LDS Church Growth Declining

While the church continues to grow, the number of baptisms has been declining. Here are some charts created from the publicly available membership records. LDS Church Membership in Millions. Just over 13 millions in 2007 and up to 16.5 million in 2020. Looks like growth, but let’s look at the actual growth. LDS Church Missionary …

Doubt your Doubts?

The church struggles to understand the exmormon community. That is, if they even have the intention of understanding. They are quick to vilify and dismiss those who have chosen to leave. Church leaders have even resorted to calling exmormons names. They try to control the narrative about those who leave. They try to “tell our …

Is there a Purpose?

Must there be a purpose to have a meaningful life? Some of us find purpose and meaning in a faith transition after navigating groundlessness of a faith crisis and stages of grief. Others still debate whether this purpose is objective or subjective to each of us. Can we have different purposes? Is there one universally …

What happened to

Do you remember the website? Members were pestered relentlessly to create a profile online to share their testimony and answer gospel questions. Everyone was encouraged to share their personal url on social media too! Here are some example profiles: Some profiles even backfired and brave disaffected members posted what they actually thought until the …

The Tithing … Ellipsis

Punctuation Lesson An ellipsis (…) is used to omit unnecessary detail from a quote. It usually indicates an intentional omission of a word, sentence, or whole section from a text without altering its original meaning. (It also functions to indicate that the speaker has trailed off and left a sentence or thought unfinished. Like here… …

Site update

Just two months since launching the website and there are now nearly 30 profiles telling their story! Amazing to give voice to so many and as we each share our story, collectively they are stronger. The site itself has had a lot of new functionality and updates as well, here is a quick list of …

Find Your Own General Conference Voice

It’s General Conference weekend. Time to listen to the church authorities share their messages #ldsconf #generalconference Do you want a voice too? Share your story on #nofilter

Tell Your Story

This site enables anyone who desires to share their story. We each have a right to tell our own story and there is so much compassion and understanding to be learned in the reading and sharing of these stories. Each story can help faithful mormons understand their friends and family who have left, while also …