Aldous Huxley wrote that “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” This hits home when we think about questioning our beliefs, especially in high-demand religions like the Mormon Church. It’s a reminder that the truth doesn’t vanish just because we turn a blind eye. Deconstructing faith, especially in a church that demands strict adherence, often involves facing uncomfortable realities and evidence that challenges what we’ve been taught. As we unravel the teachings of the Mormon church, we’re confronted with facts that don’t align with its claims. Ignoring these truths doesn’t make them go away. This dissonance raises questions about the validity of our deeply held beliefs and hopefully prompts a reevaluation of our entire worldview. It’s not an easy journey, but it’s one that many individuals embark on as they grapple with the persistence of facts, even when those facts challenge the very foundation of their faith.

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
Aldous Huxley, Proper Studies (1927)
Aldous Huxley’s quote, “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored,” emphasizes the objective nature of reality and the persistence of facts regardless of one’s acknowledgment or acceptance of them. In the context of faith deconstruction from a high-demand religion where individuals may confront inconvenient truths or evidence that challenges the foundational claims of their faith.
In the process of deconstructing one’s faith, we may encounter discrepancies between our religious teachings and empirical evidence. Huxley’s statement emphasizes that ignoring or dismissing these facts doesn’t make them disappear. Mormonism and other high-demand religions often rely on strong beliefs and teachings that may lack empirical support, and facing contradictory evidence can be a pivotal moment in the deconstruction process for those brave enough to confront the evidence. It’s ironic that in primary we are taught to “do what is right and let the consequences follow.” In this case, doing what is right, being true to truth and having integrity, leads many right out the doors of the church. Such as Marc Oslund, who likes to say he followed Jesus out of the church.
When individuals discover facts or evidence against their religious beliefs, they may be compelled to reconsider the validity of those beliefs. This can be a challenging and transformative experience, as it requires confronting uncomfortable truths and navigating the cognitive dissonance that arises when long-held beliefs clash with contrary evidence. But this space is where real growth occurs.
Did you challenge your belief system to account for facts you could no longer ignore? Did the facts overwhelm you and collapse your shelf? Share your own faith deconstruction story at today!
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