The church has many apps available for download, and no surprise, one dedicated to the Book of Mormon. It is geared towards investigators who are new to the church as you can imagine is a useful tool for missionary work when investigators can download a free app rather than be given a physical book.
The Book of Mormon Introduction
The introduction to the Book of Mormon was not a part of the original plates; it was first published in the 1981 edition of the Book of Mormon. It introduces the Book of Mormon to the modern reader by providing background information and a description of the book.
Institute Book of Mormon Teacher Resource Manual, The Introduction to the Book of Mormon
In 1980, the church added an introduction to the Book of Mormon, and then quietly revised it later in 2004 and then again in 2006. The change was mainly to state the Book of Mormon peoples as among the ancestors of the Native Americans rather than originally stating them as the principal ancestors of Native Americans.

The Book of Mormon App Introduction
In October 2024, the church updated the introduction to the Book of Mormon in its app. The update was intended to make the introduction more user-friendly and accessible. The new intro has a more conversational tone, which makes sense if the app is intended as a novice introduction to the scripture.
The updated introduction is now available in The Book of Mormon app.
Did you know the Church recently released an updated introduction to the Book of Mormon? The new version is featured in The Book of Mormon app and uses inviting, clear language to support readers of all faiths and backgrounds…
The Church first published an introduction to the Book of Mormon in 1981, releasing minor updates in 2004 and 2006. This basic explanation shared background information for modern readers and was not featured in the original plates.
The revised version in The Book of Mormon app is 169 words shorter than the introduction that many members today are familiar with. It features more conversational phrases directed toward the reader, aligning closely with language and teaching principles from Preach My Gospel.
LDSLiving, Have you seen this new introduction to the Book of Mormon?
The New 2024 Introduction

The introduction was rewritten and shortened from 561 words to 235 words, and was made more inviting with modern language. Some used this as evidence that the church was softening its rhetoric around the historicity of the Book of Mormon.
The introduction does not mention Joseph Smith or the testimonies of three or eight witnesses. It does not mention Native Americans or the misnomer American Indians like the current introduction, and thus makes no mention of the peoples of the Book of Mormon or their supposed connection the the Native Americans, or any reference to the land where these peoples lived. It only references that the records were buried in a hillside around 400 A.D. on the North American continent. Is this an attempt or experiment at deemphasizing Joseph Smith’s involvement and his connection to translating the ancient language?

“God is your Heavenly Father. He loves you, and there is so much He wants to teach you. He wants you to understand the purpose of your life. He wants to guide you back to His presence. Part of His plan for doing all that was to make this book available to you.
“Since the beginning of time, God has spoken to His children all over the world. Often they have recorded their experiences and God’s messages to inspire future generations to choose good instead of evil and come to know their Father in Heaven. Some of these records are lost to time. Others may yet be found. One such record was buried in a hillside in around A.D. 400 on the North American continent. Its location was revealed by an angel in 1823. It was translated into modern language by the gift and power of God. That record is the Book of Mormon.
“It’s called the Book of Mormon because an ancient prophet named Mormon compiled centuries of writings from other prophets into one book. It is subtitled ‘Another Testament of Jesus Christ’ because it bears powerful witness that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who came to earth to suffer and die for the sins of the world—including yours. He wants to heal you of your sins, make you whole again, and prepare you for eternal life with your Heavenly Father.
“In this book, you will learn of faithful, courageous people who received light and knowledge from heaven. They believed in God. They had faith in Jesus Christ, even centuries before He was born. They made great sacrifices for their faith. They also made mistakes. But they obtained redemption from their sins. And they risked their lives to share the true doctrine of Jesus Christ with others and then preserve His teachings for future generations, including you.
“Read the Book of Mormon with an open mind and heart. As you pray to your Father in Heaven and diligently seek Him within the pages of the Book of Mormon, He will reveal the truth to you in His time and His way. He directed the creation and preservation of this record to fulfill His holy purpose, and you are an important part of that purpose. May you find God on these pages and discover His messages to you.
Book of Mormon App, Book of Mormon Introduction
The new introduction to the Book of Mormon reflects distinct shifts in tone, purpose, and emphasis. It still includes the ideas from the circular logic missionaries use to teach investigators how to learn for themselves the truth of the book. But sadly Moroni’s promise is still a textbook example of confirmation bias.
Key Differences
Tone and Focus
The 1981 introduction focuses on historical claims about the Book of Mormon. It describes the record as an ancient account written on gold plates and its transmission through Mormon and Moroni to Joseph Smith. It emphasizes the doctrinal aspects of salvation, Jesus Christ’s ministry, and the role of the Book of Mormon in complementing the Bible.
The updated 2024 introduction has a more pastoral tone, emphasizing God’s love, guidance, and desire for a personal relationship with the reader and it encourages reflection on faith, redemption, and God’s plan for individuals.
Historical vs. Inspirational Language
The old introduction discusses archaeological elements (e.g., Nephites, Lamanites, Jaredite migrations, and Hill Cumorah). It asserts Joseph Smith’s declaration of the Book of Mormon as the “most correct book” and its divinity. While the 2024 version centers on the spiritual experiences of ancient believers, their sacrifices, and faith–it mentions the record’s origins but emphasizes the book’s spiritual relevance today.
Purpose of the Book
1981: Highlights the Book of Mormon as a historical and doctrinal keystone of faith.
2024: Frames the book as a guide for personal discovery of God, faith, and redemption. Encourages a personalized approach to seeking truth through prayer and reflection.
Target Audience
The 1981 introduction is primarily aimed at reinforcing doctrinal authority for believers and clarifying the origins of the Book of Mormon for readers already familiar with LDS teachings.
The 2024 version is more inclusive and universal in appeal, addressing seekers and potential converts with broader themes of love, faith, and redemption.
Reasons for the Modifications
Modern Audience Engagement
The 2024 introduction adopts a more inclusive and conversational tone, reflecting a shift towards engaging a global audience, many of whom may not be familiar with Mormon theology or history.
Cultural and Religious Trends
Over the years, there has been a general trend in religious communities to emphasize personal faith and spirituality over rigid historical claims or doctrinal exposition. This aligns with a broader cultural preference for relational and experiential faith practices.
Missionary Efforts
The new introduction better supports the Church’s missionary objectives by focusing on universal themes like God’s love, personal guidance, and redemption rather than the specifics of ancient civilizations or textual transmission.
Avoiding Controversy
By downplaying specific historical assertions (e.g., the ancestry of Native Americans) and focusing on faith and inspiration, the 2024 version avoids debates about archaeological or scientific evidence that have been contentious in the past.
Alignment with Broader Christian Themes
The 2024 introduction places greater emphasis on Jesus Christ’s role, redemption, and God’s universal love, making it more accessible and relatable to a wider Christian audience.
Reverting the Change
The church reverted these changes soon after. The introduction is back to how it was. Perhaps they were testing changes or simply responding to the feedback. It was very short-lived. The articles mentioning the introduction changes on various church promoting and church owned outlets have also been deleted, so this change is intended for the memory hole. At least there is always an archive of the internet via screenshots and the wayback machine.
The updates in the introduction, while temporary, still reflect the church’s adaptation to cultural shifts and the need to make their sacred text more accessible to a diverse, global audience. The changes seem aimed at emphasizing universal truths of faith and spirituality while moving away from potentially divisive or controversial historical specifics.
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