jesus and I have reasons for that belief. But I am probably more of a Christian Agnostic. I hope in Christ and try to be a good person, but at the end of the day I really don't know.

No. I thought I believed in non-denominational Christianity, kind of DIY? But once you've "seen the man behind the curtain", you see him everywhere. I believe humans invented gods to explain what science couldn't yet explain. Gods are used to control the masses.

I am an and have been a Christian my whole life because I was baptized and believe in Christ. I don’t think anything else is necessary to be a Christian.

No, I am an atheist. I don't need a God. I am a carbon based life form made up of material that exists throughout the universe, and that has existed since the big bang. If I need to feel like I am a part of something bigger than this life, or this world, my connection to the universe as a whole is enough for me. Experiencing the good things of this world, the nature, the geography, the art, the literature, the different cultures, the different foods, and trying to leave my little corner of the world a bit better off than it was when I entered, is my religion.

No, I consider myself to be agnostic. Once in a while I'll say a prayer to 'whatever good is out there' but never to a certain deity.

No, I don't identify as Christian anymore. I do love the teachings of Jesus as a man. I'm fascinated by the Quaker and Pagan beliefs and other philosophical teachings. Mostly my spirituality comes from music, art, and intimacy with loved ones.

I'm not. I've been searching for something, and I've stumbled upon Druidry.

No, Did a full 180 and consider myself atheist

I am not still Christian. I still have spiritual experiences; whether they come from a Greater Source, or from within, I'm not sure, but I continue to have powerful experiences that fill me with love and peace. I no longer feel the need to define what this is, though I have no problem continuing to refer to this experience as "God." I find God easier to access now, as it no longer requires a special building like the temple, or certain actions like what clothes I wear or what I drink. I feel closer to God now than I ever did as a Mormon. And while I wanted to continue to believe in Jesus Christ, the Bible, and worship with a congregation, it was too clear to me that Christianity was built on a similar shaky foundation like Mormonism. My religious trauma also prevented me from being comfortable in similar situations, such as hearing a sermon or singing hymns. I have found my own way of finding peace and connecting with God that works well for me.

Yes, I still believe in God and Jesus. I just don't think that they really have any "one true church" and that organized religion just isn't the vibe, at least for me.

No, I do not consider myself christian. I don't know what I believe about diety (and I am a-ok with that) but I won't be a part of organized religion again. I find spirituality in nature and within myself and with those I love.

Yes, I love the power of the biblical metaphors and choose to have faith in things like grace and redeeming love but am learning to separate that from the centuries of colonizing empire that molded the christian story and culture. While I consider myself christian, I also draw strength from diverse traditions and world religions.

No. I do not believe in Christianity. My family does and I respect that. I choose to mediate and practice self reflection instead.

No, I no longer believe in any supreme being. If anything I believe that the Universe is sentient, and we are a part of the universe made manifest, trying to understand itself. When we die, we come another aspect of the universe.
I day to day life I am a humanist.

No. I am open to the idea of a god of sorts existing but the church has left me jaded. I thought I was experiencing things that confirmed a testimony of the church's truthfulness but the good feelings came for things that objectively weren't true.

After going through a faith crisis, I didn’t know what I believed in. I didn’t even know if I believed in God anymore, but I so desperately wanted to continue to believe in Jesus. One day, the pastor of the nondenominational church I attend, shared the story of Peters doubt in Jesus during a storm. I grew up hearing phrases like “doubt your doubts”, but here he was telling me even Peter doubted Jesus at times. You mean it’s ok to doubt? The pastor told us to “Go to Jesus, and give him a chance to tell your storm to shut up”. This faith crisis is my storm.

No. I believe Jesus lived and that there is a God but I don't know the disposition of God anymore nor his influence on humanity.
Jesus was a rebel who would have been excommunicated from any modern Christian Church.

No. I am Atheist, with "Possibilian" in mind (Google it)

Not in the same way you would think. I'm willing to give space that Jesus of Nazareth may have physically lived on the Earth, even though the evidence shows otherwise. But I can't seem to make the leap that he is divine. But if he did exist, I can see to some extent the value of his parables and doctrines, and I can see the value in emulating his life. However, I find myself more secular than religious now. I've really embraced a secular form of Buddhism, and have found meditation and mindful living more valuable than worrying about sin or judgement.

No. My investigation lead me to a worldview that doesn't include supernatural belief.

I still hold to the christian and/or mormon principles I learned throughout my upbringing as a mormon. I believe in the principles of love and kindness and other things I learned at church and in boy scouts program. However, I don't think the mormon church or the christian faith has a monopoly or even a "full" understanding of good values. Moving from the certainty of mormonism into uncertainty has been a challenge, and I by no means have replaced the tightly defined plan of salvation with something as easily defined and diagramed. There is real wonder and mystery to our life and our spirituality. I struggle to believe in some higher power that rules the universe in some way. I hope that power is benevolent. I hope that I will continue to exist in some fashion after this life, but I'm not certain about any of it and to me, living with that mystery is a beautiful part of being human.
Sadly, in history (as well as in the world today) I've found that religions act more like a political party or a corporation than like anything led by a benevolent and loving god. These tribes all seem to each make god in their own image.I see organized religion to be similar to Dumbo's feather. It is something that helps us to fly, in fact many believe in the power of the feather to make us fly. It is useful because it's much easier to learn to fly while believing in some external power granting us abilities beyond our own, but in reality it's not needed and that power is within each of us. Some of us who use and benefit from it in our life can at some point get to the point where the feather is no longer needed. There is real learning and progression while believing in the power of the feather, but by some crisis or realization or enlightenment, we realize the feather was just a prop to believe in so we could eventually believe in ourselves. Then we can release the feather with all integrity and truly fly.