I'm Bruce.
I was excommunicated over a single Facebook post.

About me
Sixth generation Mormon. Pioneer stock. Descendant of Oliver Boardman Huntington of Moon Inhabitants fame (Mom's side of the family). My 3rd great grandfather Holt settled in southwestern Utah at the opposite (northern) end of a canyon from Jacob Hamblin.
On my shelf
On the Mormon Spectrum
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
In 2013 I was the First Assistant to the High Priest Group Leader and I oversaw "group education". The course of study for the year was "The D&C and Church History". I decided to enhance my knowledge of Church history by embarking on an ambitious reading project. I read, in 14 months, beginning in January:
The Standard Works (twice)
The History of the Church (7 volumes)
A Comprehensive History of the Church (6 volumes)
The History of Joseph Smith By His Mother
The Journal of Discourses (26 volumes)
Mind blown. Testimony shattered.
Spoke with wife. Then Bishop. Then received a visit from my Stake President accompanied by the local Area 70 in my home. The Church Authorities had no answers.
2016 rolls around and I make a Facebook post. Somehow word made it to the Stake President and he has my Bishop call me in and ask that I take down my post. I declined. I am called into the Stake President for a visit and he asked me directly to take down the post. I declined. A week later my Disciplinary Council is held and I was excommunicated.
Over a Facebook post. Rather petty, wasn't it? But the Church needs to protect its good name, right?
Questions about Mormons My Answers to Questions about Mormonism
#Link to this answer of 'Do you consider yourself a Christian?' by Bruce Do you consider yourself a Christian? See more answers about 'Do you consider yourself a Christian?'
Nope. Atheist. Religions are leftovers from humanity's infancy. Myths, nothing more.
#Link to this answer of 'What was the response from your family when you left?' by Bruce What was the response from your family when you left? See more answers about 'What was the response from your family when you left?'
They "still" love me. I despise that phrase. It implies I've done something wrong. "We love you in spite of that horrible thing you did to leave the tribe."
#Link to this answer of 'Do you hang out with other ex-Mormons?' by Bruce Do you hang out with other ex-Mormons? See more answers about 'Do you hang out with other ex-Mormons?'
I welcome social interactions from anyone. Living in northern Colorado doesn't lend itself to much exMormon interaction because it's not in the "Moridor". With the bulk of family members living in the Moridor, I do have occasion to visit but certainly not very often. I'd love to meet with exMo groups on any such visit, if possible.
#Link to this answer of 'Any suggestions about how to deal with my still-Mormon family?' by Bruce Any suggestions about how to deal with my still-Mormon family? See more answers about 'Any suggestions about how to deal with my still-Mormon family?'
Love them. Let them see how content and happy you are. Plant seeds for critical thought.