Hi, I'm Alex.
I enjoy playing guitar, writing music, and hanging out with my friends. I was a mormon.

About me
Born in a very active family, dad's in the bishopric, mom's the YW president. Parents can trace their membership to the earliest days of the church, whole extended family is in the church. Started doubting at 15, and it all went uphill from there.
On my shelf
On the Mormon Spectrum
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
I read the CES letter and many of those questions were similar to my own, I began to realize that there was no proof for the book of Mormon, and no proof that Joseph Smith was ever anything more than just a man. Eventually I realized the church was entirely wrong, and brainwashes/manipulates members into believing otherwise.
Questions about Mormons My Answers to Questions about Mormonism
#Link to this answer of 'Has your struggle improved since you left?' by Alex Has your struggle improved since you left? See more answers about 'Has your struggle improved since you left?'
The church has always made me feel extremely anxious and paranoid, but now that I've realized it's a scam, I've began to recover from these feelings. The church taught me to suppress who I am, but now I'm learning to really love myself. So yes, leaving the church has greatly improved my struggle.
#Link to this answer of 'What broke your shelf?' by Alex What broke your shelf? See more answers about 'What broke your shelf?'
For me, it was the evidence (or rather lack of evidence) of the book of Mormon. It tells of giant civilizations in pre-columbian america, that had massive cities and metal tools. However, not a single bit of evidence has ever been found to support this, even though there are records of different, much older civilizations, in places like England and the middle East.