Hi, I’m Heather
I was a mormon.

Questions about Mormons My Answers to Questions about Mormonism
#Link to this answer of 'Do you consider yourself a Christian?' by Heather Borean Do you consider yourself a Christian? See more answers about 'Do you consider yourself a Christian?'
No, I no longer believe in any supreme being. If anything I believe that the Universe is sentient, and we are a part of the universe made manifest, trying to understand itself. When we die, we come another aspect of the universe.
I day to day life I am a humanist.
#Link to this answer of 'Are Mormons Christian?' by Heather Borean Are Mormons Christian? See more answers about 'Are Mormons Christian?'
In so far as they believe in Jesus Christ. Individual members are. The Church itself? No.
#Link to this answer of 'Does the Mormon church protect sexual predators?' by Heather Borean Does the Mormon church protect sexual predators? See more answers about 'Does the Mormon church protect sexual predators?'
More to come.
#Link to this answer of 'Are you lazy? Is that why you left?' by Heather Borean Are you lazy? Is that why you left? See more answers about 'Are you lazy? Is that why you left?'
#Link to this answer of 'Did you want to sin? Is that why you left?' by Heather Borean Did you want to sin? Is that why you left? See more answers about 'Did you want to sin? Is that why you left?'
#Link to this answer of 'Does the church encourage leader worship?' by Heather Borean Does the church encourage leader worship? See more answers about 'Does the church encourage leader worship?'
Yes. That was part of my problem.
#Link to this answer of 'How did you come to be Mormon? Were you raised in the church?' by Heather Borean How did you come to be Mormon? Were you raised in the church? See more answers about 'How did you come to be Mormon? Were you raised in the church?'
My Parents were baptized when I was just over a year old. i am now 60. So I was essentially raised in the church. We lived in England from 1961 to 1973. My parents were very strict.
#Link to this answer of 'How do you now explain the spiritual experiences that you had as an Orthodox Mormon?' by Heather Borean How do you now explain the spiritual experiences that you had as an Orthodox Mormon? See more answers about 'How do you now explain the spiritual experiences that you had as an Orthodox Mormon?'
I never had any that were real while I was alone, not that were positive any way.
#Link to this answer of 'How did you lose your faith in Mormonism (or Orthodox Mormonism)?' by Heather Borean How did you lose your faith in Mormonism (or Orthodox Mormonism)? See more answers about 'How did you lose your faith in Mormonism (or Orthodox Mormonism)?'
Prop 8 even though I live in Canada became a big deal for me. Canada had leagalized Gay marriage in 2008. Now I will admit that at this point my attendance was a little spotty. We had moved to a new ward a few years previously and my two oldest said, no more church for me. They went when my parents visited but they were out. My Daughter kept going. I didn’t know about the bullying she was getting in YW. All I saw was an increasing unwillingness to attend church or mutual. Once she was in high school she made some new friends, she invited them to church she tried, she we t to steak events, I even drove. Crumbs she over came her fear of water to do baptisms for the dead. Ok, that was back in our old ward, my Mom and Dad were the baptistery workers, but she tried. Eventually she came to me and said. The church is garbage. I’m not going anymore. My husband meanwhile is having significant leg pain, he travels for work, and people hardly see him. I try to keep going alone, but it’s hard. Crowds are hard for me, but I still did what I needed to do I believed. Then Prop 8 happened. And it struck me like never before that here was the church once again, telling, or trying to tell non- members how to live. And of course it’s Monson, I live in that mission. I went to seminary with Ballards kids. It just didn’t seem right. So I started asking other people. The answers I got. I will not remunerate them here, but there were some dillies. I pointed out that by forcing someone to do something, was taking away their agency. Oh, no, why? Because the profit is the profit for the whole world. And some things are SO important that it’s ok to take away someone’s agency. My Bishop suggested I pray about it. And so I did. It took a long time. I didn’t want to hurt my Mom. But then they started pushing the family proclamation. And I stated remembering all times I was told not to ask questions. Then my Brother came out of the closet, that was the final straw. My Mom died in March. I’m still waiting to put my take me out of this mad house papers in. Because well, I will, just not yet.
Once you look with clear eyes, it’s all garbage.