Life Beyond Mormonism: 10 Books and Resources That Might Help

Stepping away from a faith tradition—especially one that touches every aspect of life like Mormonism—can be both liberating and disorienting. If you’re navigating this path, you’re not alone. Many individuals have documented their experiences, researched the history, and formed supportive communities. Below are books and resources that countless people have found helpful in understanding Mormonism’s complexities and moving forward with clarity and confidence.

Leaving a faith tradition like Mormonism, which influences nearly every aspect of life, can be both liberating and disorienting. If you're navigating this path, know that you are not alone. Many of us have documented the journey, explored the history, and formed supportive communities along the way. Find connection and understanding in a community that recognizes the emotional and social challenges of transitioning away from the LDS Church. Find the support you need and explore hundreds of faith transition stories at
Leaving a faith tradition like Mormonism, which influences nearly every aspect of life, can be both liberating and disorienting. If you’re navigating this path, know that you are not alone. Many of us have documented the journey, explored the history, and formed supportive communities along the way. Find connection and understanding in a community that recognizes the emotional and social challenges of transitioning away from the LDS Church. Find the support you need and explore hundreds of faith transition stories at

Life can sometimes feel isolating, especially during moments of hardship or struggle. However, it’s important to remember that you are never truly alone. The following collection of quotes reminds us of the strength found in connection, the hope that exists even in dark times, and the power of shared experience. Whether through community, cosmic connection, or simply knowing others have walked similar paths, these words offer comfort and reassurance that we are all part of something greater.

“There are times when explanations, no matter how reasonable, just don’t seem to help. You are not alone.” – Fred Rogers

“You are never alone. You are eternally connected with everyone.” – Amit Ray

“We are not alone in the universe. We are members of a vast cosmic community.” – Carl Sagan

“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.” – John Green

“The experience I have had is that once you start talking about [mental health struggles], you realize that actually you’re part of quite a big club.” – Prince Harry

“The power of community to create health is far greater than any physician, clinic, or hospital.” – Mark Hyman

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” – Albert Einstein

No Man Knows My History

No Man Knows My History by Fawn M. Brodie

A classic and definitive biography of Joseph Smith, this book dives deeply into the historical roots of Mormonism. Brodie’s well-researched work may challenge what you learned growing up, but it can also spark new insights and a deeper understanding of how the faith evolved.

Under the Banner of Heaven

Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer

Krakauer, known for his investigative writing, examines the darker corners of Mormon fundamentalism and the ways faith can be taken to disturbing extremes. Though it focuses on a fringe group, it raises important questions about belief systems, history, and how teachings can shape behavior. We’ve shared before about the church’s response to this publication, Church Bristles about Under the Banner of Heaven.

Recovering Agency: Lifting the Veil of Mormon Mind Control

Recovering Agency: Lifting the Veil of Mormon Mind Control by Luna Lindsey Corbden

This book looks at high-demand religious structures, offering insights into how they can affect personal autonomy. Corbden’s approach is part research, part firsthand reflection, making it a powerful read if you’re seeking to understand—and recover from—unhealthy control tactics.

Navigating Mormon Faith Crisis

Navigating Mormon Faith Crisis: A Simple Developmental Map by Thomas Wirthlin McConkie

This book explores the challenges of faith transitions through the lens of adult development psychology. It uses developmental theory to provide a framework for understanding the stages of faith growth, doubt, and transformation. It frames faith crises as not necessarily failures but as natural and necessary stages of personal and spiritual growth.

Losing Your Faith, Finding Your Soul

Losing Your Faith, Finding Your Soul: The Passage to New Life When Old Beliefs Die by David Robert Anderson

A guide for those experiencing a crisis of faith, offering reassurance that losing belief can be a necessary step toward deeper spiritual growth. It frames faith deconstruction as a transformative journey rather than a loss, helping readers navigate the grief, uncertainty, and fear that often accompany the collapse of long-held religious beliefs. It encourages readers to embrace doubt as a gateway to a more meaningful, soul-centered spirituality and provides a path forward for those feeling lost, showing that there is life—and even greater spiritual depth—on the other side of religious disillusionment.

The Wisdom of Insecurity

The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety by Alan Watts

This book explores the modern struggle with uncertainty, fear, and the need for control, arguing that true peace and fulfillment come from embracing the present moment. It critiques the human tendency to seek security in rigid beliefs, future expectations, or material success, showing how this endless pursuit only deepens anxiety by drawing from Eastern philosophy, particularly Zen Buddhism, to illustrate that life is inherently unpredictable and that clinging to fixed ideas about the self, the future, or even faith leads to suffering.

Stages of Faith

Stages of Faith: The Psychology of Human Development and the Quest for Meaning by James Fowler

Fowler explores the development of faith and meaning in human life. Drawing on psychological theory and developmental stages, this book proposes that faith evolves through a series of stages, each representing a different way of understanding and interpreting the world. The book blends psychology, theology, and philosophy, examining how people move from simple, concrete forms of faith to more complex, reflective understandings as they mature. This is a valuable resource for understanding how individuals grow spiritually and psychologically throughout their lives.

Rough Stone Rolling

Rough Stone Rolling by Richard Lyman Bushman

Authored by a respected historian who is also a believing member, this biography of Joseph Smith offers a perspective that doesn’t entirely dismiss faith but still confronts challenging historical details. It’s useful if you want a more nuanced take that balances devotion and critical analysis. Richard Bushman has many interesting statements found on this site.

The CES Letter

The CES Letter by Jeremy Runnells

What is the CES Letter? Is it True/Safe to Read? Renowned for its straightforward presentation of tough questions about LDS history and doctrine, The CES Letter has played a pivotal role in many deconstruction journeys. It compiles various issues—from Church finances to scriptural authenticity—in an easy-to-reference format.

In sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith

In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith by Todd Compton

Focusing on the experiences of the women who married Joseph Smith, Compton offers a deeply personal look into early Mormon polygamy. Their stories add texture and humanity to a topic often discussed in abstract terms and can be an illuminating read for anyone curious about the faith’s early roots.

Letter for My Wife

Letter For My Wife

What is ‘Letter For My Wife’? This “letter” is composed as an honest explanation of an anonymous individual’s faith shift, this resource can be invaluable for couples who find themselves on different paths. It communicates doubts, discoveries, and emotional struggles in a gentle tone, hoping to preserve relationships amidst changing beliefs.

Mormon Stories Podcast

Mormon Stories Podcast by Dr. John Dehlin

One of the longest-running podcasts in the ex-Mormon space, Mormon Stories features interviews with scholars, former believers, and active members grappling with tough questions. Hearing real-life stories can combat the loneliness that often accompanies faith transitions.


r/exmormon on Reddit

Online support groups can provide a sense of belonging when you feel alone in your doubts. The r/exmormon community is a space where people discuss everything from Church news to personal struggles. It’s also a hub for finding additional resources and real-time updates on Mormon-related topics.

If you’d like to connect with a community that understands the emotional and social complexities of transitioning away from Mormonism, look through the hundreds of stories shared on This platform hosts a collection of faith journey narratives and creates a supportive space for those seeking understanding and community. Consider sharing your story too.

Final Thoughts

Moving beyond a faith tradition can stir a mix of emotions—uncertainty, relief, curiosity, and even grief. Wherever you are in that journey, remember that you’re not alone. Plenty of people have walked a similar path and have created books, podcasts, and online spaces to offer connection and support. Seeking out a variety of perspectives—both scholarly and personal—can help you find the information and community you need to move forward with confidence and self-compassion. The most important thing to remember is that you are not alone!

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