Are Mormons Christian?
That is a loaded question. When I left the church, I did a lot of research, and in my opinion, the church is Christian to an extent. They are Christian enough to receive tax breaks and prestige, but they are not fully Christian. The church claims to be Christian because they "believe in Christ," but other Christian branches will tell you that there is more to it. I would recommend doing research, starting with the Council of Nicaea.

No. Mormonism, LDS, TSCC, TCOJCOLDS, or whatever the title, is a fraudulent rip-off and perverted imposter of orthodox (small "o") Christian ideas, practice and history.
When viewed academically, Christianity is categorized as one of the three great Abrahamic mono-theistic religions. However, inside its veiled theology, that is not admitted to publicly, moronism certainly must be categorized as a polytheistic religion - a religion with multiple gods. Therefore, Mormonism does not even fit within the basic definition of an Abrahamic religion.
In its practice, morality and social structure, Mormonism holds to opposites of Christianity. Instead of grace and forgiveness, Mormonism offers a system of shame. Instead of freedom, Mormonism offers the chains of rules upon rules and ever changing rules that a necessary for CK entrance, some of which are actually emotionally and relationally harmful, and for which complete attainment is beyond any human. Instead of knowledge of irrevocable salvation, Mormonism offers only that one must always question if they have done enough and they might make a mis-step that will forever condemn themselves and their families to separation from the CK.

HAH! No!
I have done a lot of research on this topic because it was something I was very stubborn about while I was still a member.
The core belief that unites Christians is the knowledge that Jesus was God in the flesh come to die for us. If you do not believe Jesus is God, you do not believe in Jesus as the Bible reveals him, so you are therefore not a Christian.
You have to do a lot of misreading of the Bible to come to any conclusion besides the Trinity.
Moral is you can't carve off an entirely new God and claim you share the same religion as the people you stole that idea from.

Mormons actively teach and try to emulate their interpretation of Christ's teachings. Mormons teach from the bible, as well as their other standard works such as the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price. In recent years the general leadership of the church has placed a greater emphasis on Christ and a lesser influence on the unique aspects or core doctrines of Mormonism. However, like many other churches, Mormonism teaches their "flavor" of Christianity, and claims to have the most accurate interpretation of Christ's teachings. If interested in Jesus, I would recommend studying the teachings of Jesus and drawing your own conclusions rather than trust someone else (either locally or in Salt Lake City) to tell you what they mean.

If you're asking this question you're missing the point, imo.
Mormons nominally worship Christ. He's the figurehead their church is centered on when it's not Joseph or the living prophet. He's the deity figure everybody puts their faith on. From that point of view it's not very different from one of those televangelist megachurches that also claims to worship Jesus while hording wealth. Mormons don't follow most of the traditional Christian customs... except suddenly are more recently. I imagine in the coming decades mormons are going to look ever more like Christians. Politically they represent a bit of a wildcard in the voting block, so that's cool, but still skew hard right. Idk. Weird question.

I think some are, but i think most aren't sure how he fits in. I think they are taught that redemption is a someday thing and that instead of relying wholly on He who is mighty to save and believing they can and should have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ NOW! They rely on each other, and their own attempts at personal discipline. It's not about the covenant path or whatever they think that means. It's about Jesus who is the path who is the truth and who is the life. His yolk is easy and his burden is light.

I don't know. They can't pick a lane. At one point they're christian and the other they're the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints. A whole latter-day mouthful if you ask me.

They are a Christian Cult. Yes they believe in Jesus Christ, but their ideas are outside standard Christian beliefs, and exercise excessive control of members behavior, thoughts, emotions, and the information available to members.

The answer is simple.100% NO, it's impossible.
Mormonism is not Christian because it denies the basic and essential doctrines of the Christian faith such as the teaching that there is only one God, that God has always been God, and that forgiveness of sins is by faith alone.
Instead Mormonism teaches:
• God is an exalted man from another world and that people have the potential of becoming gods
• Christ is brother of Lucifer and us (since God the father created Christ and us)
• Christ is one of three Gods
Christianity teaches (according to the bible):
• There is only one God in all existence (Exodus 20:1-4; Isaiah 43:10; 44:6,8; 45:5; Psalms 90:2)
• Jesus is divine (John 1:1, 14; 8:24; Col. 2:9) and the creator of everything (including lucifer)
• Forgiveness of sin is by grace alone without works (Eph. 2:8-9; Rom. 3:28; 4:1-5)
• The gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus (1 Cor. 15:1-4)So again, nope, Mormons are NOT Christians. Their version of Christ is a totally different one, mormon Christ will not be able to save them (Matthew 7:22-23).

Some certainly are. However, mormonism (and the behavior of the so-called church) does not, in my opinion, reflect the values Jesus taught. It does not give up all that it has to support people with less. It does not love people unconditionally. It does not welcome and love people who disagree with it.

Yes and no. Many individual mormons are living good lives that mirror Christian discipleship. But the doctrine of the LDS church is outside the orthodox tradition of Christianity, and the differences are significant.

For me, this almost seems like an absurd question, now; like, “am I human?”. As if each version of religion claims “king of the hill” or “we have more truth than you”. Are Mormons Catholic? No. Are Mormons Baptists? No. But if Jesus were alive, today, he would likely find the entire effort to appropriate his teachings into an institutional framework laughable.

Yes, they are. Most are very Christ centered in their beliefs.

Yes, I think Mormons are Christian. They sincerely believe in Christ. They are baptized in Christs name. I just pray one day they can themselves come to find truth without these temples ordinances and open the temples to being just additional places of worship and gathering. Oh and ordain women too.

Well, they believe in Christ as the literal son of the Abrahamic God, that he took upon himself the sins of the world and that through him, humankind is saved. But Mormons believe that it is a combination of both works and grace that is required for salvation, that you have ordinances and required behavior that you must adhere to in order to partake of the grace of Christ (not a Biblical Scholar or expert in Christianity, but it is my understanding that there are some other smaller Christian denominations in other parts of the world that also believe that both works and grace are required for salvation). American mainstream Christians believe that it is grace alone that that is required, that as long as you accept Jesus Christ, then you will be saved, and that belief that works are also required is an abomination. So by the standards of mainstream American Christianity, no, Mormons are not Christians.

Yes, the Mormon church’s teachings are, and always have been, centered on the same Jesus Christ that we read about in the New Testament

This is hard. If you define a Christian as someone who (more or less) follows the teachings of Jesus, then yes. If you define it as someone who lives the teachings of Jesus, then no.

Depends who you ask.

Yes, as much as the average modern "Christian" religion is. Members teach about Christ and believe that he died for their sins. Most try to live the way he taught.

In so far as they believe in Jesus Christ. Individual members are. The Church itself? No.

In a way. The prophets/leaders get in the way of that. They say things like, " the first law of heaven is obedience" when Jesus taught that the great commandment was to love God and one's neighbor. Primary children chant "Follow the Prophet" and adults sing "Praise to the Man"

Yes, it's in the name.