Merry Christmas

This annual Christmas message I usually sent to the local newspaper’s Letters column. Merry Christmas to all! Christmas is one of the happiest times of year. For most of us, Christmas brings back memories of Christmases past, the Christmases of our childhood, when joy reigned and wishes came true. The fragrance of fresh fir, the …

Joseph Smith and “The” “First” “Vision”

Was the first vision a “vision”? Was it the “first” one? Which one is “The” first vision? There are so many different accounts. The gospel topic essay mentions some of the main versions, but they also gloss over the differences and dismiss them all. The First Vision is a total misnomer and can be completely debunked with some simple reading and thinking. Something the church does not want members to do, they do everything they can to keep members from looking at the accounts. They first tried to hide them, and then they dismiss them by saying “we’ve always been honest and transparent about these accounts, and they all tell the same consistent story anyways, so don’t worry, trust us”.

Yesterday’s Anti-Mormon “Lies” Are Today’s Church Essays

What are the Church Essays? The church has quietly published some essays discussing some hard-to-reconcile issues. There are multiple topics in these essays, such as Multiple First Vision Accounts, Rock in a Hat Translation & Mormon Institutionalized Racism, a collection of essays about Polygamy referred to as Plural Marriage & even Heavenly Mother. Haven’t heard …

BYU honor code dress and grooming standards – Mormon Facial Hair

The church is famous for strongly pressuring members to follow a dress and grooming standards and whenever possible requiring it. They suggest that members follow the grooming standards but require every volunteer missionary who are paying their own way (or at least their parents are in many cases), every volunteer temple worker, and every student …


Shrinkage, shrinkageLooks like the Church is suffering shrinkageThey always bragged the Church had grown, but nowComplete statistics are never shown  Lying, hiding The Church’s numbers we aren’t buyingNow, if an apostle says that the Church has grownWe know an apostle who needs to atone  Count the apostatesThe declining birth ratesAnd the excommunicationsAdd them all togetherGrowth claims …

Abbreviated Mormons

What type of Mormon are youWhat do you call your brand If the name is too long-winded It will be written in shorthand  Mos. stood for MormonsUntil we were notifiedThe name was a trick of SatanThat Rusty Nelson rectified  Ortho-Mos. are orthodox Mormons They believe what the prophets have saidAnd when the prophets do conflict They abandon the ones …

Mormonism Makes Liars of Us All

Mormonism makes liars of us all. It starts when we are oh so very small. Nothing is more phony, Than a young child’s testimony. Repeating whispers in his ear, From a proud parent standing near, “I know the Church is true And the Prophet must be too.” Though the congregation may be enthralled, Mormonism makes liars of us all.  Mormonism makes liars of us …

What happened to

Do you remember the website? Members were pestered relentlessly to create a profile online to share their testimony and answer gospel questions. Everyone was encouraged to share their personal url on social media too! Here are some example profiles: Some profiles even backfired and brave disaffected members posted what they actually thought until the …

If Joseph Smith was a deceiver, who willfully attempted to mislead the people, then he should be exposed – but leave the church alone won’t you?

In response to those who wonder why mormons who leave the church and then speak out against it and echo the phrase: “You can leave the church, but you can’t leave it alone.” Glenn L. Pace, Follow the Prophet, General Conference, April 1989 As mormons, we have been taught to share truth. That desire and …

It gets better

A faith crisis may be hard, but it does get better – like wading past the crashing waves. We struggle with many difficulties navigating a mormon faith crisis. It is quite tumultuous, as the phrase ‘crisis’ implies. We often hear the advice that “it gets better” – which is helpful, but it does take time. …