Drinking coffee is like saying I reject the church. That is a thought I have daily as I drink my morning coffee. It’s cathartic, therapeutic, and energizing. Drinking coffee is an open act of rebellion. Mormons are not permitted to drink coffee. It is against the word of wisdom. The word of wisdom forbids drinking …
Bruce Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Bruce recollects his testimony was shattered by enhancing his knowledge of church history. He works to reconcile his wife and local leaders as well as an area authority but finds no satisfactory answers. Years later, he is reprimanded for a facebook post calling Joseph Smith a fraud as his local leaders pressure him to recant. …
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Joshua Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Joshua found that the mormon church didn’t actually behave very Christ-like. He suffered months of cognitive dissonance trying to reconcile correlated church history and factual church history. Finally had enough and to resolve the dissonance, had to conclude the church was not the place for him. I’m a family man, a nerd, a technology evangelist, …
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Brandon Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Brandon saw the lack of social justice in the church as inexcusable. When the November policy of exclusion was leaked, he had to stand with his conscience and leave. He even hopes he would have done the same for his black brothers and sisters before the priesthood ban was lifted. “I served a mission and …
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Lindsay Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Mormon church leaders council that research is not the answer, but that stance only works for so long. Once the floodgates of true information open, there’s no turning back. Lindsay found that once she had the information, the only conclusion that makes any sense. She has this poignant epiphany that the church simply isn’t true. …
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Michael Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
The critical thinking skills that flourish in logic and science must be ignored in Mormonism. Once Michael applied the same critical thinking, his belief in the church couldn’t hold water. “I’ve always been a fan of logic, science, and critical thinking. I just finally got around to applying logic and reason to matters of faith …
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Zac Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
In his quest to find himself, Zac realized he was done living for everyone else’s comfort. He really began to find himself and face his own sexuality. Finding the CES letter helped him open his eyes and see that he’d been conditioned his whole life and never allowed himself to think his own thoughts! “I …
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Gretchen Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Gretchen spells out the insanity in what Joseph Smith did and got away with for a number of years. It does not compute that a prophet of God would do this, or that a good God would command a prophet to do this. Also, that we can’t talk about these problems or think critically about …
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Plonx Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
The CES Letter reaches far and wide and everywhere it unwinds the lies the church tells. Plonx from the Philippines deconstructed his faith and found more happiness after leaving the mormon church. “I started searching about the mormon church. I learned about the CES Letter, the salamander letter, the case of Mark Hoffman, the Book …
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Denise Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
The CES Letter exposes many of the church’s coverups and helps readers see through the correlated bologna. Denise accidentally found the CES letter but didn’t accidentally leave the church. “I stumbled on the Post Mormon facebook pages, learned about the CES letter, and all of the lies of the church. I resigned my membership in …
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Mark Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
The Gospel Topic Essays are damaging to testimonies in that they skirt around issues that we’ve always been taught to ignore. To be authentic the only route was for Mark to leave the church. “I discovered the Gospel Topic Essays on the church website. They aren’t easy to find, and I found the content to …
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Michele Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Learning and better understanding how mormon polygamy started was the end for Michele in the church. Polygamy could not come from a loving God. “This all started with a search on polygamy. After becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the sorry state of families I see in polygamy in my workplace, I had to know about the …
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Laura Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Laura enjoys finding and living the truth and moves forward in peace. This is why she left. We can’t both live truth and be mormon. It doesn’t work. “I enjoy singing, being outside, my beautiful husband and family, finding and living truth, and moving forward in peace. I was a mormon. I am finally free.” …
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Francis Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
The mormon church has hidden the truth and misrepresented church leaders like Joseph Smith while also pressuring members to promise allegiances to the church in the temple. Francis saw leaving the church as a repentant course correction towards a more authentic life! “Throughout the half century of my church membership, officers of the Corporation of …
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Barton Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Barton found the discrepancies in the church’s version of things and in reality after reading the CES letter and all things church history. The church is more interested in protecting its own interests than in teaching truth or being truthful. “I stumbled upon the CES letter and “letter for my wife” by accident. Once I …
