Hi, i’m Alissa
I am a wife and mom of 1 baby boy and 2 fur babies. I am a therapist, love the lake and boating, I was a mormon.

On my shelf
- blacks and the priesthood
- blind faith
- blood atonement
- book of mormon origin and translation
- Brigham Young's polygamy
- CES Letter
- church culture
- church history
- corporation of the church
- eternal family
- excommunication of Natasha Helfer
- excommunication of John Dehlin
- Gospel Topic Essays
- Heavenly Mother
- historicity of book of mormon
- Infallibility Complex
- Joseph Smith's polygamy
- LGBTQ issues
- masonic rituals
- mountain meadows massacre
- November policy
- November policy reversal
- Patriarchy
- polygamy
- priesthood
- prop 8
- purity culture
- racism
- shame culture
- sexism
- temple endowment
- temple garments
- temple sealing
- the church's gaslighting practices
- the first vision
- tithing spending
- worthiness interviews