Mormonism makes liars of us all.
It starts when we are oh so very small.
Nothing is more phony,
Than a young child’s testimony.
Repeating whispers in his ear,
From a proud parent standing near,
“I know the Church is true
And the Prophet must be too.”
Though the congregation may be enthralled,
Mormonism makes liars of us all.
Mormonism makes liars of us all,
Even as we continue to grow tall.
In classes we are taught,
That questioning is fraught,
With a sharp reproach,
If certain topics we dare broach.
Friends and family we deceive,
Feigning that we believe.
‘Cause honesty leads to our downfall.
Mormonism makes liars of us all.
Mormonism makes liars of us all.
In adolescence, sexuality first calls.
We are taught we must transform,
To mimic the accepted norm.
We live in constant dread,
Of impure thoughts inside our head.
In the Bishop’s Interview,
We learn to be untrue,
So public shaming, we can forestall.
Mormonism makes liars of us all.
Mormonism makes liars of us all.
On our mission we have unmitigated gall1.
Despite our ignorant youth,
We declare we know the truth,
Of things we’ve not researched,
Spouting propaganda from the Church.
And should we harbor doubt,
We dare not let it out,
Or to home, we may be recalled.
Mormonism makes liars of us all.
Mormonism makes liars of us all,
In each calling in which we are installed.
We’ve been told throughout our life,
That prayer and fasting remove strife.
Any short-coming we perceive,
Is our own fault, we believe.
Our doubts, we always hide,
And bury them deep inside.
We must never let our happy façades fall.
Mormonism makes liars of us all.
Mormonism makes liars of us all,
If we remain members for the long haul.
Never think for yourself;
That might break your shelf.
And always look away
So, in the Church you can stay
Perhaps we’ll know when covered by a pall2
Mormonism made liars of us all.
1Gall is brazenly bold or imprudent behavior.
2Pall is a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse or tomb.
Poem by P. Luke Firestoker