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Rebecca Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
The church was more a corporate business than a church for Rebecca. The church teachings did not reflect God or Love, rather they were shallow and manipulative. “I have come to realize so much about the construct of the Church and how it was designed for misery and compliance- it was designed as a business, …
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Debbie Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Debbie could no longer teach her primary children as well as her own children the things that she herself did not believe. She refused to be a part of the mormon brain-washing culture. “I found myself correcting my child’s church lessons to what I wanted her to learn. I.e. you are not chewed gum or …
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Alan Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Alan found it impossible to reconcile the truth and science with the church and all the anti-truth he found there. “I was born and raised in the church. I was taught from a young age to value truth over all other considerations. Truth was more important than feelings, authority, or friends. As I grew up …
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Austin Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
As a member of the church and also a gay person, the November policy of exclusion in 2015 was the last straw for Austin. “I had my name removed from the records in 2015 when the Policy of Exclusion was leaked. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. By that point, I had …
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Jim Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Jim methodically studies each truth claim of the church and found them all lacking. Each pillar truth claim the church makes is demonstrably false. The church keeps proclaiming these “truths”, in effect pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes. He was then able to write a whole series of books detailing many of his findings! “Day …
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Autumn Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Autumn struggled with the church’s policy of exclusion in 2015 when considering her newly out brother. She could not reconcile denying companionship to so many others. “My older brother came out to me as gay on my 19th birthday. Just a month later, the Church’s Policy of Exclusion, or the November Policy, was publicly revealed. …
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Brandon Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Brandon dug into church history to help a friend resolve concerns and ended up finding concerns of his own. He was disheartened not that no one had answers, but the marginalization he found in even asking the questions! “I had a close friend leave the church and I decided to learn more about my own …
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Sydney Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Sydney found the CES letter both devastating and relieving. She followed up with her most sincere prayer ever but received no answer. There’s only one conclusion at that point. “I did my research, from sources inside the church and out. The breaking point, as I’m sure it was for many, was the CES letter. I …
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Ella Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Ella bravely considered the scary question. “What if the church isn’t true?” In the end, everything makes more sense once we consider that conclusion. “I finally had the thought; What if it isn’t true? I’d read the gospel topics essays when they came out. I’d served a mission. I’d seen miracles and felt the gift …
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Jordan Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Jordan found happiness in authenticity, even though it meant leaving the mormon church behind. “It never felt congruent with who I knew I was internally. It felt inauthentic to my internal reality.” “I have never been as happy as I am now that I am allowed to be the person that I always knew I …
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Jude Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Jude found the absurdity when BYU instructors ridiculed him for now fully grasping mormon theology and dove in deep. “when I went to BYUI for my sophomore year of college, I got CALLED OUT by my accounting professor who spent like 80% of our accounting class preaching. How dare I not know the answers to …
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Jim Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Jim isn’t the only profile to mention the “Dark night of the soul” experienced during a faith crisis. He shows resilience in growing through it while also admitting that it does take some time. “To have been forced into a “Dark night of the soul” was, at first, devastating. But it did teach me to …
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Katie Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Katie cuts to the chase with the simple acknowledgment that mormon culture is toxic. It’s not worth staying, she doesn’t even have to consider the other reasons. “Why I left: The culture is toxic.” Continue reading the full wasmormon profile at https://wasmormon.org/profile/ktsheets/ Find on social media:
Robbie Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Robbie feels abandoned by God when leaders promise blessings and nothing happens. His only relief is found in accepting that there are only men playing god. “I looked at my watch — they had started my disciplinary council at 7pm and it was now midnight. I went home to a cold dark house. Despite my …
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Nate Was a Mormon, an Exmormon Profile Spotlight
Nate has two issues and could potentially forgive the first (the church being fictional) if not for the second issue of the church just didn’t work for him. It is fiction and it also doesn’t work. “Besides it being completely fictional, the church just did not work for me.” Continue reading the full wasmormon profile …
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