Did you want to sin? Is that why you left?
No, I left because of the lies and betrayal I felt within the church. When I fully left, I learned that none of it was true—like, NONE of what the church is or teaches is true. This realization made it a lot easier to live. A lot of what the church teaches as sin is just normal living

No! This always makes me laugh. If you think that......STOP thinking that. Stop being a lazy learner.

To answer this, we have to understand what "Sin" is. Depending on your religion, sin can be literally anything. "Sin" is not simply an immoral or unethical action, but rather a sin is defined solely by the religion one is a part of. For example: Drinking Coffee is a sin according to Mormonism, but not according to Paganism. In Islamism certain meats are considered either Halal (Lawful) or Haram (Unlawful) for consumption, but the same "laws" do not apply to Mormonism.
I did not leave because I wanted to "sin" I left because I saw that I am now capable of making ethical choices. Where religion might otherwise tell me an ethical choice is "sinning" (Such as opposing many of Mormonisms harmful doctrines regarding the LGBTQ+ community) I am now free to truly improve the world around me. This doesn't mean I'm perfect, but it does mean I'm not held back from helping my fellow humans by any nonsensical rules.

That’s funny. Of course not. I’ve never been very ‘worldly’. I left because the Church isn’t true and its leaders, in my opinion, lacked the integrity to do what is right in acknowledging the errors in its history, the inconsistencies in its teachings, the way they have handled sexual abuse and the lack of transparency in the church’s financial dealings.

Yes I wanted to sin, no that's not why I left.
I used to believe in a world where there was inherent moral value to all of one's actions.
I used to believe the foremost reason for not engaging in sin was not a moral one, but simply because god did not wish it.
For many sins I felt no pull.
For sexual sin, I was shamed continually for the assumption that it would be such a continual temptation that I must attempt to drive it from my mind at all times. My parents pulled me from attending either of the two, single days of sex ed requisite for a Utah education, and then failed to tell me themselves. I learned sexuality from the internet.
I was failed in that regard, it wasn't until later in life that I'd learned more about consent from kink and sex clubs.
I had a deep internal pull towards the feminine in a way that I lacked words for. What I now understand to be my gender dysphoria, I used to believe was the devil tempting me toward sin.
I used to believe sex and gender were the same thing, and that wanting to express any gender identity other than the one assigned at birth was sin. All my life I have wanted to do that. I left because it's simply not true.

I did not. I knew there was a God, I just didn’t know which one, but it was certainly not the Mormon God.

This accusation cracks me up. I give extensively of my time and money to charities and youth organizations. I became vegetarian 5 years ago. I probably obey the Word of Wisdom better than most active members and I adore my wife and would never consider stepping out on her. I’ve asked some members what sin they think I wanted to commit and all they could say was that doubt itself is a sin.

My morals aren't that different from when I was in the church, just as they weren't that different BEFORE I joined the church. I don't drink, don't smoke, I've never had drugs, no tattoos, no extra piercings, and I've never had casual sex. If I left to sin, I've done just about the worst job possible!

I didn't choose to sin. In the eyes of "God", I AM the sin.

Sin is a construct created by men. Simply put it’s a control mechanism used to keep people in fear. I didn’t leave because of “a desire to sin”. I left because I do not like being lied to, and the church hides the lies it was founded on and continues to lie to its members.

I haven't really "sinned" much since I left. I tried coffee and think it's gross. Tea's alright. Tank tops are like the most immodest thing I wear. I don't smoke or drink. I'm as faithful as ever to my husband. I just came to feel that the Church was incongruent with the God of my understanding.

No! I lost my testimony long before I "sinned." I was still doing everything right as my testimony started getting torn apart by what I learned. I didn't want to hold it together if I was being conned, and the more I learned the more I realized it was just that- a huge con.

If being true to myself is a sin, then yes. I could not bear the pain of the severe gender dysphoria I dealt with, but coming out and transitioning has done more for my happiness than the church ever did.
The funny thing is I haven’t broken any other commandments as far as the church is concerned (minus tithing and Sunday church attendance). I just wanted to follow the decree made in Second Nephi, Men are that they might have joy. I didn’t feel joy before. I do now.

Of course not. This narrative is simply dismissive of so many former LDS people’s real lived experience. For those of us who have made this journey it is impossible to describe it to those who remain fixed to the “truth claims” of the Church. It is alright; we cannot understand that which we have not passed through; so I do not expect people to be able to come to terms with the challenges that our family faced with bvFTD. The abject truth seems to be this; “if you fit within the Church, it can be a lovely and supportive community. If you do not, it can be really damaging; for some people, it can be deadly (e.g. if I am LGBTQ, etc).

No, that had no part in it. Even today, I hardly “sin.” I don’t smoke, I haven’t slept with anyone in a long while, I only drink socially. The only thing I do consistently is swear.

I often tell myself that I didn’t leave because of sin. However, I did break the sabbath often by taking my boys to their AAU club basketball games after church and I did try marijuana gummies once before leaving. I guess for those reasons, my Mormon friends can use me as a cautionary tale (ha ha ha).
I can laugh because in my eyes now, they are no longer huge crimes. It’s such a relief now that I don’t need to. I can drink and eat whatever I want because I’m a grown adult who can still be responsible while doing so. I also love that my kids have an extra day in the week to enjoy life and have Sunday serve them spiritually, mentally and physically.

No. The "sins" I have done since leaving the church are minor and laughable (i.e. drinking coffee) all of which I could easily give up if I knew the church was true.

Silly question I think, I had been drinking coffee throughout my time in the church because it has a therapeutic effect on my digestive system. I did that before I joined the church, I did it for 25 years in the church, and I do it to this day.

The only sin I commit is not to attend church. I do not drink, smoke or do drugs, I do not commit adultery or any type of fornication. I keep the Sabbath day Holy by serving my fellow humans not by attending church.

No. I wanted to have a healthy relationship with myself, my spouse, and my kids. The teachings of the church ate away at my self-image and any feelings of self-worth I might have had.

I lost my faith without intending to. The question of my belief arose at a time when I was actively attending church and did not intend on breaking chastity rules due to my sexuality. My morals were originally taught by my parents, and even now that I've left I still have no interest in many of those behaviors.
I've tried a few things. I've liked some, disliked others. And I'm confident that I haven't harmed anyone in the process. And now I have my own experience instead of having to rely on others.

No. My fiancé & I have been together for 4+ years & believe it or not, we’ve never had sex (none of that soaking nonsense either)! And we aren’t going to until we get married, because even though I no longer believe in the church the way it is, I made a promise & I personally see value in that promise. Besides, the wedding isn’t that far away.

Part of my experience with leaving the church is finding out what kind of person I really am and what kinds of things I really want to partake in. Alcohol, drugs, sex, tattoos, etc - all those things the church count as "sins". Some things I have tried, some I have not yet had a desire to. I am learning, for the first time in my life, at 40 years old, what kind of "sins" I like to partake in and which I don't care for. Its liberating and exciting and has made me a more understanding, patient, kind human being.

I think this is the most silly question of all. Why would any mature adult WANT to sin?
If you define "sin" as drinking coffee, then that may be a different matter. But I did not leave the church to drink coffee. Again, that is infantile. I left because I was betrayed by liars who told me the temple was of God and led me to believe what went on there was true and lovely and beautiful. And that I was helping others progress eternally. But I wasn't.

I intentionally waited to officially resign before trying coffee, alcohol or otherwise identifying as not Mormon. I take my vows very seriously and even if some believe they’re arbitrary, I spent so much time making these promises that it only felt fair to remove myself formally from the contract out of respect for the time I spent believing it.