Hi, I'm Evert the Mormon. no longer a 'Saint' by church standards.
I was a Mormon, then it was forbidden, I am still a Mormon just not a member of the church anymore.

About me
Joined the church at 20 when I felt a call from God, I was atheist before then. After I accepted God into my life the Missionaries found me and was baptised (too quick in my opinion). Attended Church regularly, met a girl, fell in love, went on a mission, she went on a mission, we got home and married in the temple 3200km (~2000m) away. non-Mormon family was not allowed to come.
That created some conflict with my parents but, you know, "The Church is True", so the sacrifice was supposedly worth it. Eventually was called as a Temple Worker and spend at least 2 nights a weeks serving as a worker or a patron. I used to drive up to 90 minutes to and from (3 hours) even when I was unemployed. My last real 'call' or assignment was Elder Quorum President (in the days when there was still a High Priest Group). I was dismissed from that without warning or explanation.
On my shelf
On the Mormon Spectrum
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
Held many 'callings' (assignments really) until I was released as EQ President. Given a 'calling' in the Bishopric that I was not prepared for and no support was given. On meeting with the Bishop I shared that the 'call' was a mistake, I did not get confirmation when I prayed and fasted over the 'call' I received no support from him or the counselors. I told him it was a mistake to 'call' me. This kicked off a diatribe where I was told that the Bishop does not make mistakes. I was released and promptly was not given a 'calling' for 6 months. I stopped attending EQ and Sunday School because a) I wanted the new EQP to not be challenged by me (I tend to answer questions a lot in class) and Sunday School was just the same, same each time. Read your Scriptures, Pray, Keep the Commandments. No Substance. When they offered a 'call' as Sunday School President I told the now new Bishop that the last two times I was SSP there was no feedback from B'Ric or advise allowed about callings. If they were going to call a teacher or release a teacher I was to be informed prior to the pulpit. Even an SMS or email would do. He promised he would, that lasted a week so I gave up. No attending leadership meetings, no attending B'Ric meetings. No recommendations for teachers or anything. I will not be a checkbox for middle management.
Another instance when a new convert, a friend of one of my kids, was baptised and put forward to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood within 2 weeks of baptism and I objected as he was barely 18 and not well versed in Church culture. I was again told that the 'leadership' knew what they were doing. (narrator: They didn't as the boy went inactive soon after) but now with the added responsibility of the Priesthood after the Order of the Son of God. I started to feel uncomfortable at church, I tried to sit at the back but no good, I put my efforts into community service instead and felt more of The Holy Spirit and love of God there. It all turned to crap when my wife told me that she was leaving because the church is true. I submitted my resignation the next day and the bishop processed the resignation with 30 minutes. In the past it was a serious struggle to get your name of the records but I guess he wanted me gone. So now I am Mormon with no church. A soon to be ex-wife who broke her Covenants she agreed to at the Alter of God when we were sealed for Time and All Eternity. 4 Kids, 28 1/2 years married, 32+ years together. She still believes, so I am the bad guy for not folding like a cheap sheet of paper. All my dreams gone. Yeah the church is true, the people are not, from Nelson down the people are not. God must not care about the Church either as he has not removed Nelson from his position. Currently writing my philosophy to share; hopefully I can help so people see the light.
Questions about Mormons My Answers to Questions about Mormonism
#Link to this answer of 'Does the church encourage leader worship?' by Evert Does the church encourage leader worship? See more answers about 'Does the church encourage leader worship?'
Absolutely, do not challenge the 'leadership' they are inspired and never make mistakes. This is sarcasm btw.
#Link to this answer of 'Did you want to sin? Is that why you left?' by Evert Did you want to sin? Is that why you left? See more answers about 'Did you want to sin? Is that why you left?'
The only sin I commit is not to attend church. I do not drink, smoke or do drugs, I do not commit adultery or any type of fornication. I keep the Sabbath day Holy by serving my fellow humans not by attending church.
#Link to this answer of 'What do you feel or know about the Priesthood?' by Evert What do you feel or know about the Priesthood? See more answers about 'What do you feel or know about the Priesthood?'
Turns out I know more than the Melchizedek priesthood than the local leaders. Who still think that Magnifying your Calling is related to the temporary assignments they have whereas the Calling is your Priesthood and your parental responsibilities. Not your assignment as a Sunday School teacher or babysitter, sorry nursery leader.
#Link to this answer of 'Are you happy?' by Evert Are you happy? See more answers about 'Are you happy?'
Happy not to be controlled or influenced by the church. Not happy that my wife chose the church over me. I did not ask her to choose she decided that all on her own, or maybe someone at church did it for her.
#Link to this answer of 'Have you had any profound spiritual moments in your life?' by Evert Have you had any profound spiritual moments in your life? See more answers about 'Have you had any profound spiritual moments in your life?'
Many, more now since I found my enlightenment.
#Link to this answer of 'Do you believe the Book of Mormon is true?' by Evert Do you believe the Book of Mormon is true? See more answers about 'Do you believe the Book of Mormon is true?'
I do not believe the Scriptures are the literal Word of God or even a historical record. Their purpose is to provide a basic knowledge of God and to help us feel the Spirit. There are many Scriptures including the Bible, Book of Mormon, Qur'an, Tripitaka, Gita, Torah, Guru Granth Sahib and others. They teach the basics, Love God and Love your Neighbour.
Good enough for me.