Have you had any profound spiritual moments in your life?
Yes, both inside and outside of the church, but the more powerful and influential experiences have been from outside. Being a witch is my flavor of spirituality. Without the limitations of the church, my spiritual experiences are more profound and have helped me heal and become a better person.

Yes, but none of them were when I was Mormon.

Yes. All during/after my conversion, or at a Christian friend's house.
The day I converted away I experienced the weirdest thing ever. A bit of context, I am ADHD and severely fidgety and emotional. So naturally it is hard to calm me down and get me to sit still and not shake. After the long conversation that ended in my conversion I was offered blessings from the two Christian men of the house. I accepted them. Everyone around me (at least the females) were all still sobbing by the end of it, but I was not. My tears were gone, my body was still. I felt like I was in the warmest, most amazing hug ever. That was when I received the spirit, almost a whole decade after my laying on of hands.
I've had several more like that one when I've been extremely down and prayed desperately.
The one from before my conversion I remember so clearly was the driving day. Me and my friends went shopping on a normal day and on the way back to their house I had a panic attack while I was driving. I managed to autopilot my way there, getting us there safely and finishing my panic attack in their front room. It was the longest one I have ever had, ten minutes or so. It didn't end until my friend sat down and prayed over me. It stopped as soon as she was done. Coincidence? I think NOT!

I once had an intensely personal moment where I received "Personal revelation" that I had been Lucifer's friend in the mormon pre-existance, and that I had essentially chosen God over my best friend. The intense feelings I felt in the moment, I know recognize as mood swings. Nonetheless, I am now very much Lucifer's friend, my inner circles are comprised of many pagans and satanists.

Oh, that feels like a rare, unpopular thing for ex-mormons, but I fully accept that I had spiritual moments in my life. I'm happily agnostic/humanist at this time. But I have experienced things I cannot explain in any other way than some greater consciousness outside of my own.
I am someone who has had visions - I saw my son's eyes, and felt his presence several times before I was even pregnant with him. I served a mission, and had multiple experiences of praying over streets, praying over people, and trying to find answers or directions of where to go or what to do. I FOUND people. I found people at the ends of their ropes who just needed a "sign." I even felt a dark "discouraging" spirit at one point.
Unrelated to Mormonism, I've had experiences with ghosts, etc.
Now that I'm not Mormon, I don't need answers for what causes these things, and why. I'm happy not knowing, and just receiving those things when they come.

I feel far more "spirit" in nature, in man-made art, and in amazing food than I ever once felt sitting in a pew at church.

One time I swear I had a dream about God. Now I think my brain was just trying to clump together an answer I didn't have.

Yes. I had what I might describe as mystical experiences before joining the LDS Church, and I experienced what I interpreted to be mystical and spiritual experiences during my long LDS tenure; and I continue to have a spiritual dimension in my life now; in that way, nothing has changed except the manner in which I interpret these experiences. What I have learned is that spirituality is ultimately an individual experience, and we should never give our spiritual identity away to a rigid orthodoxy; life requires flexibility and continued openness.

It's hard for me to say because I don't believe in spirits or souls, or anything supernatural. But I have had, and continue to have, many profound moments in my life. Moments where I feel connected to something bigger than myself. Moments where I am in awe of the enormosity of the universe. I am amazed at all humans have accomplished, and continue to accomplish in spite of great odds.
For lack of a better word, my soul is rich with these moments.

I've had deep spiritual experiences my whole life. I've always felt the love of the Divine strongly, and if anything that's gotten stronger since I left the church. My name, Anja, was given to me by Spirit after I'd realized I was trans and was starting my transition - it means "grace".

Many, more now since I found my enlightenment.

I have had many profound "spiritual" experiences in my life (though I would call them something different now). I do not discount any of those even though I no longer subscribe to the church and its teachings. One experience in particular was when my husband and I went through the temple for our sealing. Our daughter was about 5 months old at the time. At that age, she was incredibly clingy and never did well with other people, constantly crying and unhappy unless I was caring for her. When we went through the temple, we had to leave her in the temple nursery. She was dressed and brought into the sealing room when it came time for that event. When they brought her into the room, it was the most amazing feeling. She was in their arms and had a huge smile on her face when she saw us. She was not fussy or anxious, but seemed calm and content. As we went through the sealing, she sat on the altar and just held our hands until it was complete. It was a wonderful experience and I will always hold it near to my heart.

Yes I have, both in and out of the church. One of the biggest spiritual experience I've ever had was when I was in college, before I had met my then husband. I was in my "rebellious" phase. I was just trying to experience everything I was forbidden to try when I was in my parents house. One night I had a very vivid dream. I still remember it and how I felt. The dream went as followed; I was sitting in a generic celestial room while I was going through my endowments for the first time. There was a group of people on the other side of the room that were being loud and obnoxious. I turned to my left and Jesus was sitting next to me and I asked him "why are you allowing these people in here when it's suppose to be my special day. Why aren't you stopping them?" He turned to me and said "my child, you do the same thing in my temples when you come in and you aren't worthy. Your spirit is creating loud noises for other. You need to stop what you're doing."
It felt real. Very real. I felt overwhelmed with the spirit while I was talking to Jesus. I felt like I touched him. I heard the people talking. I still feel like it was real today.

Yes several. On my mission I experienced an undeniable "stupor of thought" while trying to teach someone. Our lesson plan that night had been on the word of wisdom, but when we tried to teach it the words literally would not come. It was like something came over us and physically stopped the words from forming. My companion and I turned to each other and then started just talking with the woman about God's love.
There was another where I was in the celestial room in the temple and really wanted a spiritual experience. This was while I was in the MTC about to leave for the mission field. Again, it was like a presence guided me to thoughts of God's love and a realisation that I didn't need to see or hear anything dramatic to know what was important.