Erin was a Mormon | An Ex-Mormon Story Spotlight

Erin was born into the church but left the church as a child when her parents did the same. All her extended family has remained Mormon even after her dad wrote a book about leaving and was outspoken against the church. She was not raised Mormon, but evangelical, and has since become more agnostic. She’s noticed that her own journey leaving the Evangelical Christian faith mirrored her parents’ journey out of Mormonism.

I come from a multi generational Mormon lineage. I left as a child. I was raised evangelical Christian. No one outside my immediate family ever left the church. I was a Mormon. 

In 1974 my father left the church. He wrote a book about it in 1984 and spent the remainder of his life writing books and traveling the inter mountain west preaching and giving seminars on Mormonism.

I was raised evangelical but currently am agnostic. My exit from evangelicalism mirrored my parents’ journey out of Mormonism and has been very difficult. 


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