Hi, I'm The Soul Fairy
I am an artist who longs for motherhood and enjoys making people feel pretty. I was mormon.

About me
I was raised in a faithful household with a lot of messaging surrounding my entire life. I didn't start questioning until I made Christian friends. Our conversations led to me wondering if I was in the true Church of the bible. I started praying and humbling myself. I left after a conversion experience and a rebirth as the spirit spoke through my friend's dad. Now I dedicate myself to helping others leave.
On my shelf
On the Mormon Spectrum
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
Polygamy, the shady history, the contradictions with the Bible, confusion about who was the target of my worship, never feeling the peace of the spirit... I could go on for hours.
Questions about Mormons My Answers to Questions about Mormonism
#Link to this answer of 'Are Mormons Christian?' by thesoulfairy Are Mormons Christian? See more answers about 'Are Mormons Christian?'
HAH! No!
I have done a lot of research on this topic because it was something I was very stubborn about while I was still a member.
The core belief that unites Christians is the knowledge that Jesus was God in the flesh come to die for us. If you do not believe Jesus is God, you do not believe in Jesus as the Bible reveals him, so you are therefore not a Christian.
You have to do a lot of misreading of the Bible to come to any conclusion besides the Trinity.
Moral is you can't carve off an entirely new God and claim you share the same religion as the people you stole that idea from.
#Link to this answer of 'Can you describe the type of faith you had prior to your loss of faith?' by thesoulfairy Can you describe the type of faith you had prior to your loss of faith? See more answers about 'Can you describe the type of faith you had prior to your loss of faith?'
I had stubborn pride in being unique. My religion was different and quirky and so radical, I felt like I was at this higher level of knowledge. I didn't even dare consider that I might be wrong until I realized I really want kids, and what I teach them I wanted to be sure it was true. So I did the unthinkable.
I humbled myself.
#Link to this answer of 'Do you believe the Book of Mormon is true?' by thesoulfairy Do you believe the Book of Mormon is true? See more answers about 'Do you believe the Book of Mormon is true?'
No. See the Expedition Bible Video on Bible Vs. Book of Mormon Archeology for why.
(Note: I did not watch this video until after I was already a Christian.)
#Link to this answer of 'Are you happy?' by thesoulfairy Are you happy? See more answers about 'Are you happy?'
The happiest I have ever been! Having lived 17 years constantly in and out of depression, having random panic attacks, and feeling completely responsible for fixing myself, then beating myself up every time I failed, I can say with complete confidence that having Jesus without all the extra add-ons is a better way to live.
#Link to this answer of 'Have you had any profound spiritual moments in your life?' by thesoulfairy Have you had any profound spiritual moments in your life? See more answers about 'Have you had any profound spiritual moments in your life?'
Yes. All during/after my conversion, or at a Christian friend's house.
The day I converted away I experienced the weirdest thing ever. A bit of context, I am ADHD and severely fidgety and emotional. So naturally it is hard to calm me down and get me to sit still and not shake. After the long conversation that ended in my conversion I was offered blessings from the two Christian men of the house. I accepted them. Everyone around me (at least the females) were all still sobbing by the end of it, but I was not. My tears were gone, my body was still. I felt like I was in the warmest, most amazing hug ever. That was when I received the spirit, almost a whole decade after my laying on of hands.
I've had several more like that one when I've been extremely down and prayed desperately.
The one from before my conversion I remember so clearly was the driving day. Me and my friends went shopping on a normal day and on the way back to their house I had a panic attack while I was driving. I managed to autopilot my way there, getting us there safely and finishing my panic attack in their front room. It was the longest one I have ever had, ten minutes or so. It didn't end until my friend sat down and prayed over me. It stopped as soon as she was done. Coincidence? I think NOT